ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External Swf File/movieclip Onto The Main Stage?
Jan 7, 2009
I am loading an external swf file/movieclip onto the main stage - it is a simple transition and once it has finished playing, I want to jump to a frame in the main stage.I've loaded the movieclip onto the stage, but don't know how to jump to another frame after it has played and stopped...what's needs to be added to this to goto a frame on the main stage........
on (release) {
loadMovie("black.swf", holder);
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Sep 3, 2010
I m loading an external swf file on main stage which has some links, I want if I click on any of these links the timeline of the main stage should chenge.
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Jan 17, 2012
I Have a flashmovie thats almost done and will soon hit the internet, but I want to add some animations into the website it�s two gears that I�m about to put at the bottom of the page and when a button releases in the main flashmovie the two bottom gears will turn a few frames and just stand still.These three movies are all separate (main movie, first gear and second gear).
It's a homepage designed in HTML and flash that has this "main flashmovie" in the middle of the screen, the size is about 1500(width)X800(height). And the gears is about 800wX200h placed at the left and right side bottom of the page. Dont worry the site is easy to apply to any screen resolution.I have been looking everywhere for any soul out there who suffering from the same problem but no success. Is it possible to script a button in the main movie to launch two separate movies in their own contents?
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Feb 4, 2009
I'm new to AS3, and am having issues loading external swf files so that they appear on top of entities on the main stage. My main stage is an interface, and as buttons are pressed, external swf files are loaded. Some parts of the external swf files are meant to display over the interface, but they are under it.
Here's my code:
var _dummy1:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("external.swf");
Button47.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,bClick3 );
function bClick3(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Feb 12, 2010
The problem is this: I am loading 4 external SWFs into an empty MC on the main stage for each of the 4 projects.So you press a button on the main stage for a project, and it loads that specific SWF.These SWFs contain an opening text for each project, a button to "continue" to the gallery, then the text fades out and the gallery loads.That's all within the SWF itself.The SWFs work fine on their own, but the problem is that when I load the SWFs into the empty MC on the main stage, the "continue" button doesn't work correctly The SWFs load fine, it's just the button At first when I pressed the button it would send my main stage back to the first frame, so I thought it was because the AS for the button in the SWF was probably conflicting with the main stage and confusing it. I went back into the SWFs and tagged part of the SWF timeline with the name "togallery" so that when you click the "continue" button, in theory, Flash knows specifically where to go within the timeline of the SWF and not the timeline of the main stage.
That hasn't worked either. The button just doesn't work at all now, at least not when the SWF has been loaded onto the main stage. Again, it works fine on its own. So what can I do? How can I get a button within an external SWF to reference only it's own timeline and not that of the main stage?
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Nov 10, 2010
My main swf is 960x600 and loads full screen. it is a projector or swf, local. I have the code on frame 1 to ensure full screen and show all:
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL;
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
Then I load an external swf into a mc, and it goes full screen as expected. BUT the main swf that loaded that external one, at the time of load, suddenly gets scaled back down to its normal size: 960x600, on the top left corner of the Player Window (or the full screen), so somehow at 0,0. Whn I unload the external swf, I can put the code stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.SHOW_ALL; to get it back to where it was. But unfortunately I have some buttons from the Main swf that are supposed to be on top of the loaded one, and should stay where they are. But now they all move because of this scaling down.
the mc that is being used as a container for the loaded external swf is an empty mc located at 0,0. The external swf has the same size as the main one: 960x600
I searched and tried things but could not get it to stay in show-all mode when loading this external swf...
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Jan 16, 2004
i am extreemly new to flash / website design ( i made my first site 6 months ago ) i am very interested in making a good looking flash site. I have made a simple flash site before using dynamic text loading it form .txt documents. too bad the site is realy lame and i want to make a better one. here is the url to my site here This came about throught the useage of tutorials on this site. i am using flash MX version 6 now i am in the process of making a new site for my profile which will be totaly flash, using flash movies getting imported into a main site under a certain is how it is set up.
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Aug 27, 2011
I'm importing a cool external photo gallery .swf; however I can't figure out the stage settings. I created an empty movie clip and added the import script in there. Works good and can align clip where I want, but the .swf file is not appearing as a 550px X 413px contained .swf. It stretches to fit the main stage.
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Aug 13, 2011
I am loading a swf named ball.swf in the main.fla. the swf is loading but not playing the next frame that i want.[code]
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Oct 6, 2009
I have searched the archives here, but cant get a clean answer on this.I am loading an external SWF sucessfully, but I need to manipulate a MovieClip instance within that external SWF from the main file.
var slide1Loader:Loader = new Loader();
var image1:URLRequest=new URLRequest("slides/1.swf");
That is the successful code to bring it in - but now I need to be able to use a movieclip within it called COPYMC
View 4 Replies
Oct 18, 2010
I am trying to load an external .swf (actually it is only an image that I published as a swf file, not a complicated movie) but I get errors. I am trying to load the .swf into a movieclip and the movieclip appears on the stage. I have put the code in frame 1 where the image should appear (in the movieclip). The code that I used is below and works fine with a .jpg and when I load it directly on the stage, that is to say, when I put the code in a frame on the stage. Why does it not 'work' right now?
I have added 'parent' in ' = 200;' in the first frame of the movieclip timeline, to make sure that it will appear on the (main)stage. The error that i get is this one:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at galerie2010_fla::mcBallon1_11/frame1()
This is the code in frame 1 in mcBallon1:
var imageRequest1a:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/SWFoverig/ballon1_702x368.swf");
var imageLoader1a:Loader = new Loader();
imageLoader1a.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete1a);
function onComplete1a(event:Event):void{ = 200; = 205;}
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Jul 24, 2006
I am loading an external .swf file onto my stage. This is the script I am using:
It loads everything great, but it lags so bad when it plays!!! Am I loading everything prperly? The external .swf file is just under 200 kb, but that should be ok, right? there is a way to prevent lagging. maybe a way to ask for more ram from the computer?
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Jan 15, 2005
i have 20 buttons, and i want to design an external file that holds the coordinates for each named button.
how would i go about this, since the external file would be read as a string by flash?
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Jan 15, 2005
i have 20 buttons, and i want to design an external file that holds the coordinates for each named would i go about this, since the external file would be read as a string by flash?
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Apr 15, 2012
I want to load my external SWF file using the following code in "Panel4_mc" instead of on stage. How can I do it" function btnClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Jun 27, 2009
I am working on a website, its a project, I built custom buttons and used there own AS3 to make them play on hover. There is one problem thou, in my main scene or timeline I created this function:
about_but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
var aboutURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("about.swf");
contact_but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
var contactURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("contact.swf");
cat_but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
var galleryURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("catalogue.swf");
port_but.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(){
var portURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("port.swf");
Ok but it had the navigatetoURL function but I took it out. Reason is because I want these buttons to load in a movieclip (mc_loader) as external swf files. I am not sure as is to linking these buttons to the loader movieclip.
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Nov 21, 2010
I've been searching around all afternoon, and am pulling my hair out. 1) I have a movieclip instance on stage (simple graphical element that represents platforms for a hero to run and jump along). I have placed it on the stage with an external class and in this class it is called myPlatform and is an object of The movieClip is called platforms and from a trace( the instance name is instance3.
2) I am attempting to access the properties of myPlatform in an Enterframe event loop in my character control and collision class (called
Basically here is the bit of code I am trying implement within :
This all worked when I was writing actionscipt within the FLA file, on the timeline frame 1. I simply don't know how to access myPlatform from within the external class! Do I need to create a variable? Is there a really easy way to do this with some syntax/command that I have not learned yet?
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Nov 13, 2009
I am trying to import a SWF file into a custom loader and then treat the loaded SWF file as a MovieClip object. The code for the functionality can be seen below.
public function loadMyMovie(movie:String)
var now:Date = new Date();
var rnd:String = "?randomize=" + now.time;
When I do this I get the following error.
"Implicit coercion of a value with static type flash.display:DisplayObject to a possibly unrelated type flash.display:MovieClip."
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May 4, 2011
I have created a main "site.swf" file that loads a "default.swf" file into a container after a preloader. On this default.swf file I have buttons that needs to load new external SWF files in its place in the container. All of the external SWFs contain buttons and navigations that will also call up other external SWFs into this container. So, I would like to know how to program each button (some are movieclips as buttons) to unload itself and load the respective SWF into the container (eg. AboutUsButton to call up aboutus.swf into the container). I do not have a main navigation on the site.swf file bacause the navigation changes on each SWF that needs to be loaded into the container.
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Sep 12, 2009
I can't seem to remove / unload the external swf files e.g when the carousel.swf (portfolio) is displayed and I press the about button the about content is overlapping the carousel (portfolio) . How can I remove / unload an external swf file from the main flash file and load a new swf file, while at the same time removing garbage collection from memory?
View 15 Replies
Aug 3, 2003
using the command:
loadMovie(_root.section, _root.content);how would i work in a preloader bar?? add one to the file that is loaded into the main movie or on my main movie that is loading the file?
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May 26, 2010
Im making a movie with a menu that loads movie clips according to which menu is selected simple enough. However, the newly loaded movie clip also needs to allow the user to load another movie into the main movie effectively swapping the first movie clip with the second. This needs to be done without using the main menu.
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Jan 6, 2011
Got a really big problem here. I keep on getting "NetConnection.Connect.Failed" when I load a .asc file on my main.asc file, i use the method load() in my code. I really don't understand why this happens, but when i comment out the code that loads the asc file, I can successfully connect to fms. I can't figure out what's happening here. Btw, i'm using fms4 in windows 7 32bit.
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Jul 7, 2009
I'm loading an external SWF to a main SWF. The external SWF is a dynamic video gallery. When I test my movie, I click to load my external SWF. It load ok and functions perfect. Then if I click on a back button to return to my inicial view, I have I get an error that says:Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed.It's funny because I already used the same code in another project and this problem never came up.The code on my main SWF is:[code]
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May 15, 2011
I am dispatching two different events showbutton and removebutton from the code inside the LOADED SWF.on main file, (the one that is loading the swf file) i m listening for events and either showing or removing the buttons based on proper scenario. Here is he error i m getting.
ERROR 1180 Call to a possibly undefined Method Event - - - > dispatchEvent(new Event("showbutton"));
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Jan 3, 2011
figure this out I am using this code inside my nav movieclip to load external movie clips on the main stage
var Xpos:Number = 110;
var Ypos:Number = 180;
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Apr 21, 2008
I'm creating a flash 3d website for a company. The idea is that there is one overall swf file - this holds the navigation and design. Once the user clicks on a button, it goes to frame 10, I have included the following script to load a swf file
loadMovie("deepbartesting.swf", maincontent);
the preloader works, but instead of going to frame 2 of that swf file, it goes to frame 2 of the overall swf that holds the navigation. Does anyone know how to get around this so that it goes to frame 2 in the same swf file as the preloader?
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Oct 4, 2009
I'm googling this as I speak, but I have a movie clip called intro_mc that plays in frame 1. My introduction(it's a web portal project that will be published to a server at college) is on frame 2. Can anyone help with the AS code that will take me from the played movie clip on 1 to the main page on 2? The movie clip stops at the end.
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Dec 24, 2011
I have one swf that was made by Wondershare Flash Gallery Factory Deluxe program, and some other files comes with it.
The problem is that when it loads into my main swf doesn't appear into the movieclip that i target to the code but on the stage, on top of all others, i don't know exactly what happens, it seems not to be in the display list!!!
The point is that i'd like a back button showing in front of the gallery in order to be able to close it and go back.
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Dec 1, 2010
ive been trying to load 3 games(swf's) into a main swf and ive had nothing but problems.
what im trying to do is have three buttons on the main swf, each one loading a different game. im having no problems getting the game loaded into the swf its unloading it and getting back to the first frame of the MAIN TIMELINE, or MAIN SWF.
ive tried loading the swf's into a movie clip and ive tried loading them in there own frame BUT nothing is working and it is SO FRUSTRATING
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