ActionScript 2.0 :: Long Flashsite Inside Browsers

Oct 21, 2010

When publishing the swf and viewing it in the browser it doesn't want to scroll down to see the rest.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Audio File Works On Mac Browsers But Not Windows Browsers

Jan 13, 2011

I inherited a flash website about a year ago.. not sure what version it was originally done in. I've made changes on the model last year using CS3 Flash Action script 2, but don't remember the flash version when published. The audio in question is the music that plays in the background when you get on the website:


When I changed the image of the model this last week using CS4, I published it as Flash8 actionscript 2... now, the music plays on Mac Safari and Mac Firefox, but not on the Windows versions of IE or Firefox..

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_root.mySound = new Sound(_level0);


then there's the stop() that's used when the music is toggled off..

I've tried updating the flash player in Windows to the latest release, and I even tried republishing as flash 10, just not sure where to troubleshoot this..

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LocalConnection In Mac Browsers

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Displaying In Different Browsers?

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Browsers Not Picking Up New Files

Nov 22, 2011

I have a flash container that calls other swf files and loads them and plays them one after the other.I upload/overwrite those files each month as new promos happen.the file names stay the same as they are defined in the container file.Im trying to find a way to add some kind of variable into the action script so it finds the file and adds the date in as well. This way when the browser looks at the files it will see new dates and then load the new file from the server as opposed to the local cache.Is there an elegant way to do this?Im using CS5, but it looks like the action scrip was written in an older version.[code]

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Audio Synching In Different Browsers

Dec 3, 2009

We have currently created an animation and have it deployed and running from the server. We have it set to preload a portion of the animation before beginning to play. Our issue is that it plays perfectly in Firefox, however in Internet Explorer (both 7 and 8) the audio comes out of synch with the animation. I am viewing in on the same computer and same network on each browser and continue to have this problem. How this can be fixed in Internet Explorer?

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Professional :: SWF In FF And Chrome Browsers

Jan 26, 2012

I have one problem with my swf file, I have created an swf for calculating speed. In the time of 12Sec. one person can move some distance with some x speed, an another person can move same distance with 2x speed, but finnaly two persons will reach the distance in same time that is 12Sec. I have created one timer for this, will show the time.If I run the swf the timer is working fine, I embeded this swf into html and I checked that html file using IE it is working fine, but if I check it in FF or Chrome the timer is running bit slow and it is effecting my functionality.


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IDE :: SWF Works In Player But Not Browsers?

Jan 8, 2009

I have been using CS3, and publishing v8 AS2 files using swfobject for years with no dramas. I am certainly no expert, but have created at least 10 sites this way.My personal site for some bizarre reason has stopped working in all browsers (and I am sure the file hasn't changed). My SWF works in Flash Player perfectly but comes up blank in any browser... yet other SWFs work fine.


I have tried republishing, reloading site, different hosts, recreating the file... I am absolutely stumped! :-) I just cannot get it to work.

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IDE :: Flash Compatibility In Web Browsers?

Jun 27, 2009

I was wondering, because of my recent liking of AS3 and active flash content:

Just how compatible are flash files in web browsers?

Will they run in every browser? (obviously not, but which ones don't they run in / which ones do they have trouble running in?)

Why, in Internet Explorer does it always give me a hard time about running active content with its security warnings? (is there a way to get around this / allow the content to play normally without hassle? e.g When I got to Internet Explorer does not complain about running that active content.)

Is there anything else you know about the compatibility that you would like to share?

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Site Take Too Long To Load?

Jan 4, 2010

My flash site works but takes too long to load. Could you tell me if there are any settings I could adjust to somehow compress the file and shorten the loading time?

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CS3 Animating To A Long Soundtrack

Oct 14, 2010

I've been given a complete soundtrack, about 15 minutes long, complete with background music and dialog.I'm animating the whole thing as once scene so that I can keep all the dialog synced up. My question is, what's the best way to organize my animation?The way I've been doing it, I try to keep my objects on their own layers organized into folders, but even so I end up with a very large and confusing amount of stuff in the layers.But should I just be cutting the soundtrack into scenes and animating the movie using scenes instead?I've never actually used scenes.If I cut the soundtrack how would I avoid audio glitches when the whole animation plays back?

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Long Delay On Everything In Flash?

Jun 4, 2009

I Have Flash CS4 and a pretty decent system with Vista and 3 GB of RAM.  However, whenever I click on anything in Flash, it takes about 3 or 4 seconds for it to become active.  If I click a keyframe, the stage won't come up for 3-4 seconds, if I click the text tool, the cross hairs won't come up for 3-4 seconds, etc.  It has been like this since I installed it...I am just finally getting my full of it.

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Audio Lags In Long SWF?

Oct 23, 2009

when exporting a long SWF (10,000 frames and higher...of course not over 16,000 cause it won't export) the exported audio in the SWF will slowly start to lag behind the animation until it is completely out of sync by a few seconds at the end of the clip. i have all my sounds set to stream and they are all on the main timeline. this is a straight animation with no actionScript.i run at 24fps and export the audio at mp3/128kbs/best.

Flash CS4
windows Vista 64bit
8gb RAM

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Best Way To Make Long Animations?

Nov 2, 2010

Would it be better to make long(5+ minutes) animations all in one file on the same timeline, or to make sections and assemble them later?

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IDE :: Scrollbar Content Too Long?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a scrollbar in which a very long list which I can't make any shorter / smaller.roblem is, the script for the scroller demands that I place the text at 0,0 on the Flash axis, and the lenght of the text makes it run way down to the lower edge of the Flash workingfield.Somehow this makes the text run 'beyond reach' of the scrollbar; the scroller only shows about 2/3 of the list, and does not show the text beyond that point.How can I extent the reach of the scrollbar??? Can I shift the 0,0 point of the Flash axis (maybe place it higher, so the text falls into the more 'reasonable' regions of the workingfield of Flash?)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Frames Inside A MC Inside A MC That Is Inside A MC?

Mar 19, 2007

much like the title says. how do i put code in the main timelinesuch as gotoAndPlay(x)x refering to a a frame inside a MC inside a MC.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Properties Between SWFs In Different Browsers?

May 18, 2009

My main swf calls in an audio player that I wrote as a separate swf. There's a seek function inside the audio player that skips to any given track in audio player's list, after receiving 2 arguments: artist name and song name. That's semi-irrelevant... but just to keep you updated.

In the parent swf, there's a list of songs, and when clicked, each song will pass those 2 arguments to the audio player swf's seek function. The problem is simple enough to explain:

In the Flash test, it works fine. In IE it works fine. In firefox, I click the song button, and nothing happens. The audio player still works fine, but I can't seek to other songs from the parent swf.

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