ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Flash Website That Will Have Elements Move In Accordance To When The Window Is Resized
Dec 31, 2008
Over the past few days, I've been trying to figure out how to make a flash website that will have elements move in accordance to when the window is resized. I had got as far as getting it to work in flash when you preview it there. But I tried to publish it and it sits at the TL at its normal size. I had set the html to 100% etc. but to no prevail.[URL]..
I have attached a zip of the files I have- they are unpleasing to the eye and incomplete, but it should get the idea across. Hopefully this doesn't seem like to much to ask. if you can get my ugly Zip.file to publish in Dreamweaver, like it previews in flash.
Made first full screen flash. However, container_mc doesnt move to center until window is resized (draged with cursor or minimized then reopened) thus if end user never resizes it container_mc is always half way out of the window. Here is my AS can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong with a pretty in front of that please:
I am having a problem with a flash piece that I created. I don't understand why it is doing what it is doing. I am new to flash but I have been developing software and database applications for over 10 years.I am trying to make a horizontal scroller piece that reads in data from an xml document. So basically the XML has properties of image, title, and link, I then load the images and titles into an object spaced out properly and link the image to open a new window when the image is clicked. I have 4 layers:
1. Actions 2. Buttons 3. Layer1 4. Scroller
The buttons layer has 2 buttons on it, one left aligned and one right aligned. When you mouse over the buttons, the images in the scroller move the direction the button image is pointing. The Scroller Layer has an object of type scroller (which i made) and that scroller instance name is scrollerbar.In actionscript I use a sprite object to load the image and then use scrollerbar.addChild(photo) to add the sprite into the scrollerbar. Then I set it's width, height, x and y to be in the correct position.Now when this first runs, it works displays 6 images and titles and they are linked, and has a button on the left and right. When I mouseover either of the buttons, everything gets moved to the right, the buttons, the scroller, and all the images inside the scroller. So the left button is no longer against the left side, and you can hardly see the right button because it almost gets pushed outside the viewable area.Can anyone explain why everything is getting pushed over like that? It only happens the first time you mouse over a button, subsequent mouseovers of either button do not cause this to happen again.[code]
The following code is okay as it works fine and opens the Projects.pdf file in same window. But the problem is when I use browser back button, it takes me to home page instead of Projects page.[code]...
I can't remove the right-bar on Internet Explorer: [URL]. In Firefox and Safari everything is perfect... I use overflow-y property to do it. Is maybe not supported bye IE ? overflow-y:hidden;
I was wondering if its possible to make a website fall asleep when the focus is shifted away from the entire window.... so something like onBlur. I've seen this on a few websites and I got thinking how they did it. I'm guessing they have some kind of JavaScript code in their HTML page that can detect an onBlur or killFocus or whatever you call it - then the flash movie picks up on this and takes the appropriate action - like pauses a movie or displays a message "please come back" or things to that effect.
EXAMPLE: Go to [URL] and go to the WANDER AWAY section and click his links. Provided you have enough "money" (you can earn "money" by navigating around) you'll be taken to pixel ranger etc. Now click on the [URL] window and you'll see its been greyed out and is "asleep". You have to click the movie to awaken the site.
Does anyone know how to align objects (movieclips) to the stage, let's says I have a logo and menu positionned on left side and collection of pictures in middle of stage.
I want that after the browser window is resized, the objects are still in the same places but moves dynamically to left side without hiding to user view.
How do I make my flash game keep picture quality when browser is resized.I built a flash game combining using actionscript and whenever the player or browser is resized it loses quality.Is there a way so, if the browser for example is made smaller the game's picture still keeps its display quality
My movie clip is not bottom aligned when window is resized. I noticed that everything works when I delete the line which tells the stage to not scale. PHP Code: //Stage.scaleMode = "noscale"; But I need to keep that line because I don't want my swf to scale. My question is how can I resolve the issue with the bottom align of my mc? I already have addListener but seems it does not work when the "noscale" line presents.
I have a Flex custom BorderContainer component which has text inside of it. If I were to add this in my main Application inside of a panel, the BorderContainer goes outside of the width bounds of the panel due to the text being a set size. I have all of its components in percentages so that it re-sizes when shrunk, but the one part that contains checkboxes and labels (lots of things with text) mess up since the font size doesn't change.
I am pretty positive that the results I am looking for can be done through embedding the font, though I have not been able to come up with a solution from online. I am trying to do this with a CSS style since I will be using it for many different components (I dont just want to change it in the flex code directly).
EDIT Solution:
I attempted to use the ratio as www0z0k had suggested but it caused some serious issues when it was re-sized quickly or to a small screen (the component would not re-size correctly because it was multiplying by the ratio. What finally seems to have worked for me and caused no issues was that I ran the code and found the width (1152) and height (842) of the container.
I then created a const variable of widthX = 1152 and heightY = 842 and in the onResize() function I coded the resize like this: (where bottomGroup is the id of the borderContainer I am trying to resize)
So far I have found some examples of embedding fonts in the <fx:Style> and attempted to remove any delaration of fontSize but that doesn't seem to work.
<fx:Style> @namespace s "library://"; @font-face {
im trying to use this fullbrowser scroller in my site but it appears only if stage/ browser window is resized with mouse. it should appear right away! here is the site and here is the files
Using Tween class maybe? I tried the easeOut. But if will write 2 Tween, the 2nd one will overwrite the 1st one, so I only see the obj moving in the 2nd Tween direction, not the 1st Tween direction. I know the coordinates for the 2nd Tween below is not correct (cos all coordinates shld follow the defined reference point), so I need to find out the logo's width and height. But is alright now cos it is for testing purpose.
I am trying to make a series of Movie Clips that lay next to each other on the X axis that will alter their _x value in accordance with the MC next to it. ie. When the width or _x value of the MC to the left increases the _x value of the MC changes.
I've been searching for a way to make a customized AJAX window, functioning so that when you click a link, an informational window pops up and the rest of the page is greyed out
How do I make my flash game keep picture quality when browser is resized.I built a flash game combining using actionscript and whenever the player or browser is resized it loses quality. This really annoys me...Is there a way so, if the browser for example is made smaller the game's picture still keeps its display quality
Greetings from the Flash newby! I've got a tiny test.fla with a movieclip that just moves across the stage. Using a MovieClipLoader to load the clip into myclip_mc it works fine. If I then add some scaling or resizing in onLoadInit() it just sits there. Any way to do what I'm trying to do?
When the browser is resized, how do I make the movie resize?in the HTML parameters, I put width 100% and height 100% and in the .swf file I have: Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";Stage.align = "TL";ow, I notice if I were to shrink or make my browser stretch out. The swf doesn't resize on it's own to fill the space when larger or resize when you shrink the browser width/height. I've been told to use a listener, but I have no idea how it works, I've tried putting in scripts with no luck.
I am trying to recreate the following website except using different graphics but with the same navigation elements and the same motion and tweening and animation effects going on in the stage.[URL]
Didn't know if I should be here or in the Dreamweaver forum. Just trying to figure out how to make a Flash swf. start only after all the other elements of the page have been downloaded. Is this something you would do in Flash through Publish Settings or would this be accomplished in Dreamweaver?
i want to create a flash website where the whole browser window is filled with a background image/photo which resizes proportionally when the browser window is resized. Has to be using as2.URL...
I generate panels dynamically and put them in other states in that way so in one state you have a list of panels on the left and one big panel on the right for example in one state and when you click on the list on the left (with small panels) that panels takes the places of the big panel and the big one goes back in the place. So I have 50 panels on the left and i want to scroll them down but I don't want to big panel to go down with them I want it fixed. this is where I got and I don't know how to do that here is my code:
enter code here
protected function canvas1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void { blurEffect= new BlurEffect(myBlur,myUnBlur); listEventsResult.token=eventService.listEvent();
I tryed to create a movieclip that simulates the windows' windows, lets say it... this is my swf: [url] first look, it seems to work right. Its draggable and scalable just like a windows os frame. But so far so good, try to move the horizontal scrollbar thumb till it reaches its limit. Then scale the movieclip.
I am still very young to the fullscreen flash phase.. thats why I have a quick question:How do I align my elements (movieclips) to follow the bottom or the right/left side of the website?
well i want to make buttons that on rollover move to left, on rollout move back to their initial position, and if clicked, they but stay this time at the final rollover place, and be there until something else is clicked. When something else is clicked, the previous button , returns to its initial place. So i ve got it all figured out except for the freeze and move part when the buttons are clicked. All it does now , is when they are clicked they freeze at the position i want, but i havent got a clue how to update them, after so they start moving back, and reacting on rollover and rollout, when the next button is clicked.