Professional :: Make A Flash Swf. Start Only After All Other Elements Are On The DW Page?

Jan 9, 2010

Didn't know if I should be here or in the Dreamweaver forum. Just trying to figure out how to make a Flash swf. start only after all the other elements of the page have been downloaded. Is this something you would do in Flash through Publish Settings or would this be accomplished in Dreamweaver?

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Professional :: Start The Html Page With LoadMovieNum?

Aug 29, 2010

how do I tell an html page to open with a swf item on level 50, so that when I call another item into level 50, it REPLACES the original item. Right now, when I call another item, it just goes over the top and stuff shows. I'm using loadMovieNum, AS 2 Flash CS3

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Professional :: Sound Class - Page Music Does Not Start

Apr 19, 2011

I have a Flash 8 site that plays music in the background. When I click on one of the menu choices, the timeline jumps to another frame where the selected page is. Once at that page, I want the background music to stop and the page's music to start. Here is what I have:

Attached to frame 1:
var s:Sound=new Sound(); // to initialize a sound instances
then attached to each page keyframe:

When the timeline jumps to the page frame, the background music stops but the page's music doesn't start.

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Professional :: Uses Multiple Swfs To Make Up The Game And Its Elements For Optimisation?

Mar 21, 2010

wonered if someone could help me wih this one. Currently making a facebook game all in flash, it uses multiple swfs to make up the game and its elements for optimisation.
My question really is down to flash cache issue so we can make updates to various swfs that are going to be, site wide for users so the game doesnt break. Currently some users get older versions which breaks things if other swfs have chnaged how they communicate as an example.
I am aware of adding a query string onto the end to force to get the latest version.....however doesnt this make the use of a cache redudant as its being simply overriden? Would jsut like it to work as it should:) If theres a new version of a swf use it..if not use current one.

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Professional :: Make A Menu Bar Made Is Flash Cs5 Go To An Html Page?

Jan 13, 2012

so i am making a website in Dreamweaver cs5 and i am going to be importing a .swf animation for the menu bar i made in Flash. how do i make an action in Flash direct to a page of my website in Dreamweaver for example the index.html file of my web page.right now i have an actions layer with a stop(); command on the last frame of the animation i want to add a command under that, that will take the user to the index.html page of my website when the button is clicked. I have the button already made as well as the animation all i am missing is the code to go to the index.html page.

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Two Flash Elements On Page Conflict?

Oct 14, 2009

I have two differnt flash elements on a new webpage we are working on.  One is simply animated flames on a logo, the other is a burning image transition script I just bought.

Why do the animated flames stop when the image transition occurs?  How do I fix it?

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Professional :: How To Make Interval Start

Aug 21, 2011

Just wondering how to make my interval start when I want it to because im trying to delay a function but i only want that interval to work when the code is being executed so i would have to add some kind of 'start delay' code inside the function.

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CS3 :: Pages - Make Each Page Movie Clip Have A Fade Start And Fade End

Apr 12, 2010

flash version: CS3 AS2 Im having trouble making the pages for a website im working on. I have a row of buttons, and I want each one to open its corrisponding page ie. contact_us_button to open contact_us movie clip. the thing is I want each page to transition in and out. so when I click contact us, the contact us movie clip fades in and stops. When I click about us, the contact us movie clip fades out and about us fades in.

Is the way to do this to make each page movie clip have a fade start and fade end, and have it stop before the fade end, and on another page click continue playing the current clip to get the fade out and then open the new page movie clip?

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Flash :: Force A Browser To Load Swf Files Before Other Elements In The Page

Mar 4, 2010

Is there way to get the browser to always load any swf files before everything else on a page (exept the external css and swfobject.js). Using Firebug's Net statistics I can see the swf files generally load last.

We have all our external js files inserted at the bottom of the page to help loading times.

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Professional :: Position Elements Relative To Other Elements Or In Absolute Values?

Jan 26, 2010

Is it generally to position elements relative to other elements or in absolute values?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Start Page In Flash?

Nov 19, 2009

I want the opening screen needs to be the about us page instead of the gallery.I saw all AS code but didn't get where to change.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash In Firefox Does Not Start Unitl They Show In Page?

Apr 16, 2010

My client wanted two distinct swf on a web page: a viewer on top and a slideshow of images at bottom.Clicking a link on the slideshow make the viewer load a movie, by means of LocalConnection api.The slideshow has a default, so when the page is loaded a default movie start.This works nice on all browser. The only problem I have is on firefox. When screen resolution is too low, or the monitor is too small (netbook) the slideshow remain hidden until scrolling. Therefore at page loading it doesn't start and the main viewer don't get instructed on playing the default video.As soon as I scroll the page, and the slideshow swf display on page, it starts and everything works fine. I cannot change the design, I must have two distinct swf, the come from a library he has, and I am trying to reuse components.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preload All Of The Xml Files At The Start On Flash Splash Page

May 19, 2007

Ive just finished a flash web site that ive used a lot of XML for loading my images from thumbnails. Its works great.

Except it takes maybe 3-4 minutes to load. I think whats happening is its loading all the images in that XML file before it even shows the first thumbnail, so thats like 2MB its loading.

Is there a way to preload all of the xml files at the start on my Flash splash page?

Here is the link to what im explaining.


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Make A Flash Intro Page Continue As The Home Page?

Oct 13, 2009

So I am doing a flash intro page, but the intro becomes the home page, as in all the pieces come together to create the Flash home page, so that there is just one file for the home page that includes the intro from do I make it so that all the parts on the page stay there indefinitely, because right now after a certain amount of time, they disappear due to using the timeline in Flash.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targeting Layers - Make "Text"-layer Invisible When Start The "Turn Page"-animation

Nov 24, 2011

I'm making an interactive book and I would like to make my "Text"-layer invisible when I start the "Turn Page"-animation. It's either that, or I'm gonna have to put a code for EVERY 23 MoveClips with the Texts in them, since I'm using the same "Turn Page"-button.

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Professional :: Make The Center Of The Page X:0 And Y:0?

Apr 14, 2010

I really wish Flash and Photoshop would make possible a grid system like 3D apps so the center of any page would be: X:0 and Y: 0, then when placing graphics you could just type in X:0 and Y:0 and the graphic would be placed in the center of the stage.

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Professional :: Make Page Flip Effect?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to convert my pdf file to page flip book. And put the flip books on my webpage.[URL]..
know anything about aXmag and page-flip? or any other good software to recommend?

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Professional :: Preloading An HTML / Flash Page On PREVIOUS Page

Jul 1, 2010

I have a site where all the pages have a common SWF embedded at the top (Nav and banner), but the rest of the page is HTML.Everything is working fine, but I'm finding the 'independence' between the HTML and Flash is making for some sloppy transitions from page to page.I was expecting the SWF to be delayed, at least for the first page visit(and I have a preload routine inside the swf to make it's delay and appearance a bit more visually pleasant), but was surprised to sometimes find the SWF appearing and playing while the HTML content was delayed (resulting in a SWF floating in black).What I'm wondering is if there's a way I can do some sort of preload on my index page.BUT, not the standard one that I'm sure everyone would suggest (like the javascript image 'preload', or the newer 'css visibility' preload trick). The problem with the standard one is that it doesn't check to see if everything is loaded.What I'm after is a routine on my index page that invisibly loads some of the elements from my inner pages (common swf, maybe some of the images) and WAITS until it's done before moving to the inner pages (displaying the company logo and/or a load status in the meantime).Many people would suggest a preloader inside the common SWF on my inner pages (which I have), but the problem with that on its own is that it doesn't stop the HTML from displaying.

I'm trying to figure out a way to do a preloader (like those in a SWF, which loops until everything is loaded) that controls both the SWF AND the HTML.Recently, I found that you can use one swf to preload another, which would be a potential solution, as I could make an SWF on the index page whose sole purpose is to load (invisibly) the common SWF, displaying the load status and then loading an inner html page once it's done.Problem is, I have bee having trouble finding the coding for that, as most searches for preloaders end up being about standard preloaders, where it's monitoring the same SWF that the code is on, as opposed to controlling a second, external SWF.Can someone point me to or provide me with the proper coding/procedure for a preloader that controlls a second external swf or give me a better solution?

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Professional :: Page Flipping And Flash Page Flip?

Sep 24, 2011

how can create, Page Flipping and Flash page flip [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Flash Website That Will Have Elements Move In Accordance To When The Window Is Resized

Dec 31, 2008

Over the past few days, I've been trying to figure out how to make a flash website that will have elements move in accordance to when the window is resized. I had got as far as getting it to work in flash when you preview it there. But I tried to publish it and it sits at the TL at its normal size. I had set the html to 100% etc. but to no prevail.[URL]..

I have attached a zip of the files I have- they are unpleasing to the eye and incomplete, but it should get the idea across. Hopefully this doesn't seem like to much to ask. if you can get my ugly Zip.file to publish in Dreamweaver, like it previews in flash.

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Flash - How To Make Two Arrays Start At Same Time

Jan 10, 2012

I have two arrays contains several movie clips. I used for loop to inject first array in timeline object succefuly. But then I realized, what the hack I will do about the second array I need to start them simultaneously and every array must have different destination at x and y.. Imagine banner 745x100px, I need to animate different movie clips from sides to some destination.

Code example:
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
var mainArray:Array= [amcMC, tantrumMC, blokMC, misMC, futMC, laoMC, cauMC, deepMC, plusMC, noMC, copMC ];
[Code] .....

I need to apply slightly different tweens on second array and trigger them simultaneously, or with small offset.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Correctly Removing Elements During Page Transitions?

May 4, 2010

Ive just finished the foundations on my flash site.. each button directs to each area etc etc.The way I have structured my buttons is as follow,[code]so basically if I click on a button Im not at already, the elements from the current section are removed from the stage and im directed to the new section.This works fine for simple objects like shapes and text but some of my sections have custom scrollers and functions and this is where I've run into some errors.If I remove from stage and set to null like I've been doing, everything still works fine, but my output window complains off null object references ? If I remove from the stage but dont set to null my functions stop working and I get an error stating the displayobject must be a child of the caller ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Movie Start On Certain Frame?

Sep 11, 2010

I have a web site that will have five sections. Let's call them 1,2,3,4,5. Section 1 starts on frame 100, 2 on 200, etc. Can I make an HTML link that can start the flash movie at the beginning of a certain section? Such as play "myflashmovie.swf and start on frame 200" so that the viewer will start on section 2?

Another way I was thinking of doing it was to create the five sections in five different flash movies. Then import those flash movies into one container flash movie but vary the order to whatever I want the viewer to start with. Then I would have five different html links. Each link would have a different section as the starting movie. Such as 1.html would play a container flash movie with section 1 at the beginning, 5.html would play a container flash movie with section 5 at the beginning, etc. My question here is could the five separate movies within the container movie make references to the other movies? Such as if someone was in movie 1 and it has link to movie 4, how would I note in the flash movie when user clicks here, go to movie 4?

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Professional :: Can't Start Flash Pro Cs5

Oct 9, 2011

Ive installed my adobe cs5 master collection. and it run correctly. one day, i lost my motherboard and i replace it with the new one.after that, i still can access flash pro cs5 for one time. after restarting the windows, i can't open it anymore. just flash cs5 which i cant open. the other aobe programs still can run.

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Professional :: Can't Start Flash Pro CS5.5

Oct 26, 2011

I purchased the CS5.5 Production Premium Suite.Eveything works fine except Flash CS 5.5. The icon has a white circle with a line through it and if I try to start it it says:You can't open the application Adobe Flash" because it's not supported on this type of Mac.I have a Core i7 iMac with 8gb ram and a Radeon 5750 with 1gb of vram running 10.6.8.Can that not be enough to run Flash?

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Flash :: Professional CS5.5 Won't Start

Dec 5, 2011

I don't know what happened but a few days a go when I tried running flash professional it wont start.

It shows the "Loading screen" when it's about to open the main windows it hangs. It shows the main windows all white. And mouse cursor is "processing", when I try to close windows says the program it's not responding.

I tried Unnistalling the flash profesisonal and installing it again but no changes.

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Flash :: Professional - Pro Cs5.5 Won't Start

Mar 9, 2012

Last time I worked with flash was January 23, 2012. It was working fine, but this morning I tried running the program and it won't start. Same with encore, it just doesn't start. Is this due to a windows update? Does anybody know of a workaround to this problem?

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ActionScript 2 :: How To Make 2 Flash Banners Start Playing At Same Time

Jan 13, 2011

I have 2 flash banners (using ActionScript 2) on my web page, how can I make them start playing at the same time, after the page has fully loaded? Both .SWF files are embedded in HTML using the script provided by Adobe on object export. I created both in Flash CS4, but I have very little knowledge of flash. I read about "LocalConnection", but I have no idea how to implement it in flash.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Flash Animation Start At A Random Key Frame?

Jan 13, 2009

I have a image slideshow set up on a time line. Each image is on a different layer and I am looking for a code to make the flash animation start at a random key frame every time the page is loaded. Here is a link to the site I am working on:


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Professional :: Flash Keeps Crashing When Start The App?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm having a problem with Flash crashing when I try to start it. I first noticed the problem when I had a fairly simple scrolling text fla that I tried to open but after a few seconds of the document being open spinning beach ball (Mac) would come up and a few seconds later that app crashes. I've tried to open three separate Flash documents as well as just opening the program and making a new document. Every time, the result being the spinning beach ball and the app crashes after about 5 seconds.I've updated all my Adobe software. What else can I try? Deleting preferences, if so,where are those located?

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