Flash :: Professional CS5.5 Won't Start
Dec 5, 2011
I don't know what happened but a few days a go when I tried running flash professional it wont start.
It shows the "Loading screen" when it's about to open the main windows it hangs. It shows the main windows all white. And mouse cursor is "processing", when I try to close windows says the program it's not responding.
I tried Unnistalling the flash profesisonal and installing it again but no changes.
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May 12, 2011
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1. Delete preferences. I found the file "Flash CS5 Preferences", removed it from Library > Preferences folder, and put it in the trash. (I looked at this file: it is just a text file with XML, so I assume this is the right thing to remove).
2. Then I used Disk Utility to repair permissions. This appeared to go fine.3. Then I used FontNuke to first find font caches, and then removed them. This resulted in an automatic reboot of my system.Upon system restart, I tried opening Flash CS5 immediately. Although it crashed again, it actually got much further this time: the application launched, and I was able to see the IDE for a moment before the whole thing crashed again. This was a little different than the dozen or so times before that I had tried to debug this, where Flash would not even get past the launch screen (where it says it's loading fonts, initializing etc). Tho, when trying to launch Flash CS5 again, it now again crashes before it even gets out of the launch screen (every time).
I have a sense that this might have to do with a font issue. The reason is: after installing OSX 10.6.3, I noticed in some other applications, such as FireWorks CS3 and in Numbers, that some of the fonts were looking messed up (usually the kerning is way off one way or the other with files that I've never had a problem with this before). I was able to simply fix these issues in these other applications, yet is this font issue also affecting Flash CS5 in some way?Anyway, I've done everything I can think of multiple times over--and I still have no flash CS5!
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UP: Bright to Dark animation
OVER: Dark to Bright animation
DOWN: Bright picture
HIT: Bright picture
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Flash.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point ?ik_treelsActive@CFlashIK@@QAE_NJ@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library FlashIK.dll.So then I tried to install the updates via the website and the AdobePatchInstaller.exe and I get this:
Some updates failed to install.
Update is not applicable.
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Jan 26, 2010
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Oct 28, 2011
I have an FLV embedded in a ColdFusion page on a client's intranet site. This FLV plays perfectly on the test server. It also plays when the link to the video goes to the test server, rather than the intranet server the page is on. But when I set it up so the page pulls the video from the intranet server itself, the video will start, play for a few seconds, and then freeze. Sometimes (not always) after a minute or so it will play for a few more seconds, but then it will freeze again and that's it.
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Dec 10, 2009
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Jan 28, 2010
I created a simple animation that is 90 frames long. How can I start and stop it at specific keyframes so it takes 3 separate mouse clicks to complete. Example: a picture is on my website. When you click it, the first 30 frames play and then stop. A 2nd click makes the next 30 frames play and a 3rd click makes the last 30 frames play.
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Apr 12, 2010
I need to add 2 JPG images to the front of a video and then reupload it as YouTube video. I downloaded the video from YouTube as both a FLV and a MP4 file. Is Flash the best program to add the graphics? If so, how do I get it back to FLV or MPG format? Do I need to get the orginal file from my distributor?
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Aug 30, 2010
I've got CS4 for Mac.I added a flv to my flash via: "File">"Import">"Import Video">"Load external video with playback component"Then it loads my flv and puts it on the first frame. How can I make it so that when I mouse over it it plays and when my mouse off it stops?
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Sep 23, 2010
My video is a bit jerky at the moment at the beginning. Can I somehow have my adobe swf player load up a generously sized buffer before it starts to play, or is that not the issue? Later on in the video, the jerkiness is not an issue.
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Dec 11, 2010
I want to put a number of flash videos on a page so I need to stop them from starting automatically. Is there a way to go into the .html?[code]
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Aug 21, 2011
Just wondering how to make my interval start when I want it to because im trying to delay a function but i only want that interval to work when the code is being executed so i would have to add some kind of 'start delay' code inside the function.
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