Professional :: Load Up A Buffer Before Start The SWF?

Sep 23, 2010

My video is a bit jerky at the moment at the beginning. Can I somehow have my adobe swf player load up a generously sized buffer before it starts to play, or is that not the issue? Later on in the video, the jerkiness is not an issue.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Netstream Buffer Visible From Start?

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Code: Select allns.setBufferTime(4);
var firstPlay:Boolean = true;
ns.onStatus = function(info){


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// Create a NetConnection object:
var netConn:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
//Create a local streaming connection


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autoPlay: off
autoRewind: on


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Load Several Swfs And Make Them Start Together?

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var xml1:XML;
// how to load this XML(one below) - with url "secondXML.xml" ??
var xml2:XML;


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//function to get random frame
function getFrame() {
//Store frame numbers


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Professional :: Can't Start Flash Pro CS5.5

Oct 26, 2011

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Oct 28, 2011

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Dec 5, 2011

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Mar 9, 2012

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Professional :: Video Start At Specified Point?

Dec 10, 2009

how to make a video start playing at a specified point in the  middle of the video rather than from the beginning. Not sure if it's something that easily can be done in Dreamweaver or if it's involved with the flash settings.

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Professional :: How To Start And Stop Animation

Jan 28, 2010

I created a simple animation that is 90 frames long. How can I start and stop it at specific keyframes so it takes 3 separate mouse clicks to complete. Example: a picture is on my website. When you click it, the first 30 frames play and then stop. A 2nd click makes the next 30 frames play and a 3rd click makes the last 30 frames play.

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Professional :: Flash Keeps Crashing When Start The App?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm having a problem with Flash crashing when I try to start it. I first noticed the problem when I had a fairly simple scrolling text fla that I tried to open but after a few seconds of the document being open spinning beach ball (Mac) would come up and a few seconds later that app crashes. I've tried to open three separate Flash documents as well as just opening the program and making a new document. Every time, the result being the spinning beach ball and the app crashes after about 5 seconds.I've updated all my Adobe software. What else can I try? Deleting preferences, if so,where are those located?

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Professional :: Have Something Start Later On Flash Timeline

Mar 17, 2010

I have a few problems with Adobe Flash. Please refer to this image: [URL]. First, I would like to make a movieclip begin somewhere else (so that I may jump to it later). But when I preview what I currently have in my timeline, my movie clip just flashes on and off with Layer 1 (the image on Layer 1 flashes too), rather than what should be a delay of nothing (but Layer 1 flashing) until frame 20 is reached, at which point the movie clip on Layer 3 should play. Secondly, I do not wish for the movie clip to stop at the end of the second keyframe (even though it's currently not really even playing). How can I have it play all the way out?

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Apr 12, 2010

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May 27, 2010

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First time the application started correctly, but didn't start next time. I always had to remove all application settings in "Documents and Settings/user/Local Settings/Application Data/Flash CS5", what is already not very good.

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Professional :: How To Start Video On Mouse Over

Aug 30, 2010

I've got CS4 for Mac.I added a flv to my flash via: "File">"Import">"Import Video">"Load external video with playback component"Then it loads my flv and puts it on the first frame. How can I make it so that when I mouse over it it plays and when my mouse off it stops?

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