I have created a bit of flash that buffers and loads an flv which plays up to a certain cue point and then seeks back 2 seconds ina loop, Got that OK.Now what I want to do is make certain movieclips visible and fade in when the video has initially buffered but heres the problem, when the video loops back it re-does these actions of fading in the movieclips as if it has just buffered again, but I want it to only fade the clips in when it has initially buffered not when it re-loops.[code]
I'm creating a facebook application in flex. I'm actually working on the friends component that shows your friends who are using the application. now, each friend has a profile image.
I created the component using a s:List element.
In the Skin Class of the element i configured the requestedColumnCount to 3, which means it shows 3 friends. i added buttons to scroll left and right in the list.
Whenever I scroll to see a different friend, for a half of a second i see no image because the List component is loading the image in order to view it.
is there a way to make the list preload all the elements so i won't have this kind of problem ?
I'm making a small video players in AS3, and I've found that after calling NetStream.pause() or NetStream.togglePause(), no status messages are being fired any more.If I click the "pause" button while the video is buffering, I never get the Buffer.Full message.Here is some code:
_connection = new NetConnection(); _connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler); _connection.connect(null);[code].....
My video is a bit jerky at the moment at the beginning. Can I somehow have my adobe swf player load up a generously sized buffer before it starts to play, or is that not the issue? Later on in the video, the jerkiness is not an issue.
I want to play an f4v file in flash, however when I play it I want it to already be loaded and buffered before I send the commands to play it.
my purpose is to have some events going on in the SWF movie then it immediately switches to playing a video but it has to be very synchronised. I dont want to play the video and have the person waiting ont he video to load.. I want to load the video in the background beforehand... then when it's time for the video sequence I send the commands to play it and everything is good to go.
Is it possible to have a preloader for a external FLV while the user waits for the buffer to load?The code I used is here: (I did not use the component panel but a video instance from the library)
// Create a NetConnection object: var netConn:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); //Create a local streaming connection netConn.connect(null);
I'm having a sound object being loaded. And I want that for as long as it is buffering to have it written in a textfield "loading..." and when it starts playing to write in that textfield the name of the song. And i want this to happen everytime the buffer needs to load and everytime the song resumes play state.
I can not alter the content of the XML file, as a third-party program creates it. I need to select only certain XML items. I specifically need to exclude the SAMPLEINFO and TIMEINFO items. The problem is the existance of these items creates empty cells in the datagrid (see picture below). I need the rows with the red x's removed.
I have a couple of movieclips in my library (there's 52 of them actually, I'm making a card game. ) and I have them exported for actionscript through the property menu.Is it possible to load them by passing a variable with the name of the movieclip class?[code]
The three text fields below (txt1, txt2, txt3) are in three different frames (1, 2, 3)... With my current code, text data from my xml file seems to be uploaded only in the textfield in the first frame. How do I load the other items from my xml file into the other textfields?
Code: var myXML:XML = new XML; var myXML:XML = new XML; myXML.load("file.xml"); myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
I am developing a high end full screen flash site, the swf technically takes up the whole sceen but elements within it are positioned relative to the browser.
What we are looking to do is have the main page with the full screen Flash piece remain the entire time. When a button is clicked a separate url / html file of content will display in a window or borderless area on top of Flash, scrolling if necessary and preferably with a bit of transparency so you can see the Flash beneath it. The content pages will be formatted by css and the client will have the ability to update via CMS, the page might contain images, swfs, etc.
Nick Stakenburg's Lightview works flawlessly but it hides the Flash when it loads the iframe. This is not acceptable and I have been all over the Lightview forums and trying different hacks and tweaks (wmode, zindex, etc), none have worked and he has basically said that Lightview hides Flash and some other objects so they don't overlay Lightview and that that is his only cross browser solution for now.
ok so on my stage (blank) when i load up the swf i want it to load up a directory of images from the hard drive/server and place them randomly on the stage within a border.then to go one further and have them clickable and open up bigger to be able to see it.im having trouble getting it to load a full directory of images in let alone have them selectable.
Setup: I have an html page with an embedded flash object. The object is an "index.swf" with an empty movie clip on it. External swf's load onto the index swf via the empty movie clip when buttons are pushed.
Problem: On my test server in dreamweaver, the swf's load fine. When I put them on my server and test it online only the index swf loads. not the initial swf or any of the other swf's.
Site: [URL] Files: [URL] (index page and home page for your reference)
I create a .swf file and wanted it to load/open automatically as a full screen. I tried the following code but it only works with projector or .exe files. Curently user has to press F11 to open or close as a full screen. Here is my code:
I have a small snippet of code which stretches the swf to the size of the window... but it's only working if the window is resize and not on the initial load? I can't work out what's gone wrong?!
I have an app. in which I have placed a ViewStack with (16) Tabs, and Im using a Timer set up to cycle every five (5) seconds through these VS Tabs automatically.
Each VS Tab has an IFrame included to load a particular web site, and I use the auto cycling to not need to go to each Tab manually and wait each time until the page loads before I can use it.
(Note: The IFrame does not need to do anything else other than to show the page nothing else)
All works very well on the work computer running the app. with CPU activity of around 20 to 30%, but when I address the app. on the sever I have increased CPU activity starting with around 30% on the first sequence, and running the second Tab sequence it is going up to around 90% in Semi-auto or Full-auto modes with five (5) seconds beak in between Tab switches and between each sequence.
To explain more in detail I do have six (6) sequences and an arrangement which uses Semi-auto or Full-auto mode (Looping).
I do use (timerName.reset) instead of (timerName.stop) and have also have used (timerName.removeEventListener .) as each Timer sequence get called separately.
I need to load multiple images from ZIP archive and do some actions after all files from ZIP archive have been loaded. I use FZip library to manipulate with ZIP files. My problem is that sometimes the loading of all files are not going.In this code I starting loading process:
loadedImages = zip.getFileCount(); trace("Starting... " + loadedImages); for (var i:uint = 0; i < loadedImages; i++)
I see plenty of AS3 examples of loading 1 image file into a 1 frame movieclip, but how can you take a folder full of images, load them and treat each image as an individual frame of a single movieclip?
I've been searching for a way to do this without using html. For some reason i can't have my enter site button load the main movie from the splash page and go full screen at the same time. here is my full screen code: (where do I put my loadMovie script to make both events happen at the same time)
I have a button when I click on it it is suppose to load an external swf into a empty movie clip. But everytime I clicked it, it juz loops the whole flash animation of this very whole flash the button is currently in which it should actually load the external swf to the empty MC. I can't attack my file here since it is too big.
I have a project underway where I am making an interactive game. It is a personal character creator game and I need Actionscript 3 help with this.Something similar here:http:[url].... I have tried already with toggling visibility and 'gotoAndStop()' to make items appear over other items when the corresponding button is pressed, for example, when the user tries out different pants/shirts on their character.