ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Only Certain Items From XML File?

Jul 23, 2009

I can not alter the content of the XML file, as a third-party program creates it. I need to select only certain XML items. I specifically need to exclude the SAMPLEINFO and TIMEINFO items. The problem is the existance of these items creates empty cells in the datagrid (see picture below). I need the rows with the red x's removed.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<SampleInfo Class="Sprint Cars" TopQual="Someone" RaceName="Sprinters of America" RaceNum="24" RoundNum="2" />


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var items = web_xml.firstChild.firstChild.childNodes;
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var webItems = items.attributes.type == "websites";
var numOfWebItems = webItems.length;

but that doesn't work...

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<thumb type="websites">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Where To Create Array Of Items (Which Class File)

Jan 25, 2012

This is a hard question to phrase and having trouble finding the right search terms. In the last couple of weeks I have been learning AS 3.0 and the fantastic Classes that are cool as heck (not a programmer... well sort of). Everything has been working great and I've grasped the concepts well, but because of my lack of experience I am not sure of the "best" way to do some things. For example where (which "as file" to create an array of characters?)

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25 "characters" (character class in
All characters have the exact same properties with different values:
char_mc:MovieClip (or sprite.. probably mc)

There are 2 types of characters; shipCrew and aliens. The differences between the two is that shipCrew can use various weapons and have unique "names". Aliens don't have names, just a type and they can grow and/or multiply. All of the interaction and basic game play I can handle no problem once I figure out "where" to create my characters and classes and or subclasses. My initial "training experiments" worked well... until I started reading up on "best practices" in coding and realized I had it kind of all mixed up and backwards. My concern is "doing it wrong at the start".

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Should I create individual as class files for all 25 characters? (icky?)
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IDE :: Optimizing File Size / Removing Unused Items?

Jun 3, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Count The Amount Of Items In The XML File And Then Create A For-each Loop

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Sep 25, 2009

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var newsData:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
newsData.timeline = this;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remove / Unload External Swf File(s) From The Main Flash File And Load A New Swf File And Garbage Collection From Memory?

Sep 12, 2009

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Flex :: Send The Names/labels Of Selected Items From A List To A Php File?

Oct 28, 2009

I know i can access multiply selected options of a list by

var selectedAlgos:Array = algosList.selectedItems;

where algosList is the name of my List.

How to i send this array via HTTPService to a phpfile and how can i then access the elements of this array from the php file?

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Flash Items Vanished - Directory Only Changing The Output .swf File And Used All Of The Same Html Files

Aug 11, 2009

I am new to flash and decided to start out using templates to gain a beter understanding. I grabbed a template - that when I went to save it said it was an MX version - once I began to make changes in it re-save and publish it I noticed that some of the elements were missing. I thought it was something I did so I copied the entire directory and just opened the .fla and saved it without making a change and then published it and the items were gone again. I saved it in the same directory only changing the output .swf file and used all of the same html files

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I have a rotaing menu that loads in images from an xml file, I would also like it to load in text info from the same xml file to the left side of the images that load in. In my main .fla have created a movieclip and called it 'textInfo' and inside that I have two dynamic text fields called 'headerText' and 'bodyText' where I want to load the text in. this is what I am using to loading in the text in my actionscript, is this correct?


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Mar 2, 2007

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Mar 24, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: Load An External Swf File Using Loader.Load?

Sep 19, 2011

When i try to load an external swf file using Loader.Load(); The swf starts playing even before the init event is fired. Is there any way to stop the swf from playing atleast until the init event or complete event is fired?

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Dec 24, 2009

How I can make this script lo load mp3 files via an external xml file like music.xml and if is possible to load random

music = new Sound();
music.onSoundComplete = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing Stage Items, Through A SWF File Which Is Loaded Inside The Stage

May 14, 2011

- I have A.fla.

-  A.fla includes buttons, movie clips and also B.swf is loaded in A.fla using a LOADER

- i want to access elements in A.fla, from the actionscript codes inside B.fla to modify those movie clips and buttons based on actions going on in B.swf
for instance, lets say there is a button X in A.fla, and there is a button Y in B.fla,  B.swf is loaded into A.fla, and I want the button Y to erase button X when clicked.
general question:  accessing elements in a stage, through a SWF file loaded into that stage.

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