Actionscript 3 :: Selecting Flex Chart Items And Displaying Sum Of Items Selected
Aug 26, 2009
I would like to use the selectionMode=multiple described in the Flex docs, but with a few modifications:
1) I would like the box that the user drags over the graph to remain there until the user drags a new one.
2) In the top right corner of the box I want to display the sum of the items selected by that box.
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<cfparam name="paramID" default="25">
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<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
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<node><node name="max">
[Code] .....
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<mx:Tile direction="horizontal">
<mx:Label text="Year" fontWeight="bold"/>
<mx:List id="myYear" >
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<mx:Tile direction="horizontal">
<mx:Label text="Year" fontWeight="bold"/>
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<s:SpinnerListContainer x="10" y="279" width="325" height="266">
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Sep 29, 2009
I'm trying to build a portfolio gallery.I have it set up so that the user gets all my portfolio items to start with and then at the top right there is a comboBox that allows the user to select "programs", "code" and "clients" this changes the left vertical tileList to only show icons of the programs or of codes etc.I'm trying to get it so the user clicks on one of the program icons or whatnot and it then limits the thumbnails in the tileList on the bottom of my widget.The thumbnails come from a xml document that has the images and then <keywords>.Inside this node is a list of the programs and codes used.I tried using indexOf and then a if statement to check if indexOf was -1.But that didn't work.[code]
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Dec 9, 2010
So you start off with all of the items in the inventory. You do not have to collect them.I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class.What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP)it goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true.but when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.[code]I thought this. called on every movieclip of the Rebound class?So instead of this. if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead. If there is such thing.
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Dec 9, 2010
So you start off with all of the items in the inventory. You do not have to collect them.
I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class.
What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP)
it goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true.
but when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.
here's the class
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
I thought this. called on every movieclip of the Rebound class?
So instead of this. if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead. If there is such thing.
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Dec 6, 2010
I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class.What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP)it goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true.but when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.[code] if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead.
View 7 Replies
Aug 23, 2010
I seem to have is that the Autocomplete component that seems to be part of flex extras is not displaying the list of items in the dropdown list. Basically, I get a list of blank items. I know they are there and they are the right items because as soon as I click on one, I get the right text in the combobox.
my Code in the mxml looks something like this
<mx:FormItem label="Company:" width="750" fontSize="20" horizontalAlign="right" color="#000000" required="true">
<ns1:AutoComplete enabled="true" labelField="CompanyName" textAlign="left" dropdownWidth="450" id="txtCompany" width="450" />
Again, when I type "T" in the text box I see a dropdown list with 3 empty items. Clicking on the third item puts "Test3" in the textbox. But the items themselves are not visible.
It almost as if its a font/foreground color thing, but I've played around with some of those settings too with no success.
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Dec 9, 2010
So you start off with all of the items in the inventory. You do not have to collect them. I have 8 MovieClips on the stage each with a different instance name. I made a class called Rebound and linked all the inventory MoivieClips to the Rebound class as the base class. they each have their own unique class. What I'm trying to do is select one of them. when you release the mouse off the movie clip (MOUSE_UP). It goes to frame 2 of its movieclip and making a variable I made up called isSelected = true. But when you click another item in the inventory I want it to deselect the item you clicked first so it goes back to frame 1 and isSelected = false. The problem I'm having is that it selects the first item when you click it. But when I click another the first stays on frame 1 and isSelected stays true. So if I click all 8 in a row they all become selected.
Here's the class
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Rebound extends MovieClip {
public var isSelected:Boolean;
public function Rebound():void {
this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, starting);
[Code] .....
I thought this. called on every movieclip of the Rebound class? So instead of this. if there is something that can choose all of the movieclips that belong to the Rebound class I think I could use that instead. If there is such thing.
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Jul 5, 2009
anyway to do a Math.random on selecting a certain number of XML items?
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Oct 5, 2009
I have a column chart that displays several items. When you click the bar of one of the items, the chart changes to display a new chart of details of that item. However, if the mouse is not moved, the datatip from the first chart is now visible on the second chart. Is there a way to hide the datatip when the first bar is clicked and then show the new datatip for the second chart once it's visible?
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Jul 16, 2009
i am have a small doubt in actionscript, i think its a silly one but banging head to solve it...f there are some items present on a panel and if i select one of them then how can i get the id or name of that particular selected item.For example if there are two accordions and if i select one, how can i get the id or name of that selected accordion.
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Feb 21, 2011
version flash cs5
ok so i know the general code to rename all selected library items
var items = fl.getDocumentDOM().library.getSelectedItems();
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++){
var item = items[i]; = "ABC_";
but this isn't good enough if the library items are in folders... because returns the full path, but sets the name. o.O as someone else points out here, [URL]
so when i try to rename Level1 to be ABC_Level1 if Level1's folder path is LIBRARY/FolderA/FolderB/Level1 i get this instead ABC_FolderA-FolderB-Level1
i could probably code some sort of string parser something like this, = "ABC_""-"), 99)
but that is really ugly and would not work if library items contained "-" already. "Level-1" for example
different way to access the name that returns just the name and not the path
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Aug 18, 2006
I just want to deselect everything in a listbox. I have tried:
myList_list.selectedItem = null;
myList_list.selectedItem = undefined;[/AS]
but it wont work.
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Jan 22, 2010
I have a Listbox whith a ArrayCollection as datasource. I'm trying to remove the selected items from the ArrayCollection to update the list.Here is how I coded the remove function:
for each (var item:Item in theList.selectedItems)
theArrayCollection.removeItemAt(theArrayCollection .getItemIndex(item));
This works fine as long as the ArrayCollection is not sorted. When I apply a sort I get a RangeError from ListCollectionView.removeItemAt.
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm having troubles getting selectedItems from a List Component in Flash CS4. Each time I select multiple selections the object that selectedItems returns seems to be populated with the last selected item in each of its instances. What is strange from the example I provide below is that once you've made your selection and click the label you can update another list with the correct selected values. But the output values are still traced incorrectly.
import fl.controls.List;
import fl.controls.Button;
var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider();
dp.addItem({label:"Item 1"});
[Code] .....
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Apr 13, 2009
Im trying to use the selected item in a combo box (aCB) to populate a text field (taLabel) the trace statement shows the correct item but i'm missing something simple to make it work. This is the error I get:
ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property null not found on fl.controls.ComboBox and there is no default value.
var cPriorities:Array = new Array(
{label:"Image Conscious",data:"Image Conscious"},
{label:"Durable", data:"Durable"},
{label:"Dependable", data:"Dependable"},);
[Code] .....
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