Professional :: Flash Cs3 Start For A Second And Then Disappear?

Oct 3, 2010

i have flash cs3 when i click to start it a welcom screen come for a second and then disapper.i am not able to start flash

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ActionScript 3.0 :: First Bitmaps Start To Disappear?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm having an issue where after 24 bitmaps are placed inside a sprite, the first bitmaps start to disappear. When the last added Bitmaps get removed from the display list, the older ones start to reappear. Go here and check it out: http:[url].... draw 24 dots or whatever with the pencil tool (the only one that draws to a bitmap). You should notice that the 24th dot will cause the 1st one to disappear. Undoing (which simple removes the top bitmap/sprite) causes the 24th one to be removed (which is correct) but the 1st one also reappears which means its still there just not visible .Here are the relevant methods:

private function nextShape() : void {
newShape = new Sprite();
newShape.mouseEnabled = false;[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Disappear On Font Size Change And Reappear On Clicking Start Button?

Dec 4, 2009

I'll try to be brief. I've built a teleprompter projector file app in Flash CS4 and it works great on PCs & MACs. Only one bug. the program works in three phases: Welcome & instruction screen / Text input screen / Prompter screen.Problem occurs when you first enter prompt screen

basic navigation and functionality includes:

BUTTONS: button to return to INPUT screen, a BEGIN button, a MIRROR text button, and a SAVE prompting position KEYBOARD: SPACE begin prompting, LEFT & RIGHT ARROW increase & decrease font size, UP & DOWN ARROW increase & decrease scrolling speed, HOME returns script to top, PAGE UP & PAGE DOWN moves script by 600 pixels.

MOUSE: MOUSE_WHEEL increases and decreases scrolling speed *(would like to add a ctrlKey modifier to change font size on mouse wheel - another day perhaps)

THE PROBLEM: When you enter the prompt screen and hit PAGE DOWN the script correctly moves down 600 pixels, but does not redraw on the stage. If you then hit PAGE UP it correctly moves up and the text is back on the stage. Hit PAGE DOWN again and it moves but does not render. You can repeat this continuously. I have a Y position reference that shows the Y coordinates of the text field, so I'm confident that the MC is correctly moving, it's just not rendering. If you hit PAGE DOWN and hit BEGIN the text renders in the correct place. Once you start the prompter, you can stop it and use PAGE DOWN and it renders correctly, but if you change the font size larger > 100 and hit PAGE DOWN the font again does not render. Again if you hit BEGIN the font renders correctly in the correct position.

WHAT I THINK: I've been trying to find a way to update or refresh the text field that is being manipulated on PAGE DOWN and font increase; no luck with updateAfterEvent or redraw. I've tried to start and stop the prompter programmatically in one frame at the end of the PAGE DOWN function & font increase.

POSSIBILITIES OR NEW STRATEGY? I'm a media production specialist with a school district in Florida, and I'm hoping to release this app to all our schools and to It's a small bug, but I'd rather not have to explain it if I can find a way to fix it. The following code block only contains the functions related to the navigation and prompter text box manipulation.

//Begin button toggle code.Toggle between begin and stop.startBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, startOver);function startOver(e:MouseEvent)[code].....

A Visual Basic & ASP.NET programmer I work with looked at the bug with me, and he believes the error is somehow related to the actual CLICK of the BEGIN button. As I noted earlier, we tried a workaround by using code to start and stop the prompter in one frame after the font size change, but that did not correct the issue. Yet when you physically click begin with the mouse it renders the text.What is it about clicking the mouse that causes the text box to render? Is it a focus issue? Like the keyboard has focus, but when you click BEGIN it returns focus to the text box and it redraws then?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tween Stop Stuttering - Pictures Disappear And The Color Bars Start Roaming Again

May 19, 2009

I'm fairly new to AS3 and I'm trying to make a pretty complicated (for me) set of behaviors. You can see what I'm trying to do here: [URL]. The Main class sets up the crosshair, the navigation, the color bars that randomly roam the stage, and the 3 words that float around. The idea is that when you hover over a word, the color bars split apart like a curtain and two random pictures appear. Then, when you roll off the word, the pictures disappear and the color bars start roaming again.

I've got the color bars, the floating words, and the curtain split working great. My problem is bringing in the pictures. For whatever reason, 60 to 70% of the time the tween stops before it is complete. I think it has something to do with the fact that I've got a hover on a piece of text, and the mouse sometimes slips into the empty spaces between the letters, but even when I put a semi-transparent rectangle over the whole word to act as a hit area I got the same results. The ZIP with all my classes is here: [URL]. Again, I'm new to AS3 and OOP,

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Professional :: Flash Drawings Disappear On Stage

Apr 14, 2010

I'm attempting to learn flash using Adobe CS4. I've found some really good tutorials, but I can't use them because every time I draw something on the stage, the resultant drawing disappears immediately after I release the mouse. Since I can't see it, I can't select and manipulate it. I captured the behavior and stuck it on youtube. I don't have a mike on this system so there's no sound. [URL]. If I create the file with ActionScript 2.0 instead of 3.0, I get outlines of the objects, but not the objects themselves. That's not on the vid, but I'd rather use 3.0 anyway.

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Professional :: Flash CS5 - Library Item Contents Disappear

Dec 15, 2010

  I have a large library that I am organizing of vector only files, some imported from Illustrator.
When I re-name some of the items other Movieclip items in the library lose their contents and all that is left is an empty symbol.
I repeated this several times and tried to find workarounds. Like duplicating the symbol. This worked for the one item but then it deleted another symbols contents.

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Professional :: Can't Start Flash Pro Cs5

Oct 9, 2011

Ive installed my adobe cs5 master collection. and it run correctly. one day, i lost my motherboard and i replace it with the new one.after that, i still can access flash pro cs5 for one time. after restarting the windows, i can't open it anymore. just flash cs5 which i cant open. the other aobe programs still can run.

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Professional :: Can't Start Flash Pro CS5.5

Oct 26, 2011

I purchased the CS5.5 Production Premium Suite.Eveything works fine except Flash CS 5.5. The icon has a white circle with a line through it and if I try to start it it says:You can't open the application Adobe Flash" because it's not supported on this type of Mac.I have a Core i7 iMac with 8gb ram and a Radeon 5750 with 1gb of vram running 10.6.8.Can that not be enough to run Flash?

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Flash :: Professional CS5.5 Won't Start

Dec 5, 2011

I don't know what happened but a few days a go when I tried running flash professional it wont start.

It shows the "Loading screen" when it's about to open the main windows it hangs. It shows the main windows all white. And mouse cursor is "processing", when I try to close windows says the program it's not responding.

I tried Unnistalling the flash profesisonal and installing it again but no changes.

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Flash :: Professional - Pro Cs5.5 Won't Start

Mar 9, 2012

Last time I worked with flash was January 23, 2012. It was working fine, but this morning I tried running the program and it won't start. Same with encore, it just doesn't start. Is this due to a windows update? Does anybody know of a workaround to this problem?

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Professional :: Flash Keeps Crashing When Start The App?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm having a problem with Flash crashing when I try to start it. I first noticed the problem when I had a fairly simple scrolling text fla that I tried to open but after a few seconds of the document being open spinning beach ball (Mac) would come up and a few seconds later that app crashes. I've tried to open three separate Flash documents as well as just opening the program and making a new document. Every time, the result being the spinning beach ball and the app crashes after about 5 seconds.I've updated all my Adobe software. What else can I try? Deleting preferences, if so,where are those located?

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Professional :: Have Something Start Later On Flash Timeline

Mar 17, 2010

I have a few problems with Adobe Flash. Please refer to this image: [URL]. First, I would like to make a movieclip begin somewhere else (so that I may jump to it later). But when I preview what I currently have in my timeline, my movie clip just flashes on and off with Layer 1 (the image on Layer 1 flashes too), rather than what should be a delay of nothing (but Layer 1 flashing) until frame 20 is reached, at which point the movie clip on Layer 3 should play. Secondly, I do not wish for the movie clip to stop at the end of the second keyframe (even though it's currently not really even playing). How can I have it play all the way out?

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Flash :: Professional CS5 Fails To Start?

May 27, 2010

I've bought the new Adobe Web Premium CS5 and I have big problems with the Flash Professional CS5.

First time the application started correctly, but didn't start next time. I always had to remove all application settings in "Documents and Settings/user/Local Settings/Application Data/Flash CS5", what is already not very good.

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Keeps Crashing On Start?

May 12, 2011

I'm having a problem with launching Flash CS5.  I had previous been running Flash CS5 on my MacBook Pro, and everything was working fine for many months.  Then I just recently installed OSX 10.6.3, and now Flash CS5 "unexpectedly quits" on launch.  I've tried uninstalling Flash CS5 and then re-installing it with no difference.


1. Delete preferences. I found the file "Flash CS5 Preferences", removed it from Library > Preferences folder, and put it in the trash.  (I looked at this file: it is just a text file with XML, so I assume this is the right thing to remove).
2. Then I used Disk Utility to repair permissions. This appeared to go fine.3. Then I used FontNuke to first find font caches, and then removed them.  This resulted in an automatic reboot of my system.Upon system restart, I tried opening Flash CS5 immediately. Although it crashed again, it actually got much further this time: the application launched, and I was able to see the IDE for a moment before the whole thing crashed again.  This was a little different than the dozen or so times before that I had tried to debug this, where Flash would not even get past the launch screen (where it says it's loading fonts, initializing etc).  Tho, when trying to launch Flash CS5 again, it now again crashes before it even gets out of the launch screen (every time).

I have a sense that this might have to do with a font issue.  The reason is: after installing OSX 10.6.3, I noticed in some other applications, such as FireWorks CS3 and in Numbers, that some of the fonts were looking messed up (usually the kerning is way off one way or the other with files that I've never had a problem with this before). I was able to simply fix these issues in these other applications, yet is this font issue also affecting Flash CS5 in some way?Anyway, I've done everything I can think of multiple times over--and I still have no flash CS5!

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Very Slow To Start Up

Jun 9, 2011

My version of Flash CS5 has recently become very slow to start up, taking well over a minute sometimes.It appears to stall for the longest time during a loading process called "Loading Accelerators" (yes, very ironic).Mac Pro running Mac OSX 10.6.7 (Snow Leopard) and 14Gb RAM.

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Professional :: Make A Flash Swf. Start Only After All Other Elements Are On The DW Page?

Jan 9, 2010

Didn't know if I should be here or in the Dreamweaver forum. Just trying to figure out how to make a Flash swf. start only after all the other elements of the page have been downloaded. Is this something you would do in Flash through Publish Settings or would this be accomplished in Dreamweaver?

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Professional :: Put Mp3 Along In Flash File And Control Stop Start?

Mar 5, 2010

how to put mp3 which is just speaches done, be put alone in a flash file. Do i have to import sound? I wanted to be able to put 3 different mp3 files in flash and have people able to click on any sound and hear it. Be able to play and start and pause a sound. Is it possible are should I use something other than flash. Are should I convert to mp3 into another format and put in flash.

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Flash :: Professional - Migration FlashMX To CS5 - Start Up Option

Nov 15, 2010

I am migrating from Flash MX to Flash CS 5. One of the most annoying things so far about the changes is that whenever I open a file - it opens a tab - How can I stop this? I was able to stop this in Photoshop CS but there does not seem to be that option in Flash CS

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Flash :: Professional - Animated Buttons Start Off Being Dark?

Dec 3, 2010

I created these buttons that should do the following screen. Be dark when the mouse is not over them. Smoothly transit to a brighter colour when the mouse get's over them and then again smoothly transit to dark when the mouse get's away. To do so I created 2 animations the one that gets the button darker and the one that gets the button brighter (which is actually the normal picture of the button). The button statuses are these:

UP: Bright to Dark animation
OVER: Dark to Bright animation
DOWN: Bright picture
HIT: Bright picture

now the buttons work perfectly except for the fact that when i turn on the scene before they get dark the buttons have to go through the up animation (bright to dark) so it looks like turning all the lights off. How do i have my buttons start off being dark?

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Professional :: Timing To Start Audio / Video In Flash

Mar 11, 2011

I have a Flash animation that starts with an audio clip imported. When that's done it goes to a video. After that another audio clip plays, but I can't get it to start when it's supposed to. It keeps coming in too early even though its keyframe is after the movie ends. In fact I had to move the audio's keyframe about 1500 frames past where it should be to get it to come in at the right time. My Flash movie is 24 FPS. The .mov file being referenced in the FLVPlayback is 23.98 FPS. What's going on here?

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Professional :: Flash CS5 - Unable To Start And Execute-Flash IK Errors And Cannot Update?

Feb 5, 2011

I download Flash CS5 and I try to execute it without an error message coming in and basically the program does not start.The message goes as follows:

Flash.exe - Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point ?ik_treelsActive@CFlashIK@@QAE_NJ@Z could not be located in the dynamic link library FlashIK.dll.So then I tried to install the updates via the website and the AdobePatchInstaller.exe and I get this:

Some updates failed to install.

Update is not applicable.
So here I am unable to start Flash CS5. Anyone know a way to fix this issue?

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Professional :: Custom Start/Stop Time For Flash Video AS

Jun 14, 2010

I realize this is probably an old thread, but does anyone have an actionscript example of how to create a custom start and stop time for a Flash video?  In other words I'd like to be able to "bracket" the play time of a Flash video with custom start and stop times rather than start at the beginning and end at the end.

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Professional :: Internet Explorer Flash - Start To Play Then Stop

Oct 15, 2010

I'm putting an swf on a website and it's working great except for IE. (Although it works great in IE 9). In some versions of IE it will start to play then stop as if the video was never load and in others it will just go white. It works great in other browsers, just our favorite browser IE seems to screw it up (big surprise).

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Professional :: Flash CS5 Slow Start Up And Crash On Snow Leopard

Nov 20, 2010

I'm using a new Mac Pro with Snow Leopard. We have Adobe MC CS5.I'm experiencing serious problems with Flash CS5. The program locks up at "Initializing Tools" for several minutes at start up. Once the program opens it will crash if I try to create a blank document. Other Adobe programs work fine.Flash CS4 worked fine on this computer.Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this? I've tried uninstalling and deleting all adobe documents from the configuration folders. It just seems like this machine is cursed or something.

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Professional :: Text In A Testfied Disappear After Say 5 Sec?

Feb 1, 2010

how i can have a text in a testfied disappear after say 5 sec or so. the thing is i have displayed a file for visiters to download and have handled the SELECT EVENT, CANCEL EVENT, PROGRESS EVENT COMPLETE EVENT AND IOERROR EVENT OF THE FILE REFERENCE  in one dynamic text field which is all working alright but the last message stays in the text field which is what i want to get rid of after a few seconds.
I tried to use transitions and timer to do it but i can't get my head round it.


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Professional :: After Saving, Certain Frames Disappear?

Mar 20, 2012

With CS5.5 on OSX, after saving a file and reopening it, certain frames (and their artwork) end up missing, i.e. aren't saved with the rest of the file. This happens with random frames. Other artwork, created after these frames, is still there.

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Flash :: Professional - Stop Adding Link 'hit Zone' At Start Of Animation?

Jan 26, 2010

I have created a short animation in Flash CS4 which has one button with a URL link. the button shows up on frame 217, and on that frame I added the following action script:  


however, the 'hit zone' for the button shows up from frame 1 of the animation. is there a way of getting the hit zone to start when the button shows up?

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Professional :: Making Image Appear And Disappear After X Time

Jan 20, 2010

If I have a button on my screen that I want to make a box appear when clicked, how would I go about doing that? It also needs to disappear after 10 seconds. I am not sure if this is an issue, but it needs to appear on the screen while everything else is happening underneath it. So the rest of the animation must continue on as this appears above it.

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Professional :: Make A Button Disappear, Then Reappear?

Jul 28, 2010

I am making a few language flash cards in adobe flash cs5 with as3. the flashcard is a movie clip and when you push a button (located on the bottom left hand corner of the flashcard) the movie clip flips the card to give the translation. it looks a little unprofessional to have the button stay in place while the card flips. is there a way to make the button disappear for the duration of the movie clip, and then reappear at the end?

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Professional :: Text Disappear In IE, But Visible In Other Browsers

Aug 12, 2010

All text (including dynamic and static text boxes) disappear while previewing in IE (IE8, IE7) but visible in other browsers (Firefox, Opera, Chrome). The movie URL [URL].

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