ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Highlight Box With The Mose?
Dec 4, 2010
I am pretty good at making games, but I do not know how to do this: making it so that when you click the mouse, hold it, then drag it to another position, a box appears. Does anybody know what I am talking about? Here, minimize down to your desktop and try it. Left-click, hold, then move the mouse around. See that highlight box it creates? I'm wondering if there is a way you can do that in Flash.My Flash version is Macromedia Flash 8 Professional with ActionScript 2.0. I need to do this box thing because I am making a StarCraft
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Oct 6, 2011
I'm making a website in flash, inspired from this site : [URL]. I've done mouseover so that when you go over a circle you can see full text in the middle, but I don't know how to make the other "buttons"/circles fade white when I have my mouse over one of the circles. Please take a look at the webpage, it's kind of difficult to explain. [URL]. I'm using CS 5.5 and Actionscript 3
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May 1, 2010
need a logia something like to paint some Objects: simply put some MCs. When the Mcs (are out of the Box range) and neat its easy to colour. see the Zip files attached:
Please see: paint_Non_Overlaping_MC_Works.fla paint_Non_Overlaping_MC_Works.swf When the Movie clips are overlapping or one placed above the other MC the objects are hard to paint. It Recognizes the Obeject as One, the Imported png converted to a MC. Please see: paint_Overlaping_MC_Not_Works.fla paint_Overlaping_MC_Not_Works.swf
Is there a possibility to make this work, like to make the MC Highlight on Mouse over and distinguish the objects when Overlapping? That's to say to colour the MCs when overlapping? What initially came to my mind is when mouse over the MC's to highlight so that we can drop the colour on it. In the ZIp file contains all the as2 codes.
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Oct 30, 2009
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EDIT: Also I have noticed i can only 'fill' a shape with the fill tool if it was a complete shape made with a single line. So for example if i were to draw a circle and then in my second brushstroke i were to draw a line across the centre and then apply the fill/paintbucket tool to the circle, it would fill the entire circle rather than the section before where the line crossed it. Is this related to the 'box' issue?
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myValidator.source = empName1; = "text";
if(myValidator.validate().type == ValidationResultEvent.VALID)
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What i wonder is how i in my baseclass can highlight the button that was clicked.. and then when another button is clicked highlight that one instead.. some current-button functionality.[code]...
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I will try to explain my problem (I'm swedish...); If you look at the fla posted here and the trace information in the output panel when published, you see what the button is called. What I need is a way to use this info to create a code that makes the button blacked when clicked on and back to grey when some other btn is clicked.
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Feb 21, 2007
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I've been looking over the code, trying to figure out how to get it, but I keep getting stuck. I know Flash has a built in "Date" and I've been trying if statements to get it to == my AS Datestamp, but I have to be doing it wrong.
Ive pieced this together from a few different calendars after seeing the code, the AS is split into 4 KeyFrames. The code below is what gets the day, and places the start cord. of the MC:
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Jan 20, 2010
What I'm trying to do is highlight a movieclip button when it is clicked, and then remove that highlight when another movieclip button in the same menu is clicked.I think the problem is arising from the fact that the buttons temporarily highlight when rolled over. I have used the 'ROLL_OVER', and 'ROLL_OUT' event listeners to initiate the animation, so any attempt to keep the current button highlighted is quashed when the mouse is moved off the is some of the code i have used
[AS]overview_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER , highlightMenu);
photography_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_O VER, highlightMenu);
overview_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, UNhighlightMenu);
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May 14, 2009
I did a search, but couldn't find my issue, which was rather surprising. I have an actionscript 3.0 component (flvplayback) and I want to simply change the highlight color from the default green color. You used to be able to do this by a style manger "halo" color or something I don't remember exactly (AS 2.0), but this doesn't work w/ 3.0 components. I thought I could double click on the component in the library, but I can't seem to change the style that way either. I have also tried to place individual items on the stage, like the play button and change the styles there, but it doesn't inherit the changes to the flvplayback component.
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm making a scrolling list of objects, and I want each to have an over state. Normally I'd make a separate frame for each over state, highlighting the respective object.This list, however, has over 50 objects. That means I'd need over 100 different frames to shuffle through on this one movie clip. Is there a better way? I tried using a plain white movieclip at 50% alpha and attempted addChild-ing it on top of the target but that didn't work out
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Jul 21, 2009
If i open .as file (or something else) in Notepad++ and select any variable or some other text, it will highlight all of the occurences of this variable in text of this opened document. And you can quickly see where this variable have assignemnts and so on. But in Flash CS3 i can only use standard Find dialog to search throug opened .as file and it finds only one occurence, then you hit "Find Next" and you've got another. Not so comfortable. So does that feature exist in Flash CS IDE, or something similar? (i can't find that)
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Nov 11, 2009
I m stucked on this problem. I am not able to highlight text at second click. it's not reassign when i m trying to clear it next time. to check exiting problem please enter "hot" in text box and click on button , you ll see highlighted text. but next time whent you try to click on that it ll not show any result.
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