ActionScript 3.0 :: Highlight/Resetting MC Button?

Jan 20, 2010

What I'm trying to do is highlight a movieclip button when it is clicked, and then remove that highlight when another movieclip button in the same menu is clicked.I think the problem is arising from the fact that the buttons temporarily highlight when rolled over. I have used the 'ROLL_OVER', and 'ROLL_OUT' event listeners to initiate the animation, so any attempt to keep the current button highlighted is quashed when the mouse is moved off the is some of the code i have used

[AS]overview_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER , highlightMenu);
photography_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_O VER, highlightMenu);
overview_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, UNhighlightMenu);


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Button Un-highlight On Disable?

Sep 17, 2009

In my code, when a user clicks on a button, I set the alpha of the button to 50 and set enabled=0. This works to essentially disable and grey out the button. The problem is that even though the button has been disabled, it still sits in the over state until the user moves the cursor off the hit area... Funny, no?
Since you can't tell a button what frame to go to, how do I get it to go back to its up state (without recreating all my buttons as movieclips and doing the whole thing manually)?

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What i wonder is how i in my baseclass can highlight the button that was clicked.. and then when another button is clicked highlight that one instead.. some current-button functionality.[code]...

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// Attach Musicvar req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("squeeak3.mp3");var sound:Sound = new Sound();var controller:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var b:Boolean;


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Oct 27, 2009

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I have uploaded the fla files into a zip.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Resetting Itself?

Jan 1, 2011

I made a simple class that's keeping a history of strings, updating it with a push() method (like an array) and with a possibility to navigate with next() and previous().Therefore my class has an array and a integer indication the current position in the array. (See full code below)Now something very strange is going on. When coming into the push() method the position variable has some value, which I can change, but everytime I try to read that variable, it gives me a 0. I've never had this kind of problem before and I simply cant find out what's wrong.The push() method

ActionScript Code:
public function push(entry:String):void [code]......

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Tween Class Not Resetting Y Value

Jan 11, 2011

I am trying to move a movieclip down using Actionscript. Then when a user fires a back event [which is successfully firing] the movieclip is then required to go up again. The code is:

trace("fholder _y org: " + folioholdermc._y);
var yDown1:Tween = new Tween(folioholdermc, "_y", Bounce.easeOut, -601, -449, 3, true);
trace("step 1 called");
trace("fholder _y down1: " + folioholdermc._y);
[Code] ......

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Actionscript 3 :: Resetting Objects In Flash CS5?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm making a simple platform game in Flash CS5 and Actionscript 3.0. When the player loses all their lives, I want it to redirect the player to a "Game over" screen where they can select a "Try again" button to restart the game.

Set everything (player, background, etc) to visible = false
Set "Game over" movie clip to visible = true (it is invisible during gameplay)

Have the button in the "Game over" movie clip hide the movie clip then re-show all the gameplay elements.Reset position of player to start, set score to 0, lives to 3, etc..It's probably not a very good way of doing this but if it works, then I'm happy. I just want the "Game over" screen to show briefly and if the player clicks the "try again" button, they can play from the start.

Now, the problem with my implementation of the above is that when I set all the gameplay elements to visible = true after having them set to false, the game has stopped.. keyboard input doesn't reactivate and the game elements are shown but aren't active. Is there something about the visible attribute I don't know? Does it mess with the "state" of an object? Here's some snippets of code from the Actionscript file...

if(lives >= 0) {
//print number of lives

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resetting X And Y On Draggable Movieclips

Feb 3, 2009

I've got 6 draggable movie clips that snap to a target - which works fine. If they don't hit the target area they snap back to their starting point- which also works fine.

My problem is that they can all be dragged to the target one after another, but I only want one movieclip to be at the target at any one time.

So,when I start dragging a new clip toward the target I want the movieclip thats already on the target to reset itself to it's starting position, thus being replaced by the incoming clip.

I want this to happen for all the draggable clips.

function dragSetup(clip, targ) {
clip.onPress = function() {


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May 22, 2010

I'm making a flash game. when i open the dresser drawer, then leave, then come back the drawer is closed.

how can i make it so when i come back the drawer is still open?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resetting A Class Instance?

Dec 29, 2010

im creating this game. I have a main class, which I use to call the menu class and the actual game(board) class.

I got the game working, but now when I try to reset the instance of the board, it doesnt actually execute the constructor again. So I get a fresh board, but the variables aren't reset.

ActionScript Code:
public function Resetboard(event:Passboolean){
board = null;
board = new Board();

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resetting Multiple MovieClips?

Jan 24, 2011

I've created this simple birthday game where the concept is to blowout 30 candles in 15 seconds.The candles are movieclips so that when they are clicked on, they blowout. However,when the option to "try again" begins, the candles are still out.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sound.position Not Resetting

Oct 25, 2005

Just to start off, this isn't exactly an inquiry to a problem. It is moreso of a posting of a bug (or assumed bug) in the Flash player and how to get around it. Though if anyone else has a better method then share. Ok, well I very rarely ever work with the Sound() object in Flash, and I found myself working with it today. I was having a problem and I could not pinpoint it for the life of me.... my code appeared correct in every aspect.

After tracing many sections of my code to find out where it was going wrong I realized... that for some reason when you use Sound.stop(), the Sound.position doesn't get reset... it instead just increments from where it left off. This is quite annoying. And being that Sound.position is a read only property you can't reset it yourself. The only solution I have found for this is to delete or overwrite your Sound() object with a new Sound() object. Anyone know if this is indeed a bug, or if there was some reason Macromedia did it like this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resetting Movieclip States?

Jan 16, 2006

I know there are similar questions here that have been answered, but after trying to make sense of it, I still can't get this to work.Based on an array, I attach a number of MovieClips from the Library.On release they go to a certain frame, representing the "pressed" state of the button.The problem is, that I can't figure out how to reset the last pressed button back to it's original state...Here is the Actionscript code I have so far:

ActionScript Code:
scrollUp._visible = false;[code]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resetting Movieclips Position?

Sep 7, 2006

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import mx.utils.Delegate;


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IDE :: Scrollpane: Resetting Scrollbar Position?

May 18, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: For Loop Counter Not Resetting

Jun 16, 2009

so I have a class method that contains a for loop ... however, each time I call the class method, the for loop counter continues to count from where it left off! Agh - the loop counter get's reset?


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