ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving An Object To A Top Layer?
Feb 12, 2010
I need some AS2 actionscript that I can place on a button to move it to the front on rollover. and move it to the back on rollout.I have two identical buttons on a layer in my timeline. When you roll over a button a larger text box appears ontop of it. The text box is the rollover state on the button, which is a button symbol. This works great in itself, but the problem is that the buttons are place close together and when one button gets rolled over and the text box encroaches on the other button's space. I always want the text box and button you are rolling over to appear in front of the other buttons that are on that layer. But that's not possible, since one button will be in front and one will be behind. Is there some AS2 actionscript that I can place on each of the buttons to move the button you roll over to the front?
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var c:Tween = new Tween(left, "scaleX", Strong.easeOut, 1, 1.5,20,true);
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var centerX:Number;
var centerY:Number;
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Actionscript Code:
// EXAMPLE WHERE TEXTBOX USED TO POSITION A BALL ON THE STAGEpackage { import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.Stage; import flash.text.*;
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