Flash Object Keeps Moving Position?

Jun 3, 2010

I came across a problem where my flash timer keeps changing position as the browser window is resized or if the user scrolls down the page the timer will move with it?It also changes position on different monitor screens.Is there an easy way without too much code to position it at a certain position on my page :[URL]As you can see its too low and should be in line with 'Comming soon'Im also using Dreamweaver if that makes a difference.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Object To A Certain Position?

Feb 3, 2009

The following code works fine when mouse is pressed at any position on the screen ,object moves that position...but what if I want the object move that position at a certain speed..say+10 using setInterval...I mean I want my object move slowly to any position I click on the screen..

PHP Code:
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
this._x = _root._xmouse;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Gradually Moving Y Position Of MovieClip

Dec 3, 2010

I'm totally new to ActionScript and don't really know what I'm doing yet! I have an assignment due Thursday and one of the things I'm currently stuck on is: I'm trying to get the water in a beach scene to gradually move down the screen until it fills the screen (and then the game will be over). At the moment I'm trying to do this using a timer event, is this right?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Tween The Width Of Object Without Moving The Object?

Feb 23, 2012

I am trying to do a apply a tween for the width property on a MovieClip Object but every time it changes the width and the position too, and I don't want that. I want to change the width going to one side without changing the x and y of the object.

I tried both of thes and they gave the same result.

var c:Tween = new Tween(left, "scaleX", Strong.easeOut, 1, 1.5,20,true);
var c:Tween = new Tween(left, "width", Strong.easeOut, 20, 200,20,true);

I think it is applying the transformation according to a center of the movie clip. but I don't know how it can be changed.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash: Moving A Movieclip From A Container To Another While Keeping Same Position And Rotation

Feb 22, 2012

I have 2 container MovieClips (mc1, mc2), each of them has a separate x,y, rotation. I want to take a child from mc1 and addChild() it to mc2 while keeping the same x, y, and rotation on the screen so you see the added child mc as if it didnt change position or rotation, just moved to the other MC.

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Flash :: ActionScript 2 Moving An Object

Dec 8, 2011

I have very little knowledge of ActionScript. I have a movie clip. I want it to move along the x-axis when i press down on a button(button or movie clip) I do not know what code to use as it needs to be Action Script 2. Is there a Tutorial or something that can accomplish this? I have found a tutorial that moves the object around when you press a button. I am trying to get the same effect when you click down on a button: [URL] UPDATE The button is called btn and the object that moves is mctransparent I have managed the folowing:


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As3 :: Flash - Moving An Object In Relation To Another?

Jan 17, 2012

i have a character_mc that moves on mouse click, a logtxt dyanamic text box and a mc named $box. The camera follows the character and when the log and $ boxes are staying put.

I want them to stay on the same point on the stage(meaning I want them to stay at the same place on the camera) I was wondering what i might do for this? I have tried to put them in a movie clip but it doesn't really seam like it worked well so i discarded the idea.

Heres the code:

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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HTML :: Moving Flash Object Within DOM Tree

Apr 5, 2012

Can I move a Flash object within the DOM without it reloading? I am developing a simple video chat application. Whenever I move a flash object within the dom tree, it resets itself. I have multiple streams which are aligned horizontally. Every stream is a different flash object. When someone enlarges a single Flash object, I need to move it to the top.

Whenever I move it to the top, that particular video resets itself, and you wait for a couple of second to get the stream back. I am currently simply prepending the same list item to the same parent. This is a very important feature and any kind of solution which doesn't require flash to reset itself is acceptable. (Except creating a parent flash container which has all the streams within it.)

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Flash :: Object Rotation While Moving On A Path

Sep 29, 2010

I have a movieclip moving on a path by means of a tween. At the starting point a (virtual) line on the movieclip is tangent to the path. Is there an easy way to automagically rotate the movieclip such that this line remains tangent to the path throughout the tween?

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Flash :: Stop Flickering Of Moving Object?

Apr 7, 2011

I have a ball moving around the screen, position updated on ENTER_FRAME. My problem is that there is a considerable amount of flicker going on. I have thought about using something like TweenLite to move the ball but as the position is being updated frame-to-frame I don't think that will work.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving MovieClip To Certain Y Position

Jun 19, 2005

I use the following function to move a mc to a certain y position. When that y position is reached the mc goes back to it's original position:

function moveInOut (clip, yPos, speed){
var yStart = clip._y ;
var yTarget = yPos;
clip.onEnterFrame = function (){
var dY= yTarget - this._y;
[Code] .....

But I don't want the mc going back to it's original position but to a completely different y position to create kind of a bounce effectHow to accomplish that?

View 14 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving A MC To A Certain Position Then Back Again?

Jan 26, 2006

I want to make a movie clip move left continuously and smoothly on rollover then on rollout i want it to be able to move it back to its original position with an ease. The problem is getting it to remember the position it finished in on rollover. How can i do it with actionscript?

I want to do it all with actionscript because I did it with frame labels and tweens first of all but its not smooth enough, it jumps in certain points because it cant remember how far left it moved on the rollover.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Child Mc Moving It's Position?

Dec 18, 2011

I can have the parent move the position of the child by adjusting its _x and/or _y. The child can move itself along the x axis by using _parent[childname]._x = but I can't get it to move along the y axis using _parent[childname]._y = , it just doesn't move.

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Flash :: Papervision3D: Making Object Appear Still When Moving Camera?

Mar 8, 2010

I'd like to keep an object appear to remain in the same place while moving the camera.I'm using this scriptto orbit an object using a mouse drag. But I have an object in the scene that I would like to keep still. How to I do this?

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Flash CS5 - Moving Object Around In Circle One Degree At A Time

Aug 2, 2011

I have an object called point that I can move around the screen with my mouse. This object has a vector mapped through it (_v1) using the center of the stage and "point"s x,y location in order to draw the vector (note all of this is working fine). My problem is occurring when I set up was a button that simply sets a value to true if you press it. The idea behind this button is that when pressed, whatever location "point" is at, it will move 1 degree clockwise in a circle around the center of the stage (this is all happening in the frameHandler so I can keep clicking the button to make it continue around the stage).

The code I am using is based in an if statement listed below:
if(clockwisePressed) {
var v1angle:Number = _v1.angle;
v1angle++; //increase the angle by 1 degree
if(v1angle>180) {
v1angle -= 360; }
[Code] .....

So what is happening here is that clockwisePressed has been set to true so this fires off. My vector (_v1) is set up to tell me the angle (already converted from radians to degrees) but it's a read-only value. So I assign it (_v1.angle) to v1angle so I can mess with it and increase it by 1 so I'm moving clockwise around the center of the stage. Then I just check to make sure that it falls into a range between -180 and 180 (if I trace _v1.angle around the stage, 0 degrees is to the left, 90 degrees is straight up, 180 degrees is to the right, and -90 is straight down). Now using the formula I derived from this thread but converted to work with 0 degrees pointing to the left and the value for Y going up the further down the stage you go, I came up with

x = centerX - radius * cos(angle)
y = centerY - radius * sin(angle)

Now when I make a sample chart on paper and use these values on my calculator, this works like a charm. If I plug in an angle, the radius, and center I get a point right on my circle I draw on a sheet of graph paper. However, when I actually try this in flash, the "point" jumps all over the stage. (Note that _v1.m is just the magnitude of the vector between the center of the stage and "point" which is the same as the radius). So I trace everything and the values for cos and sin don't seem to be coming out right. For example, if my angle is -1.9581 and I take the cos of that on my calculator I get something along the lines of 0.9994 but flash traces Math.cos(angle) to be -0.3777. Isn't using Math.cos(-1.9581) the same as putting -1.9581 into your calculator and hitting cos?

Below is the corrected code that works:
if(clockwisePressed) {
var v1RadAngle:Number = Math.atan2(_v1.vy, _v1.vx); //get angle in radians
v1RadAngle += 0.0174; //increase the angle by ~1 degree more or less
//Now just move the crosshair and get it ready to be redrawn
point.x = centerX - _v1.m * Math.cos(v1RadAngle); //_v1.m = radius
point.y = centerY - _v1.m * Math.sin(v1RadAngle);
clockwisePressed = false; //remove button pressed boolean

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Color Changing + Moving Object?

Dec 12, 2011

I am making a flash animation and what I want is to have different movieclips animating over the screen and randomly changing colors. The animation is not the problem but the color changing.

i got this so far:

var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000); // 1 second
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, runMany);


Every second ALL my objects change color. But there are some movieclips that must stay the same color. So i changed the this inside the code above to some movieclip. If i tried that again, the animation of that movieclip stopt after it changed 1 time to another color.

Does any one know how i can solve this? so that the color of the movieclips will randomly change after 1 second AND the movieclips keeps their animation?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving The Player To The Mouse Position

Sep 29, 2010

I have a question about moving and animated player symbol to the mouse location on a MouseDown event. Right now I have it set up to do an easing so that I can control how fast the player moves to the location. Problem is that it is done with easing. I don' t like the easing because the velocity of starts really fast and then slows down before it reaches the mouseX and mouseY location. I would like just a plain ol' stroll from the player location to the mouse location on the MouseDown event. Here is my code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Image Relative To Position?

Jan 6, 2010

I had coded a different file similar to this and had a movieclip move along the x axis relative to where the mouse position is.

The idea is the movie clip is a panoramic photograph (eg. 6000x900) and it would move dependant on where the mouse it. ie. if mouse is in the centre it will be stationary and when it moves left and right the image will move accordingly (faster when further away from the centre).

The code below works moving the movieclip's x position but when I try and do it with TweenLite (using the quotations for relative positioning) the movieclip snaps immediately to -107374182.4

ActionScript Code:
import com.greensock.easing.*
import com.greensock.*


There is obviously something fundamental I am missing but cant see it at the minute. I had this working previously but then tried to progress it and write my own class for the panning (that now turns out I do not have time for) but I saved over the code and cant not go back.

I have put together an example zip with a .fla and the greensock tweening platform.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving To Position In Dynamic Text?

Nov 28, 2005

I am working with a block of dynamic text that is being loaded from an external text file. Imagine it looks like this:

Image 1:
Some text here.

Image 2:
Some text here.

Image 3:
Some text here.

You get the idea. This text is in a scrolling text box. What I'd like to happen is when the function gotoImage2() is executed, the text scrolls the down to Image 2 so that it is at the top of the text box. Make sense? Seems like a variable needs to be embedded in the text file, but I have no idea how to do the rest. I also can't get any of my custom scollers to work. They all embed the text in a masked mc. Is this the only way to scroll dynamic text? Any good pointers to smooth text scroller tutorials I'm using Studio 8.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving ACTUAL Mouse Position?

Dec 26, 2005

Is there any way in flash in which i can control the position of the mouse? i need to be able to reset the mouse to a predefined position, but when i do _xmouse=value nothing happens and if i am using mouse._hide and have a movieclip instead of the mouse and do mc._x=value the movie clip goes to my position but as soon as i move the mouse it goes back to the previous position... i need a way to control the ACTUAL "ms windows" position of the mouse ... maybe with Javascript?

View 10 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollbar Moving The Position Of An Image?

Apr 8, 2006

I have a horizontal scrollbar. I want this scrollbar to move a movie clip left and right on the screen.I cannot figure out what I am doing. In one example I'm looking at, it has the script on the button of the slider:

_root.vPosition = _root.SliderMC.ButtonSliderMC._y * 5 / 6;

I can't figure out the math for my scrollbar. How do I find the fraction that is in this part of the script? The numbers are not matching up for me. I also can't get my slider to go left to right. It keeps going down. And my image that is suppose to be scrolling the with slider is not even moving.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving MC According To Horizontal - Mouse Position

Jun 9, 2006

I'm creating a strip of 6 characters horizontally - 3 will fit on the screen at any one time, with the option to flick the mose left or right to scroll and see the rest. I'm after a tute that covers moving the mouse left and right, and shifting a movie clip in the opposite direction (only along the x axis), with easing, and depending how far from the center of the screen the cursor is.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Scoll Position In ListBox

Oct 23, 2006

I want to be able to move the list names of the listbox up and down can this be done through actionscript.or is there any way to bring the selected item to the top

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving X Position From Start To End State

Sep 12, 2007

I have this script, that zooms and fades the movieclip but I also need to shift the position slightly from the start state to the end state. For example var startX = 60 var endX = 70 so when the zoom start it starts at x = 60 and slowly moves as it zooms out to x = 70.

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IDE :: Change Mc Position When Mouse Stops Moving?

Jun 23, 2009

I've got this: [URL]

and need to add a function which changes position of those three mc's(myMC, myKulicka,myStin) to the center whenever the MouseMove stops. Thx for any advice

Used AS:

if (startMoving==true){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moving Menu - Change Scale And Position

Mar 21, 2004

The selector mark is suposed to "mark" the selection on the menu after a selection is pressed. But Im having problems with the X and y coordinates and scales of the MC and when I click on the option, the MC gets smaller and then bigger to the size I want. Its suposed change scale and position but its not working like it is suposed to work. Im not sure either if I�m setting the Mc on the initial x and y coordinates.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Letters Moving Effect With Mouse Position

Sep 9, 2005

How can we simulate this effect? (Letters moving with mouse position?)

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Flash :: Keep Object Position When Resizing Stage?

Nov 4, 2010

im trying to keep a object in a certain position in the screen, without resizing it too (with the stage)

function Resize(e:Event = null):void
if ((stage.stageWidth)/(stage.stageHeight) > fundos.width/fundos.height)


my stage is resizing all ok (keeping the aspect ratio) and im trying to add a nav img that would stay in the same position as i resize the browser screen

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Moving Object Grip Onto And Spin Around Another Object?

Apr 13, 2011

Im working on a small project and it involves a guy which you move with the arrow keys. The arrow keys add to his x, y velocities and his position is updated accordingly. How can i get this man to grab onto an object and spin around it (like when you grab pole and letting your momentum swing you around) . I can make him grab the object but I dont know how to modify his x,y speeds to simulate the arc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Shoot Game - Moving Arrow According To X Position Of Mouse

Feb 25, 2010

I am developing a game like this. [URL]. I just start this game And stuck in a problem. Moving arrow of game according mouse moveing like Given URL just check out. I know it is just a mathematical calculation. I have done according X position of mouse moving. But confuse something With Y position also. So I am not getting proper solution of X & Y position Both Togather.

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