ActionScript 2.0 :: Set Alpha Property In Flash Mx Without Using The Setproperty Action?
Jul 4, 2003
how can i set alpha property in flash mx without using the setproperty action. when i use setproperty action to change alpha value ,the graphic doesn't animate.
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Do you know how we can modify alpha parameters on Plane object with the new release of Papervision (2.0 alpha)? Previously, I was doing something like that : Code: Select allplane.containers.alpha = 0.5; But containers property disappeared from Plane object in version 2.0; I browsed every property of the new Plane object and couldn't figure it out.
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Jan 20, 2009
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Apr 7, 2011
I have a papervision project and this problem has kept me from going for days. I have Text3D object in my project and I have to reduce and increase the alpha property of this object , and I do it by changing the alpha property of the ViewportLayer that contains this Object. everything works fine but when I change it's text property due to some circumstances I can't work with it's alpha property anymore.
I change it's text like this:
var text1:String = "second string";
mytext3D.text = text1;
I don't (and I can't) use "useOwnContainer" and I use a defined ViewportLayer for this Text3D which I've defined like this:
var textLayer1:ViewportLayer = viewport.getChildLayer(mytext3D);
And I change the alpha property of this "textLayer1" in order to change the alpha of my Text3D object. Everything works fine till I change the text property and after that when I change the alpha of my "textLayer1" nothing happens!
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Jul 29, 2011
I've seen a few posts about this, but nothing that explains this issue concretely. Can anyone tell me how to change the alpha of a textfield in Actionscript 3?, and more importantly a textfield that uses embedded text fonts? I've heard changing blendmode.
I know how to do this in Flash IDE, but not purely in code.
View 8 Replies
Apr 29, 2004
I normally spend hours battling with the simpliest AS and eventually work it out.I've trying to run the following AS applied to a button:
on (rollOver) {
i = getProperty(this.button01, _alpha);
while (i<100) {
if (i>100) {
The action seems to work, however the increment is instant and I want to achieve a smoother transition.
View 10 Replies
Mar 22, 2010
i have this little display and when you click on certain items their alpha changes to 0.1, this worked fine until i added another frame with a different display on another frame. so now when you change frames and go to the new display then go back to the old display on frame 1 the alpha properties are all reset back to 1. So to fix this i thought i could simply add all the movieclips with an alpha less than one to an array when i left the frame then when you come back to the frame you could reset all the moviclips in that array back to having an alpha of 0.1. But this doesnt seem to work. here is the code i used.[code]But this code doesnt seem to work, the strange thing is even when i add some trace statements they tell me that the alpha does in fact equal 0.1 but visibally they haven't changed.
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Sep 25, 2008
I have generated several TextFields dynamically through a for loop. I would like all the text fields to have their alpha set to 0 so that each field can eventually fade in.
When I apply the alpha property by setting it to 0, or even .5 the text appears to still be at an alpha of 1. Does anyone know how to make the text appear with a low to 0 alpha?
I have attached the code from the function which runs the for loop to generate the text fields. Please not that the value of the text fields are stored in a global array, and the text format objects are also global and are declared in the main body of the class.
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Aug 15, 2009
I am very new to Flash and I have the following script:
mouseInterval = setInterval(changeAlpha,10);
function changeAlpha(){ fader_mc.alpha = Math.round(root.mouseX/550*100) }
This is simply to change the Alpha of my object as I change the X value of the mouse cursor. I keep getting the following error message:
1120: Access of undefined property mouseInterval
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Feb 14, 2011
Attempting to move from AS2 to AS3 and become OOPed! I've come to a sudden halt over the last few days with some basics.I will use a simply example to describe my query.3 movieclips, a square, circle and oval, drawn in Flash, dragged to the stage and given instance names of square, circle and oval! The square and circle sit on the main timeline, the oval movieclip sits within the circle movieclip. How can I alter the .alpha property of the square from within the oval?Each movieclip has its own class .as file (and linked to the instance on stage) but I have not been able to generate a path in the ovals AS3 class script to access outside it and up to the square on the main timeline to change the squares .alpha property.
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Sep 7, 2006
I am trying to change the alpha property of a button using actionscript 3.I dont want to create external AS file. Can you guide me on this?
circle_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Oct 15, 2009
I am having problems with the _alpha property of dynamic masks. For some reason they don't seem to accept it. I have a holder mc that I use as a mask and the holder is full of dynamic mcs for which I would like to set alpha properties.
My code is:
function init() {
for (i=0; i<100; i++) {
holder.attachMovie("msk","msk"+i,i,{_xscale:0, _yscale:0});
_root.holder['msk'+i]._x = (550*Math.random());
_root.holder['msk'+i]._y = (380*Math.random());
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Mar 1, 2005
I can't seem to access the alpha property of a movie clip. I can change it's y x position but not the alpha....
This works great: loader2.lettercontainer.letter_mc1._y=50;
But this doesn't do anything: loader2.lettercontainer.letter_mc1._alpha=50;
The movieclip "letter_mc1" contains a createTextField with one letter in it. I'm completely lost why this isn't working....
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Mar 20, 2009
Basically I have a MC called "__root.T1" that when a button is pressed it will move to the specified location and then it's alpha property will be zero. the alpha property to the functionstartEasing(_root.T1, 50.4, 161.9, 10);
function startEasing(object, endX, endY, frames) {
yourTween = new mx.transitions.Tween(object, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeInOut, object._x, endX, frames);
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Jan 21, 2009
I have a problem that is stopping my stopping when I try to set the .alpha property of an object. I have attached the code and have rem // out the alpha lines. can send you the fla to see the problem occuring.
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Oct 29, 2009
I am trying to tween some text and keep getting the error.
ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property alpha on$0.MethodClosure.[code].....
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May 4, 2010
I have two movieclip in stage named home,home_mc . I want when mouseover on "home" it will change some property of "home_mc".But dont know how to write this code.I am trying like this......
import caurina.transitions.*;
but it is throwing--- Error #1069: Property alpha not found on String and there is no default value.
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May 4, 2010
I have two movieclips in stage named home,home_mc . I want when mouseover on "home" it will change some property of "home_mc".But dont know how to write this code.I am trying like this......
import caurina.transitions.*;
but it is throwing--- Error #1069: Property alpha not found on String and there is no default value.
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Jul 27, 2007
I seem to have found a bug.....setProperty() will not work
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Oct 8, 2005
first have a look at this: [URL] It loads "auto" coordinates from php file, and makes the "auto" move after timeinterval. It is needed tht it could load infinate coordinates, but i fail to do it. If u change setProperty(auto, _x, kord ) to setProperty(auto, _x, x2 ) , it works, but as u can see only with one coordinate.
View 9 Replies
Jun 15, 2011
When state is changed, we can define the new properties for the new state overidding the properties of the base state.
But, I had a doubt. What is the difference between using setProperty() and removeChild() in Flex ?
Take the following case.
Suppose there are 2 Vbox inside the application container. When the state is changed by some event, I need only 1 VBox in the appln container.
(a) Should I set setProperty for that particular VBox of width and height to 0 ? or (b) Should I remove the VBox from the new state by using removeChild() property ?
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Jun 21, 2010
I have read this a few times, however, I never really understood the alternative. Please help me understand.How would I, without SetProperty, change the _alpha of a movieclip defined by a variable.With setProperty I would define the variable(which obviously will be changing, therefore a variable is needed):var movieClip = "_root.someMovieClip_mc"setProperty(movieClip, _alpha , 50)
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Jul 16, 2010
I'm trying to do something pretty simple: I am duplicating a movie clip and setting the _x and _y properties of the duplicate. The reason it is driving me up the wall is that the code works if I export for Flash Player 6, but not for anything later, and according to the sites I've read this code should work. I don't want to get into this project (which is big) and find out later that I can't export for such an old player.Here's the code:
function createBalls(ballNum) {
var newClipName:String = "ball" + ballNum;
View 4 Replies
Jun 12, 2005
i want to duplicate a movie clip b1 and create ball1 to manipulate them with setproperty, and the same for b2 but this one into ball2. when i execute this code it would only do it for b1 and not for b2.
var x1=50
var y1=100
var x2=60
var y2=89
View 12 Replies
Jul 12, 2002
I'm having some problems setting _x and _y positions of a movie clip attached (into a clip on a masked layer) using attachMovie. The code should position the clips icon1-8 on the y axis (100 pixels Ipart). The destination movie clip (the one with the actions) resides in a masked layer, I remember reading that there were some problems with masked layers in version 5. (i'm using flash MX). The movie clip is _root.openwindow.files
onClipEvent (load) {
for (var counter=1; counter<9; ++counter) {
this.attachMovie("icon", "icon"+counter, counter);
this["icon"+counter]._x= 37;
I am pretty sure there is nothing wrong with the code.. as it works outside the masked layer..
View 2 Replies
Mar 28, 2005
I've 2 mc in timeline instance names are:
in first frame I wrote the following code
setProperty(form1, _alpha, 50);
setProperty(form2, _alpha, 50);
this works ok. but the question is... multiple targets, how could I do something like this:
setProperty((form1; form2), _alpha, 50);
although I know this doesn't work... how could I setProperty of more than one instance?
View 4 Replies
Feb 15, 2012
I can't seem to get setProperty to affect any change detectable by getProperty, or any other means.
* Can you please help me find and fix the problems in my code? Also, it would be great if you could provide a snippet of code to both read/write to the SO from the Flash swf client, and changes required in the FMS server-side code to receive events onSync from another FMS server (also sending to another FMS server.. I know it should be very similar in theory).
View 2 Replies
Jan 25, 2011
Is the setProperty method only applicable to remote shared objects and not to local shared objects? The following code works fine:
web_so.setProperty("web", "someURL");
Where 'web_so' was earlier declared as a remote shared object. When the above line of code is parsed, the bbc website opens in the browser and the trace statement get's printed in the output cosole. However if I were to replace the web_so...code witht the following:
username_so.setProperty("web", "someURL");
Where 'username_so' was earlier declared as a local shared object. The trace statements prints out fine, but the brower dosent fire up at all. Which makes me wonder if the 'setProperty' method is something unique to remote shared objects, but I dont see the API mentioning that.
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