ActionScript 2.0 :: Share A S.O. Between Two Swf's?
Dec 2, 2004
I'm wondering if you can either specify a specific path of where to save your S.O.'s? I'm trying to share a S.O. between two swf's. I know they get saved here:
C:Documents and SettingsusernameApplication DataMacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjects
and right now they reside under two seperate folders (named after the two swf's) under the localhost. The script for retrieving and saving, as well as the S.O. name are all the same for both files although the swf file names are the same.
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How to share TextArea Component in multiple swfsaylib.swf (has TextArea Componenet)main.swf (Import TextArea Componenet from lib.swf)section.swf (Import TextArea Componenet from lib.swf)
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Jan 3, 2009
I have the details in my flash and swf file, but I'll explain what's happening. If you click on the green "i", it opens a window, you can drag the window by the top bar next to the exit and minimize. But unfortunately, if you close this window and open other (duplicate of MC), you can not move the window like you can on the original. My guess is that the AS does not carry onto the duplicate; I am stuck right here, if I can get this fixed, it will fix a lot of my other animations. I've been trying to search for this on Kirupa, but there are no results
on (press) {
bn = "window" add n;
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Jul 15, 2009
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May 11, 2009
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Sep 24, 2009
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If swf B has some code (say. com.blah.HelloWorld), I tell the compiler to have swf B's source in swf A's classpath, but only do a compile-time link and not actually compile com.blah.HelloWorld into swf A
This works, and I have tried it, using a the -includes and -externs compiler options.
However, My problem is that I wish to do this the other way. i.e. swf A and B (and potentially swf C) all need com.blah.HelloWorld, but I want com.blah.HelloWorld to be compiled into just swf A, have it as an external reference in swf B ( and potentially C as well.)
I tried doing this using the externs and includes, but I get ReferenceErrors when I do this.
I want to do this without a having a separate rsl, so I can reduce the number of http requests.
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Oct 24, 2011
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May 22, 2009
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Jan 25, 2009
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Jul 11, 2009
how can I share a libary over multiple swf's? Case: I made a few different swf's which all use one or two components, is it possible to create a shared libary, so that only one swf, the main swf, has to compile these components? Otherwise every swf is 20kb bigger than needed
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Jan 20, 2011
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Jan 23, 2012
I'm trying to load swf from into my main.swf with Flash Pro
Both swfs have Singlenton class
How to make it that loaded swf use Singlenton of main.swf ?
I did
ActionScript Code:
var lc:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
lc.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
myLoader.load( new URLRequest("http/"),lc);
anyway I have 2 different Singlenton classes one comes with loaded.swf another in main.swf and variables not shared
is any way I can merge this values?
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Sep 22, 2004
alright.. recently i needed to share data between different flash .swfs on a homepage.. so i tried to use Shared Objects to do so. sofar its fine.. i tried it .. and as long as the data is stored on my harddisk. the sharedObject "cookies" work fine.. but when i put the site online.. they simply dont work anymore..
could this have something to do with security settings of the browser used?.. doesnt a web browser allow flash to access the harddisk to read and write shared objects.. is there another.. simpler and more reliable way to send data from one .swf file to another..?? (without using php -> my webserver doesnt support this sofar )
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Dec 1, 2009
I've been recently struggling with try swfaddress links on the facebook, tweeter and friendfeed social platforms. But I could not achive because of "#" character.
Those social platforms can't recognize the full link if url is contain "#" character.
for example : try to share below link on facebook : [URL]
This is share link : [URL]
so, how can I share SWFaddress links?
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Feb 24, 2009
I have a bunch of games each in there own directory with there own classes. I need to make 1 global directory with a class in it that all my games can use.
The reason for this is if I need to make a change to this class, I don't want to have to keep copying it into each game folder.
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Mar 9, 2009
I'm trying to make a multiuser (Flash Media Server 3 compatible) version of Pictionary in AS3.(Using Flash CS3).The part that is particularly confusing me is "how can I refresh the drawing on the screen of the user who is not currently drawing?"Looking at them both they are not drawing "real time" but instead refreshing the drawing every second or so. That would be fine for me... I just can't figure out how to share the drawing. (Essentially taking a snapshot of the current state of the drawing and sending it to the other players.)Currently I'm trying to send mouse position data to the SharedObject and then back to the drawing tool but this just creates a data lag and it doesn't show on the other player's screen.
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Jul 30, 2009
I'm using CS3+AS3 and I have a Flash project with a menu, the items in the menu can expand to reveal more items and this is currently done by having each state of the menu in a separate frame, and then doing "gotoAndStop" in this movieclip when buttons are pressed.Perhaps not the best solution, but works very well for this purpose, but as you can imagine, this means that the "same buttons" in "different frames" will do the same thing.All frames were constructed by duplicating the first frame, then moving the buttons around and adding more buttons where needed. So now I set instance names to the buttons in frame #1 and added event-listeners. But when I tested the project, the buttons that had event-listeners in frame #1 also had them in all the other frames. Now this could be an awesome feature, but right now it's more of a huge mystery to me.
ance names in frame #2, but yet they share the same instance. I searched all over the IDE but I could not find any functionality to actually determine what instances are linked, how to link instances or unlink instances. But I do know that two objects share instances when you duplicate them.So my question is, is there no functionality in the Flash IDE to actually make more efficient use of this?
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Jul 3, 2010
On stage I have 2 objects on stage that share the base-class of "ABaseClass". Each has a child object that shares the base-class of "AnotherBaseClass". They child objects do not share the same parent, and have unique Linkage identifiers of "Object2Design" and "Object1Design", so they should be able to share the same name on the display-list, right? But if these child objects share the same name I get the following error. How to allow child objects to share base-classes and names?
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object2Design@256cfe81 to Object1Design.
at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
at flash.display::Sprite()
at AnotherBaseClass()
at Object2()
at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
at flash.display::Sprite()
at flash.display::MovieClip()
Example: [URL]
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Aug 2, 2010
Is there a location to upload .SWF files to share similar to what youtube does for videos?
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