ActionScript 2.0 :: Success With LoadMovie And LoadMovieNum?

Mar 23, 2004

I've had great success with loadMovie and loadMovieNum, but occasionally I see something in the posts about attachMovie. Is there a difference between attach and load, or is one left over from a previous verion of Flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie And LoadMovieNum

Jun 21, 2004


Ok, first ill explain what im trying to do; Im trying to load .swf files with the names "1.swf,2.swf, etc..." which will be loaded in to container movieclips with the names con1,con2 -> con5. They are randomly generated and there is some code to do a nice roll over effect. The problem is that it loads the .swf clip fine, but the rollover effects dont get attatched. Is this because ive mis-understood how loadMovie(); works ? or are you supposed to use loadMovieNum to load in to a specific level and then work it from there. I have tried both solutions, and i either get the containers with the effect, or just the images without the effect. Here is the code i have so far:

PHP Code:

var number_of_images = 9;
var speed = 5;
var alpha_standard = 50;
for (n=0; n<=5; n++) {
    eval("con"+n).movienum = Math.ceil(Math.random()*number_of_images);
    loadMovie("/images/portfolio/"+eval("con"+n).movienum+".swf", "con"+n);
    eval("con"+n)._y = 44;
    eval("con"+n)._alpha = alpha_standard;
    eval("con"+n).onRollOut = function() {
        this.rollover = false;
    eval("con"+n).onRollOver = function() {
        this.rollover = true;
    con1.onEnterFrame = function() {
        if (this.rollover == false) {
              -- alpha fading -- 
            this.alpdiff = (this._alpha-alpha_standard);
            this.ualpdiff = this.alpdiff/speed;
            this._alpha -= this.ualpdiff;
               -- width fading --
            this.normwidth = 76;
            this.newwidth = this.normwidth+((this.normwidth/100)*20);
            this.wdiff = (this._width-this.normwidth);
            this.uwdiff = this.wdiff/speed;
            this._width -= this.uwdiff;
               -- height Fading --
            this.normheight = 62;
            this.newheight = this.normheight+((this.normheight/100)*20);
            this.hdiff = (this._height-this.normheight);
            this.uhdiff = this.hdiff/speed;
            this._height -= this.uhdiff;
        } else {
               -- alpha fading -- 
            this.alpdiff = (100-this._alpha);
            this.ualpdiff = this.alpdiff/speed;
            this._alpha += this.ualpdiff;
               -- width fading --
            this.normwidth = 76;
            this.newwidth = this.normwidth+((this.normwidth/100)*20);
            this.wdiff = (this.newwidth-this._width);
            this.uwdiff = this.wdiff/speed;
            this._width += this.uwdiff;
               -- height Fading --
            this.normheight = 62;
            this.newheight = this.normheight+((this.normheight/100)*20);
            this.hdiff = (this.newheight-this._height);
            this.uhdiff = this.hdiff/speed;
            this._height += this.uhdiff;

con1._x = 50;
con2._x = 181;
con3._x = 312;
con4._x = 443;
con5._x = 574; 

Thanks in advance to anyone who replys

-Matt "Deviant" Lloyd

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loadmovienum() Works But Loadmovie() Does Not?

Jun 28, 2010

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I have done this many times before in other flash projects but I can't what's wrong this time . I have used the tween class for some animation and that's it. i even tried loading in the main movie even that doesn't seem to work. I don't want to use loadmovienum because then i am not able to define the placement for the SWF!!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Vs LoadMovieNum For Restarting A Clip

Dec 18, 2011

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1. what is the difference between loadMovie(swf_file_name, this) and loadMovieNum(swf_file_name, 0) in this context and which one is preferable?

2. Both obviously reset the values. But do these functions perform rubbish collection, i.e. free memory of the objects created at previous run-time, clear Intervals etc to prevent memory leak and processor clogging ?

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<site><point type="arr1">
[Code] .....

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I have that loop:

for (i=1; i<this.nb; i++) {_root.bande.duplicateMovieClip("bande"+i, i, {_x:originex, _y:(originey+(bandeheight*i))});


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I've tried to implement the Introduction to ZendAMF without success

I'm getting this error on publishing the flash file:

Code: Select allError opening URL 'http://localhost/folder/'
Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetConnection.Call.Failed

- I'm in localhost on Windows with Xampp.

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// an array with 3 movieClips on stage ... named respectivly
// make sure all these movies go beyond your stage


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Consume Google Finance API On A Flex Project But With No Success?

Jan 13, 2011

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Sending Email With PHP - No Success Of Failed Page

May 30, 2009

I've followed the contact form tutorial and believe I've updated the php to php5. The email sends but I never get a success or failed page. It just stays there. I'm being hosted by Go Daddy and I am on a Linux server.


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Sending Email With PHP - No Success Of Failed Page?

Nov 22, 2009

I've followed the contact form tutorial and believe I've updated the php to php5. The email sends but I never get a success or failed page. It just stays there. I'm being hosted by Go Daddy and I am on a Linux server.

php (removed actual email):

Code: Select all<?PHP

$to = "";
$subject = "Flash Contact Form Submission";
$message = "Name: " . $_POST['theName'];


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How to show success message in frontend....when a record is inserted in backend.

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Android :: Screen Completely White With 'Success' In Top Left After Logging Into Facebook On Tablet?

Sep 8, 2011

This issue is being tracked on the facebook-actionscript-api site here:url...What steps will reproduce the problem? Call FacebookMobile.login( APP_ ID, cbLogin) on an Android tablet.Enter Facebook account credentials and press "Login".What is the expected output? What do you see instead?The login window closes and returns to the screen that launched the login window. The callback function 'cbLogin' is called.The screen goes completely white, and has 'Success' in small black text in the >top left corner of the screen. The callback function 'cbLogin' is never called.What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?

-Android v3.2
-facebook-actionscript-ap v1.7
-ASUS Eee Pad Transformer TF101

I've tested this on 2 Android phones, the HTC Incredible (Android v2.2) and the HTC Thunderbolt (Android v2.2.1), and it works fine on both.

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How do I provide a success message (perhaps with a dynamic text field) when the three objects have been dragged to their targets?

import flash.display.Sprite;


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LoadMovieNum Swf Keeps Looping

Apr 15, 2009

I'm a newbie at Flash...and have a main movie that I would like to load external movies into..for ease of modification of the different areas vice having one large swf.I'm using the loadMovieNum command to load the external swf's just fine. When I play the external swf's by themselves...they play once and stop. When they are loaded into the main movie...they loop.I've placed a "stop();" command at both the frame in the main movie...and also on the line directly after the loadMovideNum line.

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Why Swf With Loadmovienum - Cannot Work In Ppt

May 20, 2009

I have made a swf that loading another swf file,it works well alone. When i put it into a powerpoint file using shockwave flash object,it works only one time. When i close the ppt and reopen it, the swf cannot work.

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Professional :: LoadMovieNum In AS3?

Jul 5, 2010

how to loadMovieNum in AS3?..I know the migration that we should use the Loader type

var lala:Loader = new Loader(new URLRequest("home.swf"));stage.addChild(lala);

something  like that?..But my question is if we do LoadMovieNum("home.swf",0); ""lvl 0 > Stage right""its like replace the previous stage with the new stage..whereas the 2 swf have the difference size..when i did with the Loader, thats load covered the previous SWF and the window size didnt resize automatically..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: LoadMovieNum Not Working?

Aug 23, 2009

For the past 7 years I have been creating a presentation in CS3 using Flash and ActionScript2. I am using a new plug-in that requires me to use AS3. I basically have about 20 different flash files, and to link all the swf files together I used to use:

loadMovieNum("gtradial.swf", "1");

When I use this now I receive this error:

1180: Call to a possibly undefined method loadMovieNum.

what I need to add/change to make this work with AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: LoadMovieNum() Equivalent?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm setting up a multi-lesson game and using it also as an opportunity to make the switch from AS2 to AS3. It's been a bumpy road but I'm getting it but think I've hit a roadblock.Is there an equivalent to the "loadMovieNum()" parameter from AS2? I have been merrily building all the individual games assuming I'd just swap them in and out of the same level so they purge each other as we go.

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