ActionScript 2.0 :: Unloading Xml Data?

Jan 30, 2008

I am making my portfolio website and I am loading the images, description, etc. from a xml file. This all works fine. but when i go back to another section of my site (i.e. contact or about) the xml data stays. Is there a way to unload the data when going to a different frame?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Loading/unLoading XML Data?

Jun 15, 2009

I have an accordion style btn that expands and contracts base on the user's cursor.
When the btn expands it loads an external XML file. The problem I'm having is that after the btn contracts the loaded XML content is still in place. Is there a way to unload this XML content after it has loaded?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unloading XML Files / Data

May 2, 2008

I have a movie clip with 25 different frames on it. On each frame I have the usual XML loadin information pointing to different XML files on my computer. When I click one of the 25 content buttons I have told the movieclip to go to a particular frame to load a particular xml file. The problem is it won't unload the first XML file so keeps displaying that data over and over again.Does anyone know of any simple (only just getting to grips with AS) coding I can place on another button to unload the XML data?

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LoadMovie Mc Keeps Unloading

May 2, 2011

I load my external image into emptymc which is inside mc_container:loadMovie("myimage.jpg", mc_container.emptymc); //placed on main timeline.This works fine. However when I go to a different frame within mc_container(specifically a frame without an instance of "emptymc") emptymc gets unloaded. As soon as I go back to a frame containing "emptymc" it no longer has the jpg.Is there a way I can keep the jpg loaded in emptymc without having to load it again?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading AS2 Swf From Swf

Mar 12, 2009

I've loaded an SWF file into an AS3 project, thing is, I can't unload it. Everytime I use loader.unload, The Flash IDE crashes! I've tried to google the problem, but it seems no one seems to have an answer for it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading External SWF?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm having a problem unloading an external SWF from my container clip. I've searched all morning for a fix to this problem, with no clear resolution. I thought this was originally a xml update issue, but it's not. A lot of talk about removing child nodes, but I'm not sure what do do there.Here's my code:

PHP Code:
function loadXML(loaded) { if (loaded) {  xmlNode = this.firstChild; swiff = [];  total = xmlNode.childNodes.length;  for (i=0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading SWF From Movieclip?

Jun 2, 2009

unloading a SWF from a movie clip. This code is inside a movie clip acting as a button that loads the SWF into another movie clip in the main timeline called "rootbox_mc". Basically when i spam the button, it keeps loading the external SWF over and over the one already loaded, i want it to remove the one already loaded before loading another in its place.

More specifically, i wanted to ask why my if statements were not working, and how do you actually unload a loaded external SWF. I read that you just delete the child, and that's what i tried to do here.

this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, load1Release);
function load1Release(evt:MouseEvent):void {
var checker:Number=0;


ps; This code is someone else's code that i found on the internet. I tried to modify it to fit what i'm trying to do, but it is currently not working.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading Swf's In UI Loader?

Nov 5, 2009

I am having some problem removing a null object and I realise that I have not been unloading my swf's properly. Could someone take a look at what I have been doing and tell me what I can do to make it better. I am putting my website in an exhibiton of my design work and if it lagged up due to all the clicking it would suck!


aboutBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, aboutLoad);
function aboutLoad(e:MouseEvent):void {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading Xml Or Swf File Within Swf?

Mar 31, 2010

have this main swf that calls 2 swf. then the 1st swf that he calls was consists of xml images and my problem is upon loading 1st swf then i clicked the button and loads another swf file it should unload the 1st swf file, in my 1st swf i have this switch case ode for button, i put the unload code inside it but it does'nt work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading Swf Between Two Swfs?

Dec 3, 2008

I have a UI that loads swf in the content area when several buttons are clicked (these buttons are menu1, menu2 et.c) the code is as follows and it is working fine...

import fl.controls.Button;
import flash.display.Loader;

So clicking the first button brings up a main menu in the main content area...with four menu options (buttons labelled mainMenu1, mainMenu2 etc.) When you click one of these main menu options, the corresponding swf should be loaded in place of the main menu (in the main contant area).

However this is not happening and the main menu is staying around and not being unloaded. Is this because the main menu swf is in a loader created in the parent swf, but the main menu loader is in the main menu swf. So I think in effect i have two loaders appearing at the same time.

import fl.controls.Button;
import flash.display.Loader;

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Unloading A Script With A Button?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a movie that serves as a greeting card - it plays an animation which (at the end of the timeline) plays a looping music track, and activates a "random" script to generate a "snowing" effect.At the end of the movie I've faded in a button that allows the viewer to "replay" the movie - which works okay... except it's still snowing when it starts (should begin without that effect)... Is there a way to unload that script? I found a way to unload the sound easy enough - but I can't seem to figure this one out.

for (k=0; k<150; k++) { duplicateMovieClip(_root.snow, "snow"+k, k);}

There is another script within the movieclip itself, but I don't think you'll need that. To preview the movie click below (sorry, the "replay" button is all the way at the end - you'll need to watch the whole movie) http:[url].....It probably begs for an explaination - if you're wondering, it's for a religious-based college (Fransiscan) - their mascot is a Saint Bernard..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading An External Swf From Itself?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a really simple problem regarding the unloading of swf's. I've searched for solutions but somehow I am having some difficulties understanding all the parent-child associations.So, I have main swf that has four buttons, each loading an external swf. The buttons are on the main timeline. The swf's that are loaded have a return button on their main timelines that would need to unload the current swf and thus return to my main swf.

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Flash :: Unloading Swf From Parent Swf?

Sep 23, 2010

So I loaded a swf into another swf like so

correctURL being my external swf variable

function startLoad(){
var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(correctURL.toString());
mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler);


mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, closeAllStreams);

I'm just not having any luck as I can still hear the old sound over the top.

I don't want to access the loaded swf's variables either or i'd just cheat haha.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading The External SWF?

Jul 20, 2009

I have a simple file with 2 buttons (load + unload).By pressing the load button, an external movie_player SWF loads (this SWF loads a FLV video into it).The problem is that when I press unload, the movie_player dissapears from the main SWF, but I still can hear it. How can this problem be fixed?

ActionScript Code:
var urlRequest01:URLRequest = new URLRequest("movie_player.swf");
var external_swf01:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading Swf's In UI Loader

Nov 6, 2009

I am having some problem removing a null object and I realise that I have not been unloading my swf's properly. Could someone take a look at what I have been doing and tell me what I can do to make it better. I am putting my website in an exhibiton of my design work and if it lagged up due to all the clicking it would suck! so its important I get this right I just need a little help if someone wouldn't mind.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading A SWF From The Inside?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a SWF that is being loaded into another SWF. I have a close button inside of the loaded SWF that unloads the SWF using this function:

function clickedButton(evt:MouseEvent):void{
MoveClip(this.parent.parent).myLoader.unloadAndSto p();

Works great ... as long as I know the name of the Loader (in this case myLoader). How do accomplish the same thing without knowing the name of the Loader that's loading the new SWF? How do I make it more generic so that whatever Loader calls in the SWF I can unload the content (from inside of the loaded SWF)?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading The Swf File?

Apr 28, 2010

The problem is when you click the green box, it loads the "book" fine, when you click the "x" button it doesn't unload i am unsure how to fix this.[URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading And Unloading SWF

Feb 5, 2011

I was wondering if someone could take a look at my files and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm trying to rebuild an ad in AS3 from AS2 and I'm running into some issues. This is the problem: When a page loads there is a 728x360 container that loads a 728x90 ad. What I need to happen is I need to communicate to the container that when the 728x90 expand button is clicked it needs to unload or stay on the screen while a 728x360 expanded state is loaded in.

I have these files 90% figured out. My problem is I cant get the collapsed state that is loaded into the container to load the new state. I've included my files and they re really simple to follow.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading An External SWF?

Apr 6, 2011

I'm building a site that has 7 sections. 1 section is a Photo Gallery for which I'm loading an external SWF file that is controlled by an XML file. Im doing this for allowing content editing any time.

All of the other content on the site is one-time, no backend required.

I've successfully loaded the external swf file into a loader in one of the frames. However, when I navigate away to the other 6 sections, I'm unable to unload the external SWF loader. How do I go about this?

Here's my code that loads the external SWF in one frame:

ActionScript Code:
//This creates a new instance of the loader object.
var my_Loader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading The Swf Dilemma?

May 12, 2011

new to action-script 3. I have created a flash site with 5 buttons (home,tvcs,film,contact and about). All buttons navigate to labels on the timeline. The tvcs and film buttons load external swfs which show flv videos. They both load up fine but unloading them seems to be my problem. They still remain onstage and play on while navigating through other pages. I've tried a few scripting ways to unload but to no avail. I'm wondering how and where to add the unloadAndStop()method into my current script in order for it to work properly.

as below:

home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,hClick) ;
function hClick(event:MouseEvent):void{


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pre Loader And Unloading Swf?

Jun 1, 2011

after fighting for 3 days to get my code to work properly i found out that there is a bug in flash player nine & ten.It cant remove a loaded swf 100% if you use unload();Then again you can use unloadAndStop(); but this also is not working 100% meaning removing everything from the loaded or loading swf.unloadAndStop() is a much better solution than using unLoad(); in my case, but still if i click on a button while my swf is loading and that button has for function to unloadAndStop the swf it will not remove it completely and throw me an error Error website still works but it could be working much better and opens the door to errors while people visit my fixing these error and what not by methods that i think should not be there in the first place.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading And Unloading SWF's?

Feb 1, 2012

I've got a games menu and have the code to load games when a button is clicked. So far say you want to play GameA... The player clicks the button to Play GameA and that game is loaded. Once the player finishes the game they are shown a button to continue which unloads the game and loads the menu.

The problem is that I want a movieclip to be visible on the menu but only when GameA is completed. There is no way to back out of GameA and getting back to the menu without completing GameA. I don't know how in GameA to put that if the continue button is pressed make 'GameATick' visible. I've tried inside the code of GameA putting code like root.GameATick.visible and code like this but it doesn't recognise the MC.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Unloading .swf From UILoader?

Aug 29, 2010

I have videos on my Video.swf and mp3player on my music.swf now when i click on the video_btn, the Video.swf lods, but even when i click on another btn, the video is still playing on background. Same thing for my music.swf

How do i remove the video.swf and music.swf when the user clicks on a different button to load a different swf.

videos_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goVideos);
music_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goMusic);
graphics_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goGraphics);
contact_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goContact);


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IDE :: Loading, Unloading Swf Through Button?

Sep 24, 2009

i have looked for a solution for a long time but they either didnt work and were too complicated for my little skill. so i have a main .swf which im working on. i then have buttons which when clicked, launch a panorama. the problem is that this panorama is created with a 3rd party program and is a .swf. now. i curretly have the follwoing script to launch the panorama

loadMovieNum ("foyer_pano.swf", _root)

however this opens the swf in a new tab of my web browser. now that is not too bad, but i would like and it would be much better if the panorama would open inside my current swf. i remember i managed to do this. (sorry i forgot the code for it!!!) but when this was done, it would cover all my other buttons. i tried different things with changing levels and those sort of things, but nothing seemed to worked. (i was able to display a button on top of the swf but its AS woudlnt work) does anybody know how to do this? can someone explain it quite simply and in detail? i just want to load an swf in my project, and have a button on top of it with which i can unload this swf. (note that i cannot edit the settings of the panorama swf except for its size and dimensions and stuff, i cannot add a button or AS into it)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unloading XML Before Loading Another?

Jul 20, 2006

This image gallery I am working on loads the thumbnails(from the XML) into a scrollbar. It works for the first one fine, but when I click on another button for another gallery it adds the thumbs of the new gallery at the end of the ones already there, but what I trying to do is have the previous thumbs unload then load the new xml with the appropriate thumbnails.I have tried removeNode(); to unloadMovie(); and various other functions but nothing works. The XML does not unload before the next one loads EVER. The removeNode(); doesnt even remove all the children, which i thought it was supposed to.


This is in a function called on the release of all buttons, but it doesnt do anything. This function is located in the same frame as the loadXML function. Is this the wrong place to put it?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unloading A .swf Within A Container Mc?

Dec 5, 2006

i used the following AS to create a container mc, then load an external .swf into the container. I would like to remove the loaed .swf with a button contained within the loaded .swf?

but.onPress = function () {
createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
loadMovie("loaded.swf", "container");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unloading DuplicateMovieClip?

Dec 7, 2006

I have a 'start page' on frame one and the main code on frame 2 incl. a button to return to Frame 1 and this is the problem as when the timeline moves to Frame 1, the duplicated MCs (ie pronounClip + promptClip) are still there.I have tried to unload the clips :

but that doesn't work either...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading The Loader?

Jan 25, 2009

is this the right way to do it?

PHP Code:

if (imageLoader != null){imageLoader.unload();} 

or i need to say this:

PHP Code:[code].....

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Flash :: IDE - Swf Movie Not Unloading

Apr 3, 2009

I inherited ,from a previous employee, a flash file and there is a bug which consists of a swf movie not unloading. I have attached the link to the website below. To be specific, after the publications button swf is loaded into the main file, you can never get it to unload fully. If any other buttons are clicked and their swf files are loaded, the buttons for the publications remain in the file ( not visually but the hit area remains). I just need to know how to get them to fully unload.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unloading A Preloader Not Ex1.swf

Nov 5, 2009

I have a "portfolio" which loads some projects I've been playing with.Some of these are reasonably large, so I use a preloader to load them.So, for example, in portfolio.swf, press button1, use a loader class to load ex1preloader.swf which loads ex1.swf.Press button2, I unloadAndStop the loader, then load ex2preloader.swf which loads ex2.swf,and so on. So far so good, all works fine.The problem I'm having is if I click button2 before button1 preloader has finished loading, the unload seems to unload the preloader, but not the ex1.swf (I can tell as the sounds keep going - some of which only get triggered when the code executes).This is *only* a problem if I interrupt at the preload stage - if it succesfully loads ex1.swf, everything is ok, even if I then interrupt ex1.swf.It seems like the preloader gets unloaded, but not what *it* is loading.

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