ActionScript 3.0 :: ASDoc Can't Find JRE/Java 2 Runtime Environment

May 14, 2010

I'm trying to run ASDoc on just one of my classes, but I keep getting the following:

ActionScript Code:
Error: Cannot find JRE.
Error: Cannot find Java 2 Runtime Environment.

I've read up on the issue and I tried setting up the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to ..AdobeFlex Builder 3jre folder but it's not working at all. Is there a compatibility issue or is something else going wrong?

/edit: Nevermind, it just started working. I guess I had to exit out of command prompt before it took effect

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public int age;
public String name;

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with following options



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Dependency is war->swf->swc.

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G:Projects est>mvn -e
+ Error stacktraces are turned on.
[INFO] Scanning for projects...


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//I want to add the ASDoc tags here, before this chunk of code
private var _enabled:Boolean = true;
public function get enabled():Boolean[code]...

if I ad the tags where I want them, if I understand correctly, they will comment the private variable instead. Bummer.So, either I change the coding style I have been using for the past three years, or insert the tags inside of my code, making it ugly and less structured. I'm leaning towards option do YOU write your getter/setters so they are ASDoc friendly?

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Dec 10, 2009

I could sift through all HTML pages and write code that extracts the information, or even start from scratch and do the same for AS files, but I'd rather not.

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Such as:

<class name="DebugText" description="A lightweight, visual debugging tool." author="IqAndreas">
<property name="text" namespace="public" returns="String" throws="Error bla bla"


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Apr 8, 2009

I'm running ASDoc to document my code. (The command line tool shipped with Flex that generates documentation of your code.)I'm running into a problem. I created a project targeting Flash Player 10 and the project compiles just fine in Eclipse, but when running ASDoc, one of the classes I use contains methods that are NOT available to flash players lower than Flash Player 10. Thus the ASDoc tool is generating an error, b/c it doesn't know I am targeting Flash Player 10.How do I tell ASDoc that I wish to target Flash Player 10?

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Dec 10, 2009

Can ASDoc be set to document private members ala JavaDoc?

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Flex :: Asdoc - Add A Comment To Some Elements In A Document?

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I want to add a comment to some elements in a Flex document, and process the comments using ASDoc. I can easily do this for the script portion, but I end up with a ton of ugly "This property can be used as the source for data binding." messages for each element I declared in Flex. Is there any way to embed a comment into a flex element so that it can be read by ASDoc? I have tried using the standard

<!-- -->

notation, but that didn't seem to work.

EDIT: The notation seems to be swallowed up as an HTML comment..

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