Flex :: Force Asdoc Run In English?

Apr 4, 2010

My operation system is Window XP in Chinese. I'm running flex sdk > asdoc in command line. Asdoc picks up the system default language. How can I force it to be run in English language environment?

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Flex :: Possible To Include Example Mxml In ASDoc?

Mar 25, 2011

Is it possible with ASDoc to include example MXML code in your comment?[code]

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Flex :: Add XML To Asdoc Function Comments In It?

Mar 30, 2011

How do you add sample xml to asdoc function/class comments in Flex? They can obviously be added, but they wont show in the hover asdoc comments in Flash Builder 4. [code]...

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Flex :: Add AsDoc Comments To A Component?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a canvas based component, so when I check the asdoc comments, they have inherited comments of Canvas. can we remove that inherited comments, and add our own AsDoc comments..

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Flex :: Documenting Private Members With ASDoc

Dec 10, 2009

Can ASDoc be set to document private members ala JavaDoc?

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Flex :: Asdoc - Add A Comment To Some Elements In A Document?

Nov 21, 2010

I want to add a comment to some elements in a Flex document, and process the comments using ASDoc. I can easily do this for the script portion, but I end up with a ton of ugly "This property can be used as the source for data binding." messages for each element I declared in Flex. Is there any way to embed a comment into a flex element so that it can be read by ASDoc? I have tried using the standard

<!-- -->

notation, but that didn't seem to work.

EDIT: The notation seems to be swallowed up as an HTML comment..

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Flex :: ASDoc In Create Documentation For Packages/namespaces?

May 18, 2009

As the title says - is it possible to document my ActionScript packages / namespaces using the ASDoc comments and the included asdoc command line tool?

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Actionscript :: Flex - Cannot Get The Comments To Show In File When Running Asdoc

Jul 28, 2009

cannot get the comments to show in actionscript file when running asdoc.. is this a known bug?

/** test comment */
public var currentSearchTextValue:String;

does not show anything in the generated documentation.

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Flex - Parse Durations In Simple English?

Jan 12, 2011

I would like to find an actionscript library that can take strings like:

Two days
one month
a week

and parse them into duration (returning the time in some unit). It seems like it's been done so many times before and I'd hate to implement such a thing myself. If not in actionscript then in python (I can run this on the server side I guess).

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Flex :: DateTime - Converting Seconds To Readable English

Mar 23, 2010

For example :
input = 360 seconds
output = 6 minutes
input = 86400
output = 1 day
Is there a built-in method for this.

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Flex :: Asdoc Throwing Errors For MXML Component That Includes A Separate .as File?

Jul 27, 2010

I have an MXML component that includes a .as file with

<fx:Script source="myfile.as" />

Running asdoc throws a whole bunch of errors like

"Error: The private attribute may be used only on class property definitions."
"Error: The public attribute can only be used inside a package."

Solution 1 is to move the AS code into the MXML file. Kind of defeats the objective of using external .as files for MXML components in the first place, so really a last resort option. Code inside a mxml file is messy (I really don't want logic mixed in with mxml), and would also require using the < !--- ---> asdoc syntax.

Solution 2 is to have the MXML component inherit from a normal class file. That would mean no private members in the base class, only internal (meaning a separate package for the component to be safe) or protected. This would make things tedious to say the least.

Are there any other work-arounds or possibly a beta/nightly version of asdoc that fixes the problem? I am using the Flex SDK, the "latest production quality release".

Update:Just tried using asdoc from the svn trunk, (4.5.0 rev. 16942) and the problem persists.

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Flex :: Force Flex Apps To Load On A Local Domain?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a situation where I need my swf to load from a domain. Currently my flex set up always loads a SWF from file [URL]...

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Flex :: Force Redraw On Component?

Jan 10, 2011

I have an app w/ a login screen. When the user hits "enter", the state changes to "login" & a child component is triggered to load (though the child stays invisible at the moment). The child contains many functions that the user needs upon logging in (ie their screenname & settings are retrieved from a database). The following is included in 'Parent':

<local:comp id="localComp" includeIn="login" includeInLayout="false" visible="false"/>
<mx:Button label="login" click="currentState='login'"/>
<mx:Button label="logout" click="currentState='Default'"/>

My problem is when a user logs out (state changes to 'Default') & then logs back in (state changes back to 'login') the child doesn't get "triggered" again & the functions w/in the child don't reload. Is there a way to force my child to refresh?

Note: While it would be easier to just move the child's functions to the parent it is complex...I moved these functions to the child to make it easier to follow

UPDATE: I even tried adding an "exitState" to my state:

<s:State name="login" exitState="removeElement(localComp)" />

This doesn't work either, as I get an error: "RangeError: Index 0 is out of range."

UPDATE: Even though you are allowed to call a child's function from a parent, my problem is that the child needs to be "created" in order to not show errors. It makes no sense to me why the flex team would make something like removing & adding children so complicated.

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Flex :: Force The Browser To Put Up Scrollbars?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm using an iFrame in a Flex 3 project. The problem is that if the user opens my site in a small browser window, they don't get scrollbars. How can I solve this problem? Is there a way to force the browser to put up scrollbars?

If I set the main app to horizontalScrollPolicy="on" verticalScrollPolicy="on" or to "auto", then as you scroll down, the iFrame is stuck to the top of the browser window and obscures the content.

In the main app:


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Flex :: Force A Resize From A Child To A Parent?

Jul 22, 2009

I have a page-like flex application. In my main application is a holder (a canvas) that displays all the pages. The problem is that the components that are loaded inside the holder are bigger than the holder is when the main application starts. The holder height is set to 100% but still he gets scrollbars when I load a bigger component inside of him then himselHow can I solve this problem? And if it isn't solvable would it work correct if I use a viewstack?the holder looks like this:

<mx:canvas height="100%">

But the end of the application is 500 pixels lower so canvas height is 500 pixels high. Now I put a new child inside the holder that is 1000 pixels high.

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Flex :: Force Validation When A Container Is Displayed

Jul 29, 2009

I have a Flex 3 app with a view in a viewstack, and that view must only be created when requested. I have declared validators for each of the controls on the view and I have created a method called checkAllValid() which runs Validator.validateAll(). This works great when I'm actually using the controls (using the change or focusOut events), but how can I get checkAllValid() to run when the view is first displayed to the user, so that they are immediately shown what is invalid once the data is populated in the controls?

I have tried putting the call in various events on the view itself (e.g. creationComplete, updateComplete, show, activate, etc.) but it always shows the following error when I start the application:

'The source attribute must be specified when the property attribute is specified.'

I have also tried setting the creationPolicy on the view to "all" but this does not help.

Some of the validators are only enabled when the form is in a certain state, but I have eliminated that as being the potential problem by commenting out all of my validators except for this most simple one:


I have also tried calling the single validator directly rather than using validateAll and the result is the same.

There must be a way I can force the view to validate when it is shown....

(by the way it's in the Cairngorm MVC framework and I have data bound to the controls)

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Flex :: Force All Controls To Render At Start?

Oct 4, 2009

When I try to access the hidden TABs of my tab navigator control in action script, it returns a null error. But it works OK if I just activate the control in the user interface once. Obviously the control is not created until I use it. How do I make all the tabs automatically created by default ?

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Flex :: Force Button To Update Its Label?

Nov 24, 2009

I create a custom component to override the linkButton to make it behave that if an exist value is found, it would shown as "Added".

By default the button label is "Add to cart", I could not make the button become "Added" after trying many trial and error on uHandler which I suppose, COMPLETE, ENTER_FRAME, CREATION_COMPLETE could not even update the label.

public class Btn extends LinkButton{
public function Btn(){


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Actionscript 3 :: Force Flex Datagrid To Scroll

Dec 15, 2009

Is there a way to make the datagrid scroll if it's width exceeds it's parent container (instead of making the parent container scroll?) I have a datagrid with a fixed column, and of course I want the scrollbar to appear for the datagrid and not the enclosing HBox. I already set minWidth of the HBox to 0, tried autoLayout=false, but with no effects. The datagrid is dynamically created in AS3, so the enclosing container.

Maybe I did not express my needs clearly - the content of the datagrid should not be wider than the datagrid itself. I just want to surrounding Canvas of the Datagrid to not have any scrollbars and let the datagrid itself scroll. But just setting the scrollpolicy to off on the Canvas will not yield to scrollbars on the datagrid, it will rather clip the data.

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Flex :: Force All Item Renderers To CommitProperties?

Mar 5, 2010

I have an item renderer that checks an external source for display information. If that information changes, I want to force all item renderer instances to check it.

What's the best way for force all the item renderers in a list or grid to either commitProperties or execute some other method?

I've read that resetting the grid.itemRenderer property will make them all initialize. I've also received the suggestion to iterate recursively through all the grid's children and call invalidateProperties on all the UIComponents I find.

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Flex :: Force All Tree Itemrenderers To Refresh?

Apr 6, 2010

I have item renderers in an mx.controls.Tree that I need to refresh on demand.

I have code in the updateDisplayList that fires for only some of the visible nodes no matter what I do. I've tried triggering a change that they should all be listening for; I have tried clearing and resetting the dataProvider and the itemRenderer properties.

private function forceCategoryTreeRefresh(event : Event = null) : void


The nodes refresh properly when I scroll them into view (e.g. the .data gets set), but I cannot force the ones that already exist to refresh or reset themselves.

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Flex :: Force 'updatedisplaylist' Immediately Rather Than At Later Some Point?

Jul 14, 2010

In flex component life cycle, after we make some change in a components property, invalidation methods schedules a call to methods like commitProperties, updateDisplayList, etc for some later time. I need to call the updateDisplayList instantaneously. Is there some direct way to do this.

Currently, both the labels are changed simultaneously after completion of the loop. Instead I need it to work like this, to first render the updated 'myButton1' label then enter the loop and then update myButton2's label. I know, it is elastic race track issue, but isn't there some way to achieve this ?[code]...

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Flex :: Force Component To Redraw It's Focus?

Mar 23, 2011

Suppose I have a component and want to change it's focus color at runtime. Here's an example for you (I've excluded any buttons and such to prevent component from losing it's focus, cause in that case it changes it's color perfectly):

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
private function init():void {


What do I want: How to make this focus to be redrawn without magic (I've tried all the methods, starting with "validate", I've tried calling updateDisplayList() on entire application, I've tried to call styleChanged .

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Flex :: Force A Re-measure - Change Layout

May 9, 2011

I have a function that is made up of two main parts (I'll call them A and B). Part B needs to run when part A is fully done with its layout changes. However, there is no "part A is done" signal, and thus I've been calling a validateNow() before part B runs. This works but seems awfully inefficient - was wondering if there are any other tricks to force an immediate measure or something along those lines or if I'm stuck.

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Flex :: Force MenuBar To Always Open Downward?

May 23, 2011

I have a MenuBar which opens downwards except when there isn't enough room to open it. For example, it may have 10 items but there's only enough room to display 4-5. Flex then tries to display the menu above the bar, which is completely off the screen. Is there some property or style I'm overlooking to always force it to open downward?

EDIT: Thought I'd give some clarification as to how I plan to circumvent the issue. If I can always force the menubar to be orientated downwards, I can make it into a scrollable menubar displaying only a few items at worst.

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Flex :: Force Garbage Collection Of Of Others Flash App?

Jul 11, 2011

Yesterday when playing a game (Balloons Tower Defense 3) I noticed that the game started to slow down over time and then randomly speed up very quickly. Looking at the memory usage dropping each time I assumed it was the GC running.

As a legitimate question, is there anyway to force Flash to GC from, say, Firefox? Perhaps there's an addon or a command you can run that will do this? I know that you can do System.gc() but this game isn't mine so I can't modify the source with a "Click here to GC" button.

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Flex :: Force Containers To Do Layout After Children Rotated?

Aug 6, 2009

My problem is pretty simple: Flex containers do layout based on un-transformed children, and so rotated children are positioned as if there were no rotation, but then they're rotated around the top-left of that position. I've attached an image to show what I mean. Can I wrap the components in something? Or do I have to resort to custom components or fixed layouts? The image inlining doesn't look like it's working to me. Link to example image: [URL]

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Actionscript 3 :: Force System Cursor Usage In Flex?

Sep 3, 2010

Let's say that you're using some black box library (i.e. no source code) that sets your cursor to something when rolling over a certain sprite. You can override that by catching rollOver and rollOut events, blocking propagation and using the CursorManager.

Question: is there a way to tell the CursorManager to use the system cursor?

Obviously, I could feed the CursorManager some "system like" cursor, but this would look weird if the local settings are different from that icon, which is likely to be always.

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Flex :: Force 4 Spark Hslider Snap To Certain Values?

Oct 19, 2010

I remember using values array on good old mx:HSlider, is there any workaround for s:HSlider?!Basically I need slider to choose values between 300 and 2500 in following steps 300,500,1000,2000,2500.

<s:HSlider id="franchiser"
skinClass="components.HorizontalSlider" x="0" y="0"


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Actionscript 3 :: Force Flex To Buble Default Event?

Nov 25, 2010

subj, i need to listen for TooltipEvent of my far child. Is that possible without manual re-dispatching ?

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