Actionscript :: Flex - Cannot Get The Comments To Show In File When Running Asdoc
Jul 28, 2009
cannot get the comments to show in actionscript file when running asdoc.. is this a known bug?
/** test comment */
public var currentSearchTextValue:String;
does not show anything in the generated documentation.
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I've got the base case working but I am stuck with 2 problems I cant seem to figure out:
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<fx:Script source="" />
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"Error: The private attribute may be used only on class property definitions."
"Error: The public attribute can only be used inside a package."
Solution 1 is to move the AS code into the MXML file. Kind of defeats the objective of using external .as files for MXML components in the first place, so really a last resort option. Code inside a mxml file is messy (I really don't want logic mixed in with mxml), and would also require using the < !--- ---> asdoc syntax.
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Are there any other work-arounds or possibly a beta/nightly version of asdoc that fixes the problem? I am using the Flex SDK, the "latest production quality release".
Update:Just tried using asdoc from the svn trunk, (4.5.0 rev. 16942) and the problem persists.
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<!-- -->
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EDIT: The notation seems to be swallowed up as an HTML comment..
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