ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing TextField In Child?
Sep 2, 2009
I have a video gallery that generates a menu from xml.I first create a container then add textfields as menu items to the container I have listeners for mouse OVER on OFF for each menu item as welll as a function to change the text color ON CLICK.What I need to do is figure out how to switch a previously clicked menu item's text color back to "OFF" color when a new menu item is clicked But I Can not figure out how to traverse the display heiracrhy to get to the textField's color in all the other menu items.
heres the function:
ActionScript Code:
//create Moviclip to hold menu
function createMenuContainer():void
so the video menu item's heirachy is some thing like
getChildByName("menu_container").getChildByName("v ideo_"+ c).getChildByName("title_text").textColor
but of course this does not work. I think my logic is reasonably sound I just not sure of the correct syntax to get at the textField.textColor of all the other menu items that ARE NOT clicked on the Mouse Click Event of a menu item that is clicked.
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ActionScript Code:
var a = new LibraryItem();
mconstage.a.alpha = 0.5;
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Feb 12, 2011
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Now i can put all my code in the main class again and make another 1000 line code with a couple of other small classes but this time i want to do it right so what am i doing wrong? Heres some code too
This is the main class dressUp is the game class, it doesnt do much just define the game class and change the mouse pointer.
EDIT: We work in a project group so another reason i want to make alot classes is so we can work on different classes separately. But i promised to have this done this weekend and there not so good in actionscript either.
ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.*;
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Feb 12, 2007
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import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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PHP Code: [code].....
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[Fault] exception, information=ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property hSprite on com.objects.Hero. If I remove the instance name from the child movieclip, then the error goes away. but when I add the instance name back, the error reappears again.
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// In main stage
var child_mc:mcChild = new mcChild();
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var X = SizingBox.Sizer.value;
this code gives an error.
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ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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ActionScript Code:
MovieClip(parent).character.somevariable = true;
...not working.
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Feb 11, 2011
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Parent swf has a class loaded, lets call it 'GlobalUtilities'. Parent swf loads in child swf. Child swf wants to use some of the 'GlobalUtilities' class that is in the parent.
How can I accomplish this? The problem I'm having right now is, when I export the child swf, I'll just error out since it can't find the reference (obviously, since it's not loaded into the parent yet).
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Oct 16, 2011
I have a MC with 2 children in library:
myParent1 -> myChild1
-> myChild2
when I put it on stage in editor and run following script, both trace are valid and give response "true":
ActionScript Code:
trace (myParent1.myChild2.visible); // true[code]....
but when I put MC on stage dynamically via addChild, the first trace gives
compiler error while second trace works(error: Scene 1, Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 1, Line 81120: Access of undefined property myParent1)
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Oct 21, 2011
how to access a movie clip/s in a parent swf from a child swf. for example:Interface swf has buttons as mc's (home, about, services, portfolio e.t.c.) and loads in a swf when one of the buttons in the interface swf is pressed. When a button in Interface swf is pressed none of the other buttons can be pressed until the swf of the button that was pressed has loaded.
The reason for this is so that if the user tries to press the buttons quickly lets say the user pressed services button but changed thier mind right after pressing it and wanted to press lets say portfolio button they couldnt press the button until the services swf has loaded. Ive seen websites that dont do this and is makes it all mess up. Ive been able to do this in the past in AS2 but i cant figure it out in AS3.This is the code i would use in AS2:
Interface swf code is:
ActionScript Code:
_level5.btn_1.enabled = false;[code]...........
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May 11, 2011
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var drawButton:SimpleButton = main.drawButton;
var upButton:DisplayObjectContainer = drawButton.upState as DisplayObjectContainer;
var upButtonText:TextField = upButton.getChildAt(1) as TextField;
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm trying to create a class that acts just as an normal textfield, same properties and all, but that also draws a background filled with a gradient behind the text. I'm not focusing on the gradient yet , just trying to figure out how to assemble the code... Is this the right approach?
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Aug 11, 2011
I have a movie clip which animates out and then places an input textfield on the last frame for the user to type in to. The main movie clip is controlled from external ActionScript. Once the last frame hits and the input field shows I want to focus the users cursor with focus(); but I can't figure out how to call to that TextInput from the time line. mytext.focus(); ???
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Jun 8, 2011
Basically, I have a menu created using XML. Each menu item has a fill that fades in and out as the user scrolls over them. What I want to happen is that when an item is clicked, it stays highlighted. The problem comes when I click on the second item. I can't get the first item to "unselect."Here is the menu code and functions.
var menuHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
menuHolder.x = myMask.x;
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Jul 23, 2011
i need some help to understand how to access a property of a child of a DisplayObject. within a class i have an object with the variable name: btnLMain i have assigned it a name property: = "btnL";
btnLMain also has a property: btnLMain.clickNum = 0; // thats the one i need to access when i instantiate the class (btnL) containing this code in the parent class i need to access the property "clickNum" so i did this:
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