ActionScript 3.0 :: Add XML Element For Each Child On Stage?
Mar 2, 2012
I am writing a program where the user can, in the simplest terms, drag and drop things on to the stage. I need the user to be able to save what they have done and when they come back choose to reload their previous project. My plan was to write all the information(object class, x and y values etc) to an xml file and when the user chooses to load a particular project, rebuild the stage with all objects in their correct locations. My problem is, how do you add an xml element with all of its attributes and child elements dynamically for each object added to the stage?I'm relatively new to XML, but I figured this would work:
ActionScript Code:
var test:XML = <test/>;
test.title = "Test XML";
for (var i=0; i<platform.numChildren; i++) {
in a for loop as well. But, these give me a warning that says "adding an element with more than one item is not supported" or something like that.
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<opt_out_flag />
type_elt is not an element name; it might be <single>, <multiple> or something else, determined at runtime. How, given this, can I detect the presence of the opt_out_flag element?
I tried this (where xml refers to the question element):
if (xml.*.opt_out_flag) {
but even in cases without opt_out_flag the above expression returns true. Obviously I'm missing something, but what is it?
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Jul 19, 2011
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Feb 2, 2011
I'm creating a website within which I would like to achieve a menu system at the bottom of the page with a white band behind similar to this site:
I have created the menu buttons and band but I can't figure out how to maintain their relationship with the edges of the browser window if it is rezised at any point during a user's visit (same as the site above).
I have been setting the position of the buttons and all other elements using, for example :
myBtn.y = stage.stageHeight - 100;myBtn.x = stage.stageWidth - stage.stageWidth + 50;
For publishing I use noscale, 100x100 percent, top-left justification.
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Jun 20, 2010
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(It is inside the first one).The other box from that graphic looks the same, but has different names. "E","F","G",and"H" respectively. All of the elements "A","B","C",and "D" forms a button. I have some code to use it.(with event listeners) My question: If I would like to change the colour of the element "B" (which are a movie clip), how will I code it.
ActionScript Code:
import flash.utils.Timer;
var urlLoad:URLLoader=new URLLoader();
[Code] .....
And it tells me: Access of undefined property B...
The code works fine for whole button(A). A changes color, but I would like only the surrounding to change the color. I guess I have to put some path in there, but I am not really sure how to.
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Mar 24, 2010
Here is the problem I have: after I change the index of one movieclip using this code
setChildIndex(DisplayObject(, numChildren - 1);
when I give the object its old index
setChildIndex(DisplayObject(, oldIndex);
and go to another frame of the movie, this element I have changed the index of stays on top of all elements on the new frame. My question is am I doing something wrong and if not, what can I do so that this element stays only in the frame it is placed.
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Jul 16, 2007
I'm working on a full browser flash site and it works great, its got a 1000x650 movie in the middle centred in the html and the background colour of the movie fills the rest of the stage, no margins, no mess!
Thing is, I need a black overlay to fade in (to put other content over the top) Thing is, the black box only resizes to the size of the stage not the full browser window! Heres the code at the moment:
// Stops the stage from scaling with the browser window.
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var mcInLibrary:MovieClip ;
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May be this extremely confusing. Here is a very similar example on how it is done. This is actually very similar to what i want to do. [URL] on this link there is count below which increments you hit the download button.
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I've built a rather robust tooltip class recently that attaches and draws a single tooltip sprite to the root, then uses MOUSE_OVER to detect when it is over a tooltippable object, and shows the appropriate tooltip text. At the moment, I'm ensuring that any elements in my application which wants to take advantage of showing tooltips implement the ITooltippable interface, and expose a public getter, get tooltip().
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Apr 13, 2006
Basically I have 14 text boxes, each box draws its content from an external txt file. Next to each text box is a button. I want the button to be either visible=true or visible=false depending on weather or not the text box has content or is "undefined" Here is what I have so far, and it's not working:[code] I would like a FOR loop to just run through the variables and check to see if any of them are undefined. if it is, then make the correct send button invisible.
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Mar 15, 2011
I do a add child on my stage with this code:
var servicosMc:buscaServicos = new buscaServicos();
this.addChild(servicosMc); = "servicosMc1";[code]...........
Yeah this work but my application start with 24 mb of ram consumed. After I have clicked 3 times on this button and did this code above the application use 60 mb on the memory and the application do the same for the others button.
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Apr 11, 2011
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import flash.display.MovieClip;
mix_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addbear);
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Feb 16, 2012
It may sound stupid, but how can I remove a definite child from the stage?[code]...
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Feb 17, 2009
I am trying to replace a child on the stage. For this, I am checking if it exists first and then calling removeChild method, then adding the child to the stage.
flash code:
PHP Code:
function onClick(e:MouseEvent):void{
var lineShape:Shape = new Shape();
The second time I press the button, I get this error:
PHP Code:
ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at Untitled_fla::MainTimeline/onClick()
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Feb 20, 2009
I have a menu with three buttons and a head "scene" where i present my information. When I push a button in the menu three small pictures are shown on my "scene". Each picture should show a bigger version of the picture and here is the problem. The first picture is shown and it is possible to make it disappear with removeChild. But how do show the other two pictures?! I have tried to do the same as i have done with this picture but with no success.
function visaGolf(e:MouseEvent){
var headBtn:MovieClip = new btn(); = "headBtn";[code]....
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Feb 13, 2010
I am trying to add a child to the stage through an array.
var one:First = new First();
var myArray:Array = new Array();
myArray[0] = "one";
I want to add a child by reffering the name in a array.
View 3 Replies
May 5, 2010
I am trying to remove a swf that I import to the stage, but it is not working.
function btn_cima_3call(clickEvent:MouseEvent):void{
page = 5;
ld.load(new URLRequest("trabalhosV0.swf"));
ld.x = 0;
ld.y = 100;
So when 1 button is pressed this swf is imported to the stage. but im now trying to remove this when another button is pressed and it isnt working?
function btn1call(clickEvent:MouseEvent):void{
page = 1;
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Aug 4, 2009
I am adding a child to the stage in my first swf
addChild(new donkey());
var l:Loader = new Loader();
l.load(new URLRequest("next.swf"));
in my next.swf, I have a button which I want to remove the donkey with::
OK - doesnt work - it doesnt let me export the swf anyhow because the next.swf has no 'reference' to donkey existing at all. What's going on?
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Sep 17, 2009
I have to scenes, dashboard and game. I want to add a child just to game's stage. Can someone tell me the syntax for this?
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