ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Default Key (space Bar Key) To Execute The Action Of The Focused Element In The Stage?

Jun 3, 2011

it's possible to change the default key (space bar key) to execute the action of the focused element in the stage?If you ever worked with the Focus Manager you've possibly seen that when you press the space bar the focused item is "executed".Can you disable that "executor" or can you change the space key with the enter key?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clear Stage To Execute Next Action?

Oct 21, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clear Stage And Execute Next Action With Button?

Oct 20, 2009

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The Video class loads the video onto the stage and has the controls for it to play, pause, stop etc (works pretty much..).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Change Color Of Element On Stage

Jun 20, 2010

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import flash.utils.Timer;
var urlLoad:URLLoader=new URLLoader();
[Code] .....

And it tells me: Access of undefined property B...
The code works fine for whole button(A). A changes color, but I would like only the surrounding to change the color. I guess I have to put some path in there, but I am not really sure how to.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Background Of Textfield When Focused?

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I tried keeping background = true and border = true, but still i can't change the background.

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Action Doesn't Execute In Player

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on (release){    gotoAndPlay("fr_test");}
When in Flash, if I enable (Control) Simple Buttons and Simple Actions, this action works like it should. If I test the movie or publish it, the action doesn't execute.
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this.test_btn.onRelease=function(){    gotoAndPlay("fr_test");}

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Professional :: Change .onPress Action To Just Action?

Jan 27, 2011

I am using code from a tutorial that I downloaded to get an Home.swf to preload in my "index" page.the problem is that a part of the code reads

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I have looked all over the web but have yet to find any leads/tutorials on the matter.I would also like this element to be physics based so that the motion is random and when the element is moused over it responds to the action.

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Dec 3, 2010

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this["nodeValue"+i] = new TextField();
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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS4 Play Check For Key / Play At End Execute Action

Apr 6, 2011

Root timeline: keyframe 1, keyframe 2, etc...

-keyframe 1 has a MC "frist MC"
-keyframe 2 has a MC "second MC", etc.
-the MCs are all duplicates containing different animation, but have the same AS inside them.

The construction of the MC is:Play intro animation -> Stop and wait for key stroke. If key is "space" set variable value to 1, if else set variable value to 0, then continue to play next frame. -> Complete the animation till the last frame.In the last frame check what is the value of the variable to check which key was been hit. If it was a space (var =1) go to root and play current frame +1 (go forward), Else, go to root and play current frame -1 (go back)Its a kind of heres the code in the middle, after the intro animation was played:[code] The problem with var reverse is, it works well in the first frame, its beign filled with value depending on what key is being hit, But in the last frame, when the time comes to check the value, trace says its "undefined".I have tried setting up a _global.variablename = reverse and it works in both frames (the check at the end is succesful, it detects the given value), but still the last frame only plays the currentframe -1 as if always executing the "else" command, no matter what the value of var reverse is.

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var field:Stage = new Stage();
field.x = 200;
field.y = 200;


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Jan 25, 2010

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Mar 17, 2010

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stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mousePos);
function mousePos( e:MouseEvent ):void{[code].........

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Change In Any Element

May 18, 2011

I have a screen with a few components (textInput, textArea, checkBox). I want to check if there has been any changes to the components. Foe example if text has been entered or checkbox has been clicked. Is there a direct way to do this instead of checking value of each component and then setting a Boolean for this?

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Actionscript 3 :: Change A Space Between Lines In PurePDF?

Feb 24, 2011

I want to change a space between lines in document with PurePDF but i cannot find a way to do it. I used Chunk and Paragraph for output text but they haven't any properties to change space between lines.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tabindex Change By Pressing SPACE Key?

Dec 5, 2009

I have some numericstepper in my movie, I given the tabindex for all numstepper, Its working fine with pressing TAB key, but I need this event also work even if I press "SPACE" key.

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Not Seeing UI Element On Stage

Jun 4, 2010

I put some UI component on the stage but i does not seen there but  when i test the movie then i can see int the swf file

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Xml Element And Change Its Value?

Apr 14, 2011

Lets say ihave an xml [code]...

how can i save this element and refer to it later?

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Change Default Color Of Timeline Layer?

Jan 31, 2010

Is there a way to change the background color of the layers the Flash timeline itself? I'm using XP, and there is not enough difference in the color of a selected layer and one with extended keyframes that is not selected. At school I use a Mac and there is definitely a blue vs. a gray. On my computer, they are two very close shades of gray.

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Flex :: How To Change Default's Mx:Form Layout

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I'm very confused about the new Flex 4 architecture...

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