ActionScript 3.0 :: Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) Loader?

Jul 17, 2010

You can use it to download and parse into an object the ASE files from sites like Kuler or ColourLovers, for those who want more control than their RSS feeds provide. You get all the group and color info for RGB, CMYK, and Gray color modes (Sorry, didn't do LAB). The object just needs the ByteArray representation of the ASE, so it can be used on embedded or dynamically loaded files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) Loader

Jul 17, 2010

[URL]. You can use it to download and parse into an object the ASE files from sites like Kuler or ColourLovers, for those who want more control than their RSS feeds provide. You get all the group and color info for RGB, CMYK, and Gray color modes (Sorry, didn't do LAB). The object just needs the ByteArray representation of the ASE, so it can be used on embedded or dynamically loaded files.

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Data Integration :: Netdrims FlashSQL Component On Adobe Exchange?

Nov 11, 2007

i am having a problem with setting up the filpath and datasource using the component inspector for OFFLINE development.I am using Windows XP Pro Service Pack 1.I then installed Network Services although I am OFFLINE.I then installed IIS.I then installed mySQL 5.0 Community Server as a Windows service and client. I then installed PHP5.I am using Flash 8 Pro.I now have a c:php (the php did not create a c:phpwww directory as the instructions say to use)IIS created a c:Inetpub and c:Inetpubwwwroot directory [which I tried putting the flashsql_v51.php file in to no avail)

my component inspector window shows:

ASP_DB : MSAccess
dataSource : C:WebsitesFlashDevelopmentFlash with


I get different id to set these parameters up ASAP for the filepath and filesource, esp this flashsql_v31.php that comes supplied with the component and encounters the above error.

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Professional :: Loading ASE Swatch Files?

Sep 28, 2010

Is it possible to import my ASE swatches to Flash?I have a colour pallete in InDesign and Illustratot that I use for corp identity. And I'd like to use these same colours in the Flash file.

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Professional :: Color Picker Swatch?

Dec 2, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Duplicating External Assets / Loader - Why Did Adobe Remove DuplicateMovieClip();

Apr 16, 2007

Yes I know this topic has been discussed before, and I know that Senocular has a class that does it. But the question is...

1) Why did Adobe remove duplicateMovieClip();?

2) Did they intend to have any similar function? Or did they totally forget about external assets?

3) Is there a "Adobe reccomended" code that will do the same thing? (Not that I've got anything against Senocular :bow : but it'll be nice to know if there's a "certified" way of doing it.

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swatchHeight: 21;
swatchWidth: 24;

but this is not working

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Exchange One Image For Another With A Click?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Exchange Values Between ASP And Flash?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Exchange On Mouse Over

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Nov 23, 2011

I got one bitmap with a (almost) one color background. i need to change all of this with pixels at same x,y from another bitmap.

I know i need to run it through a double for loop and then into an if sentence.

like this:

If (color at x,y is > redvalue && color at x,y is > greenvalue && color at x,y is > bluevalue)then exchange with pixel from the other bitmap.

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Jan 27, 2010

You know how when you load xml you use this code.

Code: Select allxml.load("data.xml");

which is the file path to the xml. I would like to know how I could exchange different xml files from the same component. Their must be a way to do this. Like say-

Code: Select allbutton1.onPress = function(){
button2.onPress = function(){

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Jan 26, 2009

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LOTS and LOTS of code (pages of it) including multiple arrays, series of questions and prompts that run my tutorial and all are initiated by an initial button press and then act on key-press responses provided by the user. These key-presses are stored in arrays. I could not possibly explain it all without getting comments that I was providing too much information ***


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Nov 6, 2010

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can you see where my problem is: (i get the "undefined" message all the time)


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Jan 17, 2008

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Feb 9, 2011

I am new to flash, and I am trying to make a simple video player. I have a problem setting the source of video: In my action script I have this: [URL] where getVideo.php is:


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PHP :: Flash Browser Game - Real Time Data Exchange

Feb 16, 2011

I am developing a non-real time browser RPG game (think Kingdom of Loathing) which would be played from within a Flash app. At first I just wanted to make the communication with server using simply URLLoader to tell PHP what I am doing, and using $_SESSION to store data needed in-between request. I wonder if it wouldn't be better to base it on a socket connection, an app residing on a server written in Java or Python.

The problem is I have never ever written such an app so I have no idea how much I'd have to "shift" my thoughts from simple responding do request (like PHP) to continuously working application. I won't hide I am also concerned about the memory and CPU usage of such Server app, when for example there would be hundreds of users connected. I've done some research. So, considering the fact I don't need real time data exchange, will it be wise to develop the server side part as socket server, not in plain ol' PHP?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Flash Website: Not Able To Exchange Info Between 'sections'

Aug 23, 2009

Let's say i have a class that simulates a 'button section'.The button bears a title. Like news. I click on it, i transfer the title in the button and the respective news to the body.The body exists outside the class. It's a textField variable. let's assume.

ActionScript Code:
public function xmlLoad()[code].....

keeps giving me an error.1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Number to an unrelated type String.but i've seen this done before, except it was on a loader variable...but i don't see how that would be any different.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Array For Every Time Two Characters Exchange Three Lines Of Dialogue?

Jul 9, 2009

i'm creating a very linear game which will be dialogue-heavy. In fact, there will be little action involved at all. Think a game storybook. I'm using ActionScript 2 because AS3 is just too complicate for the type of newbie that I am. But all I'm trying to do is set up dialogue between two characters in my game with an image of the speaking character to the left of the textbox. Something very much like this:I considered creating arrays for the dialogue but my problem is that if I create an array for every time two characters exchange three lines of dialogue, I would end up with over 300 arrays. Not my cup of tea.

So, instead, I focused on this. I created a function called speak. Speak pulls two parameters: charNum and charText. CharNum is a number which specifies which frame of the charPic instance should be displayed, showing which character is currently speaking. CharText is simply the dialogue the character will speak, which will be displayed in the dynamic textbox with variable name 'dialogue'.The following code is an example of what I have at home. I'm at work trying to get help, so I don't have the actual coding. Therefore, small errors may be present. I'm looking more at the overall functions guiding my code.


You see, AS2 sees these as I believe what is called synchronous functions, meaning they run at the same time. Therefore, the second speak function overwrites the first one before the user presses the space bar to go to the next one. See the issue?I've tried to seek help on this issue (and other before), and I keep getting told about arrays and setInterval. But my problem is that I've tried it all. I don't see a good array tutorial about this type of thing, and setInterval doesn't function like I'd want as well. Instead, it seems that from what I've read and tried, setInterval is for setting a delay up for a certain amount of time. I don't want that. I want a delay to occur until a button (namely the space bar) is pressed.

Like I said, this seems like a fairly common thing to do (stringing together dialogue in a flash movie/game), but I have seen no tutorial nor other help through all my Google and forum searching. A little push in the right direction would be appreciated. Like I said, I've figured out everything else my game needs from preloaders to game inventory to animation effects.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Exchange A Filename/url (like "XMLtoLoad") By A More General Variable?

Jun 25, 2003

I have the following question: How can i load a dynamic xml, i.e. the .xml file that will be generated automatically and thus gets different names.I want flash to "listen" to a variable "file", that is "file" represents the name of the xml-file to load. Like showXml.swf?file=abcd1234.xml. btw i don't exactly use the xml extension so it becomes showXml.swf?file=abcd1234

I using a general name = "XMLtoLoad" to load my xml.My AS right now is somthing like:

file = XMLtoLoad;

how can i exchange a filename/url (like "XMLtoLoad") by a more general variable? Or maybe i should ask how can i convert the name after "?file=" to a URL within AS

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Or Loader Context - Container Loads The Module From An Absolute Path

Jan 23, 2009

I have two swf files, each one almost with the same classes, the most important one is a Singleton class, each swf does "singleton.getInstance()". The diference is that one swf is like a container and the other one is like a module. So when the container loads the module from an absolute path like loader.load("file://c:/modules/module.swf") or loader.load("[URL]"), two different singletons (same class) are created

But when the container loads from a relative path like loader.load("module.swf") , just one singleton is created (that is what I want) I am just intrigued with this behavior, could someone explain me this? PD: I believe is something related to loaderContext and applicationDomain but It also appears that isn't working right. -Patricio Foieri , Vertigo Labs

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Event.INIT Fires But Loader.content Is Null?

May 9, 2009

The title describes the problem: Loader.load() is firing the INIT event, but in my listener it's reporting loader.content as null. The description for INIT event is "Dispatched by the associated LoaderInfo object when the properties and methods of the loaded SWF file are accessible."I'm loading a lot of JPG images, and 95 percent of the time it works fine; the init listener fires and reports valid loader. content.I absolutely need loader.content available because I need to set the bitmap smoothing property to true.I've tried using Event.COMPLETE and it has the exact same problematic behavior.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Game App Runs Fast In Simple Loader And Slow In Other Loader?

Apr 28, 2010

I'm feeling a bit low now as I have been suffering this for months. A simple loader loads my simple game and runs VERY FAST on even slow pcs BUT when I build this other loader, it goes quite slowly and I don't know where the app is going wrong. WHERE is the processing consumptoin coming from out of my app.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loader Disappearing - Set The Dimensions Of The Loader So The External Swf Doesn't 'spill Over', The Result Is A Blank Screen?

Mar 26, 2010

I have the following code which simply loads an external swf, puts it in the right place and should all be hunky dory.This works:

var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest=new URLRequest("foobar.swf");[code].....

to set the dimensions of the loader so the external swf doesn't 'spill over', the result is a blank screen. No matter how high I set those dimensions it just doesn't display anything.

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