Flash :: Data Integration - Exchange Information Between XML And Files

Jan 17, 2008

i'm remodeling a website i've done ([URL]). i want to exchange information between XML and Flash files. i almost did it, but where shoul display information about one item, the whole content of this 'field' is shown. i'll explain better. this swf displays works of an artist. but the field 'date' (or any other text field) display the content of all works (separated by commas). i'll post the xml code and the actionscript code.

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Nov 11, 2007

i am having a problem with setting up the filpath and datasource using the component inspector for OFFLINE development.I am using Windows XP Pro Service Pack 1.I then installed Network Services although I am OFFLINE.I then installed IIS.I then installed mySQL 5.0 Community Server as a Windows service and client. I then installed PHP5.I am using Flash 8 Pro.I now have a c:php (the php did not create a c:phpwww directory as the instructions say to use)IIS created a c:Inetpub and c:Inetpubwwwroot directory [which I tried putting the flashsql_v51.php file in to no avail)

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ASP_DB : MSAccess
dataSource : C:WebsitesFlashDevelopmentFlash with


I get different id numbers.how to set these parameters up ASAP for the filepath and filesource, esp this flashsql_v31.php that comes supplied with the component and encounters the above error.

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Dec 20, 2006

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Apr 22, 2011

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AxShockwaveFlash1.Movie = "path/filename.swf"

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Aug 30, 2006

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Apr 20, 2007

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Apr 6, 2007

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Oct 27, 2006

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Data Integration :: Get List Of Selected Files From Swf To Javascript?

Jul 23, 2010

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Data Integration :: Prevent Player From Using Cached Files

Jul 7, 2007

I am working on a page the allows the user, once logged in,to upload information and a picture. The picture is saved as his/her username, and if they upload a different picture, the old one is still displayed unless they leave the site and come back 10+ minutes later.I tried the HTML no-cahce headers and they don't even help load a new (up-to-date) version of the main movie.This should have an easy solution, that Adobe should have
addressed if they expect flash to be capable of being a dynamic site with user interactivity.

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Exchange Different Xml Files From The Same Component?

Jan 27, 2010

You know how when you load xml you use this code.

Code: Select allxml.load("data.xml");

which is the file path to the xml. I would like to know how I could exchange different xml files from the same component. Their must be a way to do this. Like say-

Code: Select allbutton1.onPress = function(){
button2.onPress = function(){

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Flash :: Data Integration - Huluesque Video Integration

Jan 1, 2010

I have a video player that is currently using XML for its video library which is all fine and dandy. Now I have some developers working on a CMS type page in PHP that is going to hopefully pass some sort of information to my player that will let it know where the video is stored on our server. Is there a way to do this without using FMS? If so does anyone have ideas where I can find the information for it.

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Data Integration :: XML Integration In Flash?

Nov 12, 2007

I'd like to create one empty Flash movie that is essentially a placeholder for externally loaded content I can change through XML. This content would just be able to randomly load 1 of 3 photos, with a button linking to a website within each of the photos on page load. If the user refreshes the page, a new photo with it's link would appear, but I understand since it's random,having 3 images the same image is likely to reappear, but I can always add additional photos and links.

Does anyone know of a tutorial that might lead me on the correct path to create this? I've found some tuts, but they've been different than my need.

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Feb 1, 2007

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Python :: Get Useful Information From Flash Swf Files?

Apr 8, 2009

I'm doing some crawling with Python, and would like to be able to identify (however mperfectly) the flash I come across - is it a video, an ad, a game, or whatever.I assume I would have to decompile the swf, which seems doable. But what sort of processing would I do with the decompiled Actionscript to figure out what it's purpose is?

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Data Integration :: Store The Data Text In Access Databases Using Flash Form?

May 4, 2007

How to store the data text in Access databases using flash form and to search into the database. It is possible to work without server because I don't want to put this flash file on the net. how to make databases and to connect with flash and to have possibility to search the database, but to work database in the local computer.

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