ActionScript 3.0 :: Application Parameters - Unable To Copy Object
Oct 3, 2009
I am trying to store my Application.application.parameters to my local variables
For example: var myVar:Object = Application.application.parameters;
So here is the tricky part, is I do ObjectUtil.toString(myVar)
I can see all the values and properties. However if I do myVar.clientName or any other properties I always get null or undefined.
I am reading a xml, and it is working perfect.But entered 4 new parameters in the XML,<subtotal>,<currency>,<TotalWeight> and <WeightUnit>, and I can not read them.
I found a really weird behavior when using deep copy for objects (ObjectUtil of Flex framework).Imagine we have a class B which extends class A. Class A has property body which is of type ByteArray.I create object b (instance of B). Then I make a deep copy object bCopy, BUT this bCopy object does not contain body property at all! All others properties (of scalar types) defined in Class A are copied properly.When I define property of type ByteArray directly in class B, then this property is copied properly..
I have trouble getting it to copy file from src to destination.
var asMsg_path:String = fileRef.nativePath; var origFileLoc:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath(asMsg_path); var newFileLoc:File = File.applicationDirectory.resolvePath("/java/"+asMsg);
Basically i need to create a copy of all that functionality. What should i use for that? i was doing AS 2 for a year about 2 years ago. You can just say: this methods, this classes etc.
I have a flash application. One of the options is to copy a pdf onto the users desktop, but I can not seem to get it to work. I am writing a flash application that sends "fscommands" out to batch files. This is what my batch file looks like:---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------@ echo off copy ../Application/pdf/Ebook.pdf %userprofile%Desktop exit---------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------My intent is to copy the specified file to the user's desktop. So far it does not function.
I've been starting to create my own classes for a project and I've encountered an error that I don't know how to solve. This is for a Game class collection.
How do I create an object with ActionScript if I only know the name of it? I have a class that should add an object as a "grid" and place it accordingly, so if I have a Square box that I want to place by 4x4 on the screen it calculates it automatically. Well, that's the goal anyway.
I have a function in my Grid class, Add_Background that accepts an Object to be added as the grid background. I use a movieclip (don't know if I can use a graphic element).
I call the function myGrid.add_background("name_of_my_movieclip") or myGrid.add_background(new name_of_my_movieclip());
The first one I don't know how to use, I don't know how the syntax for creating an object this way (etc: grid[a][b] = new name_of_my_movieclip() doesn't work...) so there has to be some other kind of way on how to pass this to the function and that it knows what to do with it.
The other thing I've tried is passing the object to the function (new Grid_Background() etc) but I can't clone the object anyway I try it and the ActionScript reference site says there's an mx.utils.ObjectUtil that I can use for this, but I have no access to it that I know of (tried it).
I want to fetch some parameters from a url on to my flex web application. How can I do thatFor example I want to fetch the parameters name and age from the urlon to my flex application
I would like to send variables or parameters from Component to Main (MXML) Application. Like my component is FileUpload.mxml and would like to forward the uploaded file details from FileUpload.mxml to Main.mxml.
I tried the following procedure :
com:FileUpload id="fp"
to get the reference for the FileUpload component, however, I am unable to get the variables from the FileUpload.mxml file.
I want adobe sockets to send "customized" class object to a server socket(WinSock2). I used socket.writeObject(myClassObj). Actually My flash application and windows application works for string buffer but not for object.
Code: //Flash var buffer:String = "God Bless Us"; socket.writeUTFBytes(buffer);
I'm having trouble making a copy of objects in AS3 instead of making references.
var mainMovie:MovieClip = new MovieClip(); var copyMovie:MovieClip = mainMovie; copyMovie.x++;
I don't any calls on copyMovie to edit things on mainMovie. I was reading that I should try implement a clone method on the objects I want to copy. Surely there is an inbuilt way to do this for most objects.
I know there are a million and one posts about how to copy a MovieClip object, and I'm fully familiar with the method of[code]...
For this reason I can't use the original.constructor job as flash obviously thinks it's a straight MovieClip, so I just get an empty MovieClip. So far I've been getting by with creating a Bitmap, but in future these swfs will contain animations too.
Given a very basic xml structure and a generic Object declaration with a property already defined (location), how can I add the nodes of the xml structure (id & name) to the object's properties without statically referencing the names of the nodes?[code]...
hey, I was wondering if there's any way to push a copy of an object onto an array without having to create a seperate variable for each object.
For example- in c, i'm used to doing something like having a 'temp' object- and then in a loop i would set the value of the objects members and push it on to the array (vector). If i try to do something like that in flash though, it stores a reference to that object in the array, so every time it changes every new element in the array changes to have the latest values of the temp object.
Without using as2.0 classes (i.e. just mx style) is there any way I can get the effect i'm trying to get here- just have one instance of an object that i can redefine in a loop and push a copy of it into the array so that i wouldn't have to declare a separate variable for each one which would defeat the purpose of the array.
In the code below, i create an object and stick it in an array, then I make a duplicate of that array. I loop though the duplicate and change the value of one of the props of the object in the duplicated array. Doing this however unintentionally changes the prop value of an object in the original array. I'm assuming that the objects in the duplicated array are mere references to the objects in the original array. Is this correct? And if so, how do i make unique copies of those objects in the original array, so that changes made to the objects in the new, duplicated array are exclusive to those objects?
I know that i could probably make a new object when duplicating the array, and then recreate each prop, assigning values from the original objects.. but this is a simplified example. The project im working on has many props for each object, so, id rather just make copies if at all possible.
Code: var testObj:Object = new Object(); testObj.prop1 = "hello"; // var testArr:Array = new Array();
push a copy of an object onto an array without having to create a seperate variable for each object.For example- in c, i'm used to doing something like having a 'temp' object- and then in a loop i would set the value of the objects members and push it on to the array (vector). If i try to do something like that in flash though, it stores a reference to that object in the array, so every time it changes every new element in the array changes to have the latest values of the temp object.
Without using as2.0 classes (i.e. just mx style) is there any way I can get the effect i'm trying to get here- just have one instance of an object that i can redefine in a loop and push a copy of it into the array so that i wouldn't have to declare a separate variable for each one which would defeat the purpose of the array.
I am trying to get some code working from an example I came across. most of the functionality works but it is failing when it tries to dispatch a custom event. At the moment the code that is trying to dispatch the event is inside a class that handles amf remoting.the example has this line in it for the dispatch:
I have been trawling around forums for hours now and the only was to save information LOCALLY in Flash seems to be using the SharedObject stuff. which is fine. BUT I am making a project which is meant to be entirely run from a memory stick i.e. portable. So, I was thinking it would be good to save the information from the flash to a SharedObject .sol file and then to copy the .sol file to the memory stick, then load the information back into the flash file from the copy of the .sol file on the memory stick!
Dont know if this is possible, but I need to some how save information created in the flash file stored on a memory stick (which will be text and possibly an image which would be loaded from the users pc) to a file on the memory stick and then next time the flash file is run, load all of the information back in!
I know all this stuff is possibly using PHP etc. but as I am running it from a memory stick on a pc which probable wont have internet access.
I have a URLVariables object (variables) that I'm setting its properties this way. [code]But the properties differ so I want to just pass an object in the following format and have it set the property names and values correctly.{fname: "fname", lname: "lname", address: "address"}I tried a forloop like this, but it's not working. Not sure exactly how I achieve the same thing as setting the properties manually.[code]
I have an Object that has several parameters. In this case they are Arrays. For example: myObject.Name, myObject.Description (myObject.Name is an Array that contains a bunch of names)How do you detect all the parameters that are attached to the object without having to use the debugger for each instance?
A web channel streaming service streams to a certain IP range, it only checks the IP in (channel number) and outputs an rtmpe stream URL, nothing else.How do I trick it to get my local URL instead of the one on their server? I have considered squid proxy, but is there some way to do it with a firefox plugin or greasemonkey script?
Edit:I will try to specify:It's a streaming service from an ISP and cable provider. They stream for free to people on their IP's. On their webtv page, which is called, there is a flash player. If you are not on an IP from their ISP, you can't stream anything but the test channel.When you try to change channel via. javescript:videoplayer_changechannel(xxx) it makes this HTTP request:
If you are on one of their IP's you will get an RTMP URL, like this:
This is what the flash player requests, and if it get's this response it load the channel requested. There is no HTML on the php page, just the URL. Note that the rtmp URL is static.If you are not on one of their IP's it will return a random sentence (something stupid, the programmers having fun).I wan't to trick the flash player into getting the right value, even though it's not on one of the ISP's IP's.