ActionScript 3.0 :: Sockets - Flash Application And Windows Application Works For String Buffer But Not For Object?

May 6, 2011

I want adobe sockets to send "customized" class object to a server socket(WinSock2). I used socket.writeObject(myClassObj). Actually My flash application and windows application works for string buffer but not for object.

var buffer:String = "God Bless Us";

// WinSock2
iResult = recv(ClientSock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);

Is there anything I must do before writeObject() is used.?

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buff = ''


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ActionScript 3.0 :: AIR- Interacting Native Windows Of An Application?

Apr 9, 2009

1. Is there any way to send events from one native window of an application to another native window of the same application? For ex. a login window pops up when the app starts in the main window. Once the login is successful, an event should be posted to the main window, so that it starts displaying other things. Right now, I am posting an event, but it is not reaching the main window (nothing shows up in trace and breakpoint is not hit in the main window).

2. Is there a way for any window to grab focus? For ex. the login window above grabs the focus till the creds are keyed in. I mean, the user should not be able to select the main window at all till this window is active.

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Make An Interactive Flash Application That Works By Detecting Mouse Overs And Clicks On Various Buttons/movie Clips?

Oct 10, 2009

I am trying to make an interactive flash application that works by detecting mouse overs and clicks on various buttons/movie clips and then moves to the appropriate part of the time line. But I am having an issue when I use more than one addEventListener in any one frame. I have attached the code for one such frame below. When I comment out the addEventListner and the other code relating to the followBall function this works fine and directs the user to frame Inlet_Valve_Open_Frame but now only the followBall function is working and when i try to click on the Inlet_Valve_Button movie clip nothing happens.

I have never read all the help files on the adobe flash CS3 as i don't have time and i have built this code up based on examples i have found online. I wanted to include my fla file but it's to big 6Mb. But i have attached the swf so you have an idea what i am doing.

Code: Select allstop();


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[StatusEvent type="status" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 code=null level="error"]

How can I debug this?

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