ActionScript 3.0 :: Application Run When Windows Begin?
Feb 10, 2010
I have develop an aplicacation with Flash CS4 and as3, in adobe air, I would like to know if adobe air have any property so that applications runs when windows starts
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var buffer:String = "God Bless Us";
// WinSock2
iResult = recv(ClientSock, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);
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Dec 8, 2009
I have an AIR application with a system tray icon. When clicked it shows and activates the app. This is working as expected when the app is hidden (docked), however if I select another application so my app is in the background clicking on the system tray icon does nothing.
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I expect it's something to do with the contextual menu changing the focus, perhaps it's a bug in how AIR works with the system tray, perhaps it's just something I'm missing. Would be good to know if that's the case.
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But what it the way to do it under linux?
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I am new to Flex. I am trying to add a scroller in my main application/windows. Is that possible? I found out it is possible to add scoller bars in DataGrid, like horizontalScrollPolicy="on". How to implement it in containers like Group,Panel and etc?
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Apr 9, 2009
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Jan 6, 2010
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protected function button1_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
stage.width = 100;
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Sep 13, 2010
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Dec 2, 2010
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Jan 17, 2011
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How can i do it? I use C# for all database and communication system. Flash interface does only application responsibilities.
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Jan 13, 2009
Is it possible to build an application in flash that can then be exported as say an exe and then be used in the background while another application is running? I know that sounds complicated so let me further explain. I currently dj with an application and would like to create another application with flash that allows users to play some custom sounds (drops) while running the primary dj application. I believe someone out there already has created an application via flash that does this (have to read up on it more). But from the research I did do there is no way to interface with the flash application unless you alt-tab to it. Is there someone way to build a flash application that can be assigned windows shortcuts (say f1 funuctionality) while another windows application is running?
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Jan 12, 2012
I am running a very low volume (3-4 simulaneous users) video chat application on FMS version 4 and am seeing the following error generated from FMS (Core) about once or twice a week.Message callback is not set.Any idea what the cause of this might be and whether or not it is impacting anything?Additional information from the event log is as follows..
Log Name:Application
Source: FMS (Core)
Date:1/12/2012 9:07:28 AM
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Aug 11, 2010
I am creating an AIR application using Flex. In it I use a file in application directory to store some data in it.Its working very well to read and write data to this file with various OS except windows 7. In windows 7 it is not working. May be its a permission problem.
How can i write file in the application directory with Windows 7 ?
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Jun 4, 2011
I am creating an AIR application using flex3 and actionscript3. there, i need to display dir content of cd drive/usb drive entered by user. how can i get cd/dvd drive name by actionscript3
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Mar 15, 2011
i have a driving game with a countdown timer that will be the score.i want the countdown to begin at 20 and then if the car collects and item, the timer to add 10 seconds. here is the timer:[code]and here is the collision between the car and the object. i would like to be able to put the "add 10" code in the 'else' bit.[code]...
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Oct 28, 2011
I'm having an issue with the PDF displaying outside the viewable area of the mx:HTML control in Flex. When the application starts up - the mx:HTML is set to a certain size, but can be enlarged if the application is maximized. These are the following conditions to replicate it: Issue only happens in Windows (Windows 7, not on Mac) Issue only happens with Reader X installed (not with previous versions) Issue only happens when running the built app, does not happen in debug / development mode from FlashBuilder
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Nov 21, 2010
I've got a submit form and my script points the blank fields with a error message (movieclip). How do I make the error movieclip ._visible = false when a user begins typing in a the relevant text box?
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Mar 23, 2009
I have a simple animation that displays some text, and swaps out for a new one using FlashEff effects. It's all very simple, with each section containing only two dynamic text boxes and a background image along one timeline. At the end, I use an AS to loop. What I'd like, to impart some sense of variety, is for when the movie starts to actually begin at any one of the following frames: 2, 137, 329, 489, 618 or 750. It plays through to the end, and then goes to frame 2 to play through them all. In effect, just choosing a random start point for the whole cycle.
I can't get a handle on what AS to put in frame 1 that will select from THAT SET of random numbers.
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm running ant to compile a Flex application, and the build keeps failing when running it on a windows command line. Other people in my team can successfully run the very same build under mac and linux. This is the error shown in the command prompt:
All tokens are set in corresponding and filter .properties files (and, as I said before, it compiles perfectly under mac and linux). The windows version is 7 Ultimate, FLEX_HOME is set as an environment variable to the Flex SDK 3.5 (the build that comes with Adobe Flash Builder Burrito). ${compiler.fork} is set to false, to avoid an issue with the SDK and the source files being in different logic drives.
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Mar 8, 2010
I'm using Flex in Flash Player 10 on Windows, using FileReference to load a file into memory, as below.My issue is that when a file is locked by Windows, my FileReference is not giving me any feedback that the file is inaccessible--it simply never dispatches any events after my calling load().Does anyone have insight into how to tell that Flash Player is unable to open the file?
var fileReference:FileReference = new FileReference();
private function onClick():void {
fileReference = new FileReference();
fileReference.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, onSelect);
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Nov 25, 2011
From an Adobe Air application, I need a function to launch the Windows Virtual Keyboard (c:windowssystem32osk.exe). I tried the Native Process, but it didn't work when telling it to execute cmd.exe /C osk.exe. How should I launch the keyboard application from an Adobe Air application?
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Jan 13, 2010
I'm trying to make my movie loop, but when I enter the following code in the last movie clip (layer) of my swf movie, it only loops back to the first frame of that movie clip (layer).
gotoAnd Play (1);
When I do the code above it doesn't loop back to the beginning of my movie.
What is the proper code for making it loop to the very beginning?
I tried to do the following code, but I got an error message. I'm not sure of the proper syntax for the code.
tli_logo is the name of the very first movie clip (layer) of the swf movie.
I believe that making the last frame of the last movie clip (layer) loop back to the first frame of the first movie clip (layer) will be what I am trying to achieve. Is this the proper way to go about this, or there a better and more proper way to do this. If there is, then please send me the proper syntax AS cs3 code to do it.
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