ActionScript 3.0 :: Countdown To Begin At 20

Mar 15, 2011

i have a driving game with a countdown timer that will be the score.i want the countdown to begin at 20 and then if the car collects and item, the timer to add 10 seconds. here is the timer:[code]and here is the collision between the car and the object. i would like to be able to put the "add 10" code in the 'else' bit.[code]...

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onEnterFrame = function() {
var today:Date = new Date();
var currentYear = today.getFullYear();


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int firstChar;
%x string;


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on (release) {

on (release) {

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if(nFrame=1) {
} else {

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var soundBA:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var sound:Sound = new Sound();
var ch:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var recordingsArray:Array = new Array();


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Dec 8, 2007

Trying to build something that will tween (a variable) number of texts across a banner. Would like to start tween at random locations.Problem is I can't figure out how to restart tween at different location.I have code below which will restart tween at same location.

/* Loop for texts and tween each text */
i = 1;
// Assign first text
text_mc.myText.text = ["text"+i];


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Aug 1, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Programmatically Begin A Tween When Another Tween Ends?

Jun 25, 2007

In this example, I'm trying to programmatically fade-in the alpha of menu items created from xml data. Using the tween object, I'm trying to start the next tween once the first or previous tween has finished. Clearly in my attempt below, the statement isn't cutting it because it's not waiting for the tween to be finished. Using the oListener.onMotionFinished method, I tried using a Boolean to return true when finished, and then to start the next tween. But clearly I haven�t figured out the proper control flow for this.


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Certain Time To Countdown And Then Do Watever?

Mar 10, 2008

been looking for a countdown timer for a prank im tryin to pull :P. i just want a certain time to countdown and then do watever. i have made a dynamic text box but dno the coding for it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: X Min Countdown Timer

Nov 20, 2010

I am trying to create a count down timer in as3 that will accept how many minutes passed to it for example one part of the swf I have to make a 30 minute countdown timer...on the other part, I have to 0 out the timer and start a 35 min timer.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Countdown Timer?

Dec 16, 2010

I have a game that causes you to lose if you don't complete a task in a certain amount of time.I want is for the timer to cause the player to be sent to a lose frame.Im using AS2 in Flash CS5

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Professional :: Create A Countdown?

Jun 18, 2010

i want to create 2 differnt countdown. i have tried so many scripts and variations allready but failed.1st one is a 10.00 minutes countdown that goes down very fast and ends whithin 12 seconds. 2nd is a simple 100-0 countdown in 12 seconds as well. they start and end at same frames.i want to make them both in as3.0 and then place them in an existing fla.

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Flash :: Set Countdown Correctly?

Apr 20, 2010

How can I set my countdown correctly? I'm counting from 33,000.00 to zero. It works in a fashion, but the minus operator appears in the textfield.

//Countdown from 33,000.00 to zero
var timer:Timer = new Timer(10);
var count:int = -3300000; [code]..........

EXAMPLE: I need something I can update with XML, to be an up-counter or down-counter depending on the variables.

//Count up from 33,000.00
var countValue:int = 3300000;
count = countValue;[code].................

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Countdown With GetTimezoneOffset For CST

Jan 21, 2008

how to create a countdown timer using AS2. It works great but now I need to add more actionscript. Our company is releasing a brand launch in Chicago (CST) so I want the countdown timer to be the same for everyone's computer, even if they are in NY for example. I did a trace for the offset and it returned -6hr (360min). How do I add the offset. I looked everywhere but I could not find it. I want to grab the time from the user's computer and then add the getTimezoneOffset and subtract -6hr or 360min right?

Also, I just thought of this - when the clock hits 0 or a negative value... I want to tell my flash piece to go to the next frame so they don't see the clock counting backwards. :)

this.onEnterFrame = function() {
var today:Date = new Date();
var currentYear = today.getFullYear();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Countdown In Flash?

Mar 16, 2003

I was wondering if there is a way to do a countdown in flash?I think something like hours til thing get.myHours(or something)and so on.but I don't know all the correct stuff to use and everything.

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