ActionScript 3.0 :: Begin Making Multiplayer-based Stuff In It?

Dec 3, 2010

I've done some research but I'm still quite unsure with what and how to begin making multiplayer-based stuff in as3.

I've seen quite alot of api's, like PlayerIO for instance, but I'm really not sure where to begin really. What are your thoughts on what tools to learn, if I were to make, for instance, a platform based mmo?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Debug Many Stuff From Xml Based Image Gallery?

Mar 16, 2009

i found a very nice tutorial about making an xml based gallery from oman3D which i use it as a base and change some codes abit for my own gallery project... but those modification comes with bugs that i can't figure out that makes me feel like stop learning this and kill myself T_T. among few things, i tried to add auto resize, auto center and a crossfade transition for the images but it has awesome bugs that i cant figure out why it happens..

most annoying bugs i got is that when i tried to center an image, which i did by substracting the default width and height of the gallery with the loaded image's width and height then divide it by 2 and adding the default position of the gallery so it should practically comes out with x and y that puts the image on the center of the allocated gallery space

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second bugs is that i tried to create a crossfade transition... or to the least a fade in-out transition, for the latter i manage to make it work by using tween script which starts fade out the old image and start the fade in of the new image using the onMotionComplete function

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I need a save and load function. Im gonna explain why and how. Im making a test game. When the player finish a level another level on the "Level select" screen should be unlock.

So, when player open my game first time. Level 2 is locked. When he finish Level 1 he can play Level 2.I got some help with this and got it to work like this:


That means if Player hits goal he get send back to frame 2 and "level2played" gets true and he can click and play level2. But this doesnt ofcourse get saved when the app get closed. So i kinda need it to be saved. So if Player hits goal in level 1, this "level2played=true;" gets saved.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotating Stuff Around Other Stuff?

Jun 29, 2011

So what I'm looking to do now is to actually get that movie clip - in this case an arrow -to rotate around another object - a ship - at a radius of 150 pixels and facing the mouse.This basically means to get the arrow to follow where the mouse goes around the ship - limited by the 150 pixel radius circle it can follow.p.s. This is the code so far:

ActionScript Code:
theArrow.x = theShip.x
theArrow.y = theShip.y


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making An Image Based Countdown Timer

Mar 28, 2011

making an image based countdown timer that counts from 30 seconds to zero showing seconds and milliseconds that begins counting down when loading. I know I could make this by basically animating it but im sure it would be far less work to code it. By image based what I mean is that instead of the timer simply being variable text that is constantly changing, I am aiming for each digit to be an image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making First Image Not Fading On XML Based Slideshow

Jun 14, 2010

I am working on an xml based slideshow. Random images loading (only ones and no repeated image) and fade in-out effect. That's working fine, but the problem is that when animation starts it does it on white screen and then fades in to the first image. How can I keep my slideshow working the same way but starting with the first image already on stage (without fade in)?

My Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import com.greensock.*;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making First Image Not Fading On Random Fade In-out Xml Based Slideshow?

Jun 14, 2010

im working on an xml based slideshow. Random images loading (only ones and no repeated image) and fade in-out effect. That�s working fine, but the problem is that when animation starts it does it on white screen and then fades in to the first image. How can i keep my slideshow working the same way but starting with the first image already on stage (without fade in)? My Code:

code: import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; var my_speed:Number; var my_total:Number; var my_images:XMLList; var my_loaders_array:Array=[]; var my_labels_array:Array=[]; var my_success_counter:Number=0; var my_playback_counter:Number=0; var my_slideshow:Sprite = new Sprite(); var[code]..........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making First Image Not Fading On Random Fade In-out Xml Based Slideshow?

Jun 14, 2010

im working on an xml based slideshow. Random images loading (only ones and no repeated image) and fade in-out effect. Thats working fine, but the problem is that when animation starts it does it on white screen and then fades in to the first image. How can i keep my slideshow working the same way but starting with the first image already on stage (without fade in)?My Code:

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making An XML News Reader Based Off Of Senocular Squirrel XML News?

Mar 24, 2007

Making an XML news reader based off of senocular Squirrel XML news.

I'm using Fuse and wanted to target the dynamic text and or background portions of the headline section.

However, this movie clip is attached to the menu_mc so I'm stumped as to what I should exactly target for the fuse sequence (or any mx.transition/zigo engine based code-tweening process for that matter).

I've attached the files in a .zip for people to look at (and possibly conquer my problem!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Countdown To Begin At 20

Mar 15, 2011

i have a driving game with a countdown timer that will be the score.i want the countdown to begin at 20 and then if the car collects and item, the timer to add 10 seconds. here is the timer:[code]and here is the collision between the car and the object. i would like to be able to put the "add 10" code in the 'else' bit.[code]...

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Feb 10, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Invisible When Begin Typing

Nov 21, 2010

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Begin At Any One Of 7 Specific Frames?

Mar 23, 2009

I have a simple animation that displays some text, and swaps out for a new one using FlashEff effects. It's all very simple, with each section containing only two dynamic text boxes and a background image along one timeline. At the end, I use an AS to loop. What I'd like, to impart some sense of variety, is for when the movie starts to actually begin at any one of the following frames: 2, 137, 329, 489, 618 or 750. It plays through to the end, and then goes to frame 2 to play through them all. In effect, just choosing a random start point for the whole cycle.

I can't get a handle on what AS to put in frame 1 that will select from THAT SET of random numbers.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Back To The Begin Of Movie?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to make my movie loop, but when I enter the following code in the last movie clip (layer) of my swf movie, it only loops back to the first frame of that movie clip (layer).

gotoAnd Play (1);

When I do the code above it doesn't loop back to the beginning of my movie.

What is the proper code for making it loop to the very beginning?

I tried to do the following code, but I got an error message. I'm not sure of the proper syntax for the code.


tli_logo is the name of the very first movie clip (layer) of the swf movie.

I believe that making the last frame of the last movie clip (layer) loop back to the first frame of the first movie clip (layer) will be what I am trying to achieve. Is this the proper way to go about this, or there a better and more proper way to do this. If there is, then please send me the proper syntax AS cs3 code to do it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Begin Movie With Button In Down State

Mar 3, 2011

I have a movie with two tabs that are both in the unclicked state. However, I'd like the movie to default begin with tab one already pressed down. I'm also using the hash variable to determine between both tabs (so they both don't stay clicked at the same time). [URL]

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Tell A Video Page To Begin With Mute Button Toggled To Off?

Sep 9, 2009

Is there anyway to use ActionScript (and/or Flashvars) to tell a video page to begin with the Mute button toggled to off?  We are creating a page for multiple-languages, and the client wants the sound to begin muted.  I have yet to figure out what kind of variable is used by muteButton in the built in skin, whether its a boolean with true/false or what.

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Professional :: Background Disappears When Begin Motion Tween?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm trying to learn Flash, and thought I had it figured out for motion tweens. I'm using CS3. I created a background and added 4 images. I created a motion tween for the first image (on it's own layer), but when I try to run it, all the other images and background dissappears. The tween works, but the rest is invisible, just turns white.

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Create A Animation With Horizontal Scroll To Begin On MouseOver?

Feb 16, 2011

I have been trying to create a animation with horizontal scroll to begin on mouseOver. There are a set of 8-10 swfs movie, which I am calling though a xml file into the main scroll movie clip. I would like to animate and call the swfs in such a way that they drop into the screen and stay on a 800px width movie screen, on mouseOver the horizontal scroll should begin.I have seen a lot of threads for the sroll, in all the threads the movie is scrolling and on MouseOver it stops.

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Regex :: Flex - Matching Strings That Begin And End With The Same Character

Oct 28, 2009

I need to match a string that begins and ends with the same character in flex...I know the long hand way (RE being - "a[^(a")]a" | "b[^(b")b" | etc...), but I'm positive this isn't what I'm required to do (midterm tomorrow!);

I need to do this in flex, but if you can think of a short regex for it, I may be able to convert it to flex notation.

What I was thinking of was something along the lines of -

int firstChar;
%x string;


But this bugs me in a few ways, first, having that variable makes this not a regular language; second, I don't know if you can even use a variable to in a pattern match; and third, I don't know how NOT to match it, if it's just a normal string. And third, I don't know how to return everything that's been matched while in 'string'

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ActionScript 2.0 :: GetURL And Variables - Flash Movie To Begin At Particular Frame

Aug 18, 2009

I have 2 buttons in a flash movie with the following codes. They open a new URL that also contains a flash movie and it sends the variable "nFrame" and a value.

on (release) {

on (release) {

When the new URL opens I want the flash movie to begin at a particular frame depending on what variable "nFrame" is equal to. I tried placing this code in the first frame to do it but it didn't work, the movie just loops and loops and doesn't stop at any frame.

if(nFrame=1) {
} else {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Side Carosouel To Scroll Through Images Where To Begin?

Sep 4, 2010

i need some advice here and some good tutorial links. ive have to create a side carousel. the example is were if move to the left side it scrolls through image and same if mnove to the left side, the imagees have to be loaded dynamically as well.

im not sure if it is called a carousel as its not a circular motion. the motion is sideways left to right. i may have to use xml ive been advised ;however, im not sure . iv dont know xml either.

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Actionscript 3 :: Playback Of Sound Byte Array Doesn't Begin At The Start

Dec 13, 2011

I'm currently recording and storing a ByteArray of sound and then playing it back. But for some reason the playback starting position of the ByteArray is 163840, not 0 as I need it to be.

var soundBA:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var sound:Sound = new Sound();
var ch:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var recordingsArray:Array = new Array();


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