ActionScript 3.0 :: Brightest Parts Of The Image Have Rolling Over Are Also The Darkest When The Tween Begin

May 27, 2009

I was visiting this site mentioned in a book about flash we sites [URL]. and i really got curious about the effect of the picture in the background. when you roll over the area they practically have an alpha tween...but i think it's not just alpha tween...i noticed that the brightest parts of the image you have rolling over are also the darkest when the Tween begin. is kind of "selective alphaTween"?.

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ActionScript Code:
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
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btn1.onRollOver = function() {
this.gotoAndStop(2); //highlites the button
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Actionscript 3.0 :: Begin At Any One Of 7 Specific Frames?

Mar 23, 2009

I have a simple animation that displays some text, and swaps out for a new one using FlashEff effects. It's all very simple, with each section containing only two dynamic text boxes and a background image along one timeline. At the end, I use an AS to loop. What I'd like, to impart some sense of variety, is for when the movie starts to actually begin at any one of the following frames: 2, 137, 329, 489, 618 or 750. It plays through to the end, and then goes to frame 2 to play through them all. In effect, just choosing a random start point for the whole cycle.

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Video Streaming Issue With Rolling Audio?

May 22, 2009

I have several flash based lessons that I have created that are being distributed online to several companies. Each lesson has a video that is played within the lesson through the flvplayback control. The videos were supplied by a third party and some of the videos are encoded at 384K and some are at 568K.
One company that is attempting to view the lessons is seeing the following behavior. The video plays for approximately 20 seconds then suddenly the video drops out and the audio continues to play. With the audio still playing the video scrubber rolls back and attempts to start the video again but all that comes through is the audio track again. Now there are 2 instances of the audio playing with no video. This happens a third time and finally keeps going until all the audio is played out.
The IT staff at the company has showed me a fiddler log that shows the flash player making a connection out to Akamai to retrieve the video and then rolling from port 80 to port 1935 and finally to port 443. This would explain the three audio tracks playing
I have read that the flash player will attempt to gather the stream from the stated rtmp location and then if it encounters an issue with a proxy or firewall it will attempt the other ports.So I am not sure if there is anything I can do by design or programatically to alleviate this issue. It appears to me that the company attempting to view this video has some kind of bandwidth throttling program in place that is kicking off this behavior in the flash player.
Is it possible to prevent the flash player from making the three attempts? Would a sudden cut of bandwidth prompt the player to attempt to roll to another port if a network load balancing program suddenly kicked in? If it is bandwidth is that why the audio stream continues to play because there is enough bandwidth for the audio track to get through, but not the video?
I have attached a screen shot of the sniffer output so you can see the rolling ports thing.

(33.7 K)

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Professional :: Make Rolling Paper Animation?

Jan 2, 2011

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AS3 :: Flash - Hand Cursor When Rolling Over MovieClips?

May 9, 2011

My goal is to simply have the cursor swap to be a hand (pointer) when I roll over a MovieClip. Obviously I could use SimpleButton, but the situation is that I have some enemies that are obviously MovieClips, and when I select an ability to use I want the mouse to show as a pointer when I roll over them.

I assumed this would work:

var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();;,0,50,50);


There are workarounds such as adding a button into the enemy MovieClip and then removing it. Just seems there's an inbuilt way I'm missing.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Change Text When Rolling Over Buttons?

Apr 10, 2009

I have a menu with buttons at the bottom of my page, and I want to have a textfield with info about each of the buttons.When you roll over on of the buttons, the info comes up, and when you roll over the next, that info replaces the other one. Standard thing. My buttons is inside a movieclip on the page where I want the info.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MC Rolling Angle Of Mouse (Location)

Oct 13, 2008

What code would I apply to a movie clip to make it rotate on one end according to the angle (location) of the mouse.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loop Back To The Begin Of Movie?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to make my movie loop, but when I enter the following code in the last movie clip (layer) of my swf movie, it only loops back to the first frame of that movie clip (layer).

gotoAnd Play (1);

When I do the code above it doesn't loop back to the beginning of my movie.

What is the proper code for making it loop to the very beginning?

I tried to do the following code, but I got an error message. I'm not sure of the proper syntax for the code.


tli_logo is the name of the very first movie clip (layer) of the swf movie.

I believe that making the last frame of the last movie clip (layer) loop back to the first frame of the first movie clip (layer) will be what I am trying to achieve. Is this the proper way to go about this, or there a better and more proper way to do this. If there is, then please send me the proper syntax AS cs3 code to do it.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Begin Movie With Button In Down State

Mar 3, 2011

I have a movie with two tabs that are both in the unclicked state. However, I'd like the movie to default begin with tab one already pressed down. I'm also using the hash variable to determine between both tabs (so they both don't stay clicked at the same time). [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Onrollover - Bring Alpha Back Up When Rolling Outside

Mar 1, 2005

i'm trying to learn some AS. Now i made some simple code which should bring the alpha down step by step, en bring it back up when rolling outside.


this is the part for alpha down as you can see, but i think this goes way to fast. how can i slow this progress down?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drop-down Menu Closes In When Rolling Over Buttons?

Apr 17, 2008

I'm trying to create a horizontal drop-down (well, sliding in actually) menu bar that expands to stage when rolling over it, and collapsing in when rolling-out. Problem is, when I roll-over one of the buttons in the menu, flash thinks I'm rolling out from the area that was supposed to trigger the menu in.I have attached the file I'm working on (hopefully the most accurate one, as I tried dozens of solutions and wasn't very careful with naming...

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Can i hide or make a MC invisible when rolling out from a button or another MC?

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Is there anyway to use ActionScript (and/or Flashvars) to tell a video page to begin with the Mute button toggled to off?  We are creating a page for multiple-languages, and the client wants the sound to begin muted.  I have yet to figure out what kind of variable is used by muteButton in the built in skin, whether its a boolean with true/false or what.

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Create A Animation With Horizontal Scroll To Begin On MouseOver?

Feb 16, 2011

I have been trying to create a animation with horizontal scroll to begin on mouseOver. There are a set of 8-10 swfs movie, which I am calling though a xml file into the main scroll movie clip. I would like to animate and call the swfs in such a way that they drop into the screen and stay on a 800px width movie screen, on mouseOver the horizontal scroll should begin.I have seen a lot of threads for the sroll, in all the threads the movie is scrolling and on MouseOver it stops.

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