ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto Kern True Text Return As HTMLTEXT
Sep 2, 2011
I am using 3rd party API for reading text from swf file in my application, using that API i can identify htmltext and nonhtml text but the problem is if the text filed is autokern true then its returning as htmltext for nonhtml text.
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tried following the Embed Font example here: http:[url].... exactly with absolutely no results.When I add txtField.embedFonts, the text no longer shows up, and without embedFonts, the fonts are just Times New Roman or something. Regardless, the [Embed source="..."] syntax described in the example does not seem to work. Has ANYONE gotten Embed fonts to work in AS 3.0? Second, when I add wordwrap = true to a text field, the text disappears. (it used to work fine. It stopped around when I started trying to embed the fonts, but it doesn't work even if I remove all embed code.)
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The code:
import fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection;
import fl.controls.UIScrollBar;
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//Display paragraph text
//evt is a parameter being fed into the function that represents a specific page number.
myText.htmlText = paragraphText;var xmlSubMenuLength:Number =
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May 2, 2009
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Dec 30, 2005
I have tried to do a script which makes a texteffect. It is one of those regulars in which you use dynamic text, at multiline, with substring and an onEnterFrame.
So the textfield starts at noll characters and goes up.
But the main problem which I dont know how to handle really is when it comes to make the .text property to a .htmlText property.
It seems to be really difficult to port the code for .text to allow .htmlText.
Since when using substring on a html-formatted string will take all html-markup into consideration.
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Sep 22, 2009
Why would this happen?
I've added Helvetica to my Library. I've set it to export for Actionscript. I've given it the name 'Helvetica'. I'm setting the defaultTextFormat. Then I tell it to embedFonts, and the bloody textfield doesn't show up.
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('Helvetica Neue', 13, 0xFFFFFF);
tf.embedFonts = true;
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Aug 18, 2010
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format1.size = 15;
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Feb 13, 2010
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Oct 23, 2009
I thin the fastest way to explain the problem is to show the [code]...
So that is my AS code and it all works fine except when you move your mouse over that text field and scroll the wheel the text in the text field scrolls one line. And i really cant have that, it all works fine if there is no changing of font size but i will also need to change that so is there a solution just to disable scrolling on text field?
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May 29, 2009
i have an external txt file that i wanna display as a htmlText in flash.
i have the following code.
var rhetoric:TextField = this.createTextField("rhetoric", this.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 400, 200);
var rhetoric_fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
&rhetoric=We differentiate ourselves from the rest of the competition through the way we look at consumerism and communications.
<b>How can your products impact the lives of your customers?</b>
We believe in the power of experiences, it is what our lives are made up of, how we learn, how we evolve.& but when display to flash it doesnt give me the <b></b> i wanted..
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