ActionScript 2.0 :: Use EmbedFonts = True; The Text Dissapears?

Sep 23, 2009

I'm having a problem embedding fonts in a second of my code.I have added a font to the library and am using it in the code but when I use embedFonts = true; the text dissapears. Here is the code in mention:

_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("mc",_mc.getNextHighestDepth());"ti",, 0, 43, 108, 35);[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: .embedFonts = True  Causing Text To Disappear?

Sep 22, 2009

Why would this happen?
I've added Helvetica to my Library.  I've set it to export for Actionscript.  I've given it the name 'Helvetica'.  I'm setting the defaultTextFormat.  Then I tell it to embedFonts, and the bloody textfield doesn't show up.
var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat('Helvetica Neue', 13, 0xFFFFFF);
tf.embedFonts = true;

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Actionscript 3 :: Set The EmbedFonts Property Of The Textfield To True The Text Doesn't Show Up

May 14, 2010

I have some issue with the [embed] tag. Even if I set the embedFonts property of the textfield to true the text doesn't show up.The thing is that it worked previously and after some changes (not related to fonts) it doesn't. I'd like to understand how the embed process for font works to find the error in my code.

I declare :

[Embed(source = 'asset/font.ttf', fontName="font", mimeType="application/x-font-truetype")] private static var font:String;

to assign the font to the program.Then i call "font" when declaring my textFormat. Is the "fontName" property the link with the textformat ?I work with flashdevelop and the flex_sdk_4.0.0.14159 (the big adobe one, with air (~140mo))

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The EmbedFonts Property To True?

Jan 3, 2004

How do you set the embedFonts property to true with actionScript? I am trying to have a font embedded (font symbol?) and I do not know how to set it with teh embed fonts property so it shows up in the .swf file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: HTML Display With TextField.embedFonts = True?

Jan 6, 2007

what I am trying to do is to load HTML content from an XML file and put it in a TextField object I create dynamically. After all this is done, clicking on a button fades the TextField object out and another TextField with new content appears.I've got the whole process working fine, including the fading. And to get the fading to work, I've actually had to set my dynamic TextField objects' embedFonts property to TRUE.Now here's the hiccup:

When embedFonts is FALSE, Flash displays the TextField's HTML content properly. The text flows properly and looks as expected. The only downside is that the fade effect doesn't work.When embedFonts is TRUE, the fade effects works perfectly, but Flash displays the TextField's HTML content with a bunch of extra spaces between some of the letters. The line height seems to be different also.The odd thing is that when I debug the code to look at the styles, in both instances of embedFonts set to TRUE or FALSE, the styles are exactly the same. But Flash is rendering the HTML with different kerning and line height in each of the scenarios.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Got New Font Called Sunset Inside Library And EmbedFonts Set To True, But Nothing Works?

Jul 16, 2010

I just tried everything to do embedFonts work correctly in CS5. In Flash CS4 there was no any problems with this. The TextField is created in AS3, I got new font called Sunset inside library and embedFonts set to true, but nothing works, there is no errors and the text is still invisible

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Actionscript 3 :: Img Tags Inside An Anchor In An Flash/AS3 HTMLtextfield With EmbedFonts = True, And A Css File For Styles Behaves Unexpected?

May 17, 2010

when the embedFonts is removed, it works perfectly as expect. Otherwise when an image is clicked, it selects the whole text around it. Alternatively can anyone suggest a method to style dynamic textfields instead of using html?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: When Press ENTER The Text Dissapears From The Input Text

Mar 30, 2012

I have created an input textbox and a dynamic textbox. My idea is to enter something into the input textbox, and on pressing ENTER key it would show up in the dynamic textbox. When I press ENTER, the text dissapears from the input txt, and nothing happens.


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IDE :: Text Dissapears After Publishing?

Jul 19, 2009

I downloaded a template for a friend tothem get a website up and running quickly.The template is bassically a Flash movie and a Content.xml file. am using Flash CS4 ver 10.0.2I can open and edit the .fla (or not make any change at all), when I publish to the .swf file and launch the index.html to veiw the Flash, I loose some of the content text. It litterally disapears. Not all text is gone. The titles, headings and other content text is there but the content for the main pages is gone.

In my looking at the FLA, I see that some of the text is embedded. Could this be a place to start looking?I can reload the original SWF and the text is there, the second I publish a new one, it's gone. I can provide a link to a zip of my files if someone cares to look at them.Also, I am publishing with settings of Flash 8 and AS2. If I try to change to AS3, it tells me that Flash functionality will not work right.

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Professional :: Rotate Dynamic Text Box Vertically - Dissapears?

Oct 28, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The "embedFonts = True" Get The "TextLineMetrics.width =0"

Jan 4, 2011

i have this problem when i use the "embedFonts = true" i get the "TextLineMetrics.width =0" while i'm sure i have text in the TextField any one knew why and how can i fix this? this is the code :


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ActionScript 2.0 :: EmbedFonts Makes Text Disappear - Dynamic Text Vertical Position?

Aug 7, 2003

I have the following code:

this.createTextField ("imageText",2,95,0,390,96);
imageText.multiline = true;
imageText.wordWrap = true;[code].....

The problem:If I uncomment either of the imageText.embedFonts lines, my text will disappear... but the trace(imageText.text); will still return the correct contents. It's as though embedFonts causes the textField to disappear.Possibly related, (but maybe not), is the fact that the vertical positioning of the font is off. Even though I create the textField at Y = 0, the text writes somewhere around Y = 10. I suspect this is something else, but I thought I'd add it just in case.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Selectedcolor, True To The Text True Or False In The False Print Text?

Aug 28, 2010

Selectedcolor, true to the text true or false is false text into print.colorPicker component in, I select Export to a selected color, the color value myMC texte into summer, but accuracy can not control.

var myColorPicker:ColorPicker = new ColorPicker();myColorPicker.editable = false;myColorPicker.visible = false;myMC.visible= false;myColorPicker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);myColorPicker.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, changeHandler);[code].........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HTML Text Vs EmbedFonts?

Jun 12, 2009

Here it is. I need to embed a font. Else, when displayed if the user does not have it, in my case Frutiger STD, it will not display correctlty. I also need to use the htmlText to render bold and italic and other tags. Problem is usign both togetter. If I set the textfield htmlText and I use the embedFont = true, no bold or italic appears. Text is displayed, but in the normal weigth only.So, it's like html does not support the embed .how to make Html works with embededFonts?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Wordwrap = True To A Text Field, The Text Disappears?

Dec 1, 2006

tried following the Embed Font example here: http:[url].... exactly with absolutely no results.When I add txtField.embedFonts, the text no longer shows up, and without embedFonts, the fonts are just Times New Roman or something. Regardless, the [Embed source="..."] syntax described in the example does not seem to work. Has ANYONE gotten Embed fonts to work in AS 3.0? Second, when I add wordwrap = true to a text field, the text disappears. (it used to work fine. It stopped around when I started trying to embed the fonts, but it doesn't work even if I remove all embed code.)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ButtonMode = True; .useHandCursor = True; Only Works On Half Of The Button?

Sep 4, 2009

about.buttonMode = true;
about.useHandCursor = true;

I have this on a MC I use for a button - and it works but only on HALF of the object - how can I make so it works on the whole object itself?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: If Condition - (condition1=true) AND (condition2=true)?

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Flash :: Menu Dissapears BEHIND File?

Jun 4, 2009

I've been searching various solutions to this, one of which I found this site, but I'm still a bit stuck. Basically, I've made a website with a JavaScript drop down menu, that all works fine, but on one of the pages I have linked to a flash file that is hosted using a 3rd party ( see code below

<iframe src="" name="content" height="540" width="724" frameborder="0" >

I know this is NOT specifically a flash problem. But the file it's linking to IS a flash file. The thing is, the 3rd party company who supply the interactive pdf viewer, wont allow me to gain access to the .swf itself. is this a problem? I only need to make the menu appear OVER the file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Textfield With 1 Letter, Dissapears?

Jul 3, 2009

I am trying to create a crossword puzzle made up of text fields, one for each letter. I am pretty much done, but there is one problem I can't get a handle on. I hope someone brilliant can help:

The Problem:The user has already typed a letter into TextFied "XY" and then clicks back into that same TextField (maxChars=1, btw.) to write over that letter (or not). I want the letter to stay until a new letter is typed, and definitely, if the user decides not to provide a new letter.

No problem, works 90 percent of the time. But sometimes --I find oddly enough especially with "S" and "D", but not exclusively-- the letter disappears and stays gone, even when you leave the TextField. The Only way to bring it back is to go back into the Textfield and use the Arrow keys to move the courser to a position before the letter. Very Ugly!

This problem is triggered by clicking into the box as well as by the "stage.focus=" method. I already tried the setSelection- no succes, I also tried making the font smaller, - give it breathing room, so to speak- , also fruitless. Does any one have any ideas how that effect could be avoided with certainty? Here is my code for reference:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Dissapears After I Set _width To It?

Aug 8, 2009

Check it out. I am creating an XML gallery. I am able to load in the gallery info from the XML just fine. The preloader works just fine. And I can set my _x and my _y just fine.BUT.... when I attempt to set my movie clip (that acts as the pic holder) to a width or height, the MC never shows up!

function firstImage() {
if (loaded == filesize) {


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Text Not Appearing When Embed Font Is Set To True

Jul 19, 2010

I added a custom class for a custom font in the flash project library.Now when i try to embed the font and use it from actionscript , the text is not getting visible.[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Text Goes Invisible On EmbeddedFont = True?

Jul 27, 2011

I register my fonts once they are loaded. In my head I should be able to use them once they are. But I wasn't so I tweaked my code, here it is but it still makes the text invisible. As soon as I do embedFonts = false, it starts working again.

trace(Font.enumerateFonts()); // Returns an array and does show my Fonts embedded.
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
var fontClass:Class = _model.getFont("HappyHell"); // Does return the Class[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Put Multiline To True, But The Text Is Still On One Line?

Jan 18, 2007

I have problem with the multiline. The problem is that I have put multiline to true, but the text is still on one line?


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Text.html=true Open In New Window?

Aug 18, 2010

1. How can I make msgA[3] text #C0C0C0? 2. How can I make mgsA[3] open in a new window?
var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format1.bold = true;
format1.color = 0x666666;
format1.size = 15;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Auto Kern True Text Return As HTMLTEXT

Sep 2, 2011

I am using 3rd party API for reading text from swf file in my application, using that API i can identify htmltext and nonhtml text but the problem is if the text filed is autokern true then its returning as htmltext for nonhtml text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: EmbedFonts With Multilanguage?

Oct 18, 2008

I use a font in a library and i do :

var fontClass:Class = getDefinitionByName( myFont) as Class;
Font.registerFont( fontClass );


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ActionScript 3.0 :: EmbedFonts And Method?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm having a couple of problems. One is that in my custom MovieClip class, I have a textbox that refuses to show up when embedFonts is true, but is otherwise fine when it is left alone. The second is that for some reason, I can't access a method in this custom class from the main class (AT least I think that's what's wrong). It gives me an error:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: EmbedFonts Won't Work

Jun 29, 2006

I am having a problem using embedFonts. It just won't work. At first I thought it was something in my code, but it seems to be working fine except for the embed. So I went through the help doc on it and even using the example code it won't work. I am guessing it must be how I am setting up the font in the library. So here is what I am doing. In the library, I select New Font... I name the font Pakt an choose the font I am using which is Pakt-Black. Then I use this code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: EmbedFonts And HtmlText?

Jun 4, 2009

I am reading some CDATA text from an XML file. This text has HTML tags in it.I want to place this text into a dynamically created textfield that has embedFonts set to true. However,when I set this to true, the html formatting doesn't work. Instead, I only see the text without any of the formating.

Now, when I comment out my embendFonts = true statement, the html formatting works, but I loose my linked, library font. (Since the font Futura is on my machine, it stil uses a jaggy (system?) version of it, I'm assuming this would be a problem on a different machine).Is it possible to use embedFonts with htmlText? Am I calling this stuff in the wrong order?

copyTformat.font = myFont.fontName;
copyTformat.size = 18;
var tf:TextField = new TextField();[code].....

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Use The .embedFonts With A Chinese Font But This Does Not Appear To Work

Feb 8, 2011

I have been trying to use the .embedFonts with a chinese font but this does not appear to work. When I use an english font, no problems there, its just when I try any non English font, nothing appears.

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