ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Textfield With 1 Letter, Dissapears?

Jul 3, 2009

I am trying to create a crossword puzzle made up of text fields, one for each letter. I am pretty much done, but there is one problem I can't get a handle on. I hope someone brilliant can help:

The Problem:The user has already typed a letter into TextFied "XY" and then clicks back into that same TextField (maxChars=1, btw.) to write over that letter (or not). I want the letter to stay until a new letter is typed, and definitely, if the user decides not to provide a new letter.

No problem, works 90 percent of the time. But sometimes --I find oddly enough especially with "S" and "D", but not exclusively-- the letter disappears and stays gone, even when you leave the TextField. The Only way to bring it back is to go back into the Textfield and use the Arrow keys to move the courser to a position before the letter. Very Ugly!

This problem is triggered by clicking into the box as well as by the "stage.focus=" method. I already tried the setSelection- no succes, I also tried making the font smaller, - give it breathing room, so to speak- , also fruitless. Does any one have any ideas how that effect could be avoided with certainty? Here is my code for reference:


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trace(myItemTitle.text); //output: "MyTitle"

In the swf file, output: "M"

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import typewriter;
var fmt:TextFormat = outputTextBox.getTextFormat()


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var about_req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("about_txt.txt");
var about_1dr:URLLoader = new URLLoader(about_req);
about_1dr.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
about_txt.text =;
}var fmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
fmt.letterSpacing = 10

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at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/findStringLoop()[C:autobuild3.2.0frameworksprojectsframeworks]
at mx.controls.listClasses::ListBase/findString()[C:autobuild3.2.0frameworksprojectsframeworks]


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<iframe src="" name="content" height="540" width="724" frameborder="0" >

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if (loaded == filesize) {


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Jun 25, 2010

I try to get input from a textfield of type INPUT and save its numerical value on a couple of variables, but when i enter for example 1 or any digit i get Nan in the trace debug, after i put another digit i get the first after i put another one i get the first two and so on so forth. What i am doing wrong? Here some snippets from my code.

xSpeedField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, inputXCapture);
private function initField(field:TextField, label:String, x:uint, y:uint):void {
var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();


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May 24, 2011

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form2.back.onRollOver = function(){


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Dec 23, 2009

The default value text displays, but when you click into them to type nothing appears.I've tried embedding fonts, making sure I use th Font class, even setting them to _sans and system font, but nothing. Totally at my ropes end before I wind up re-writing most of this thing.These really should be TextInputs, I know, but this is some other f*cker's crap work I'm cleaning up and I don't feel like refactoring the rest of his garbage.

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Flash :: Input And Dynamic Textfield Can't Get New Value

Aug 2, 2011

i cant assign a new value to a dynamic field by code. i cant write into a input field on flash player.

you're ganna need the fla file. i made it simplify. not complicated. [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Textfield Won't Accept Certain Input

Jun 21, 2010

I'm having a weird problem with AS3/CS5: I have a textfield, and I'm playing around with focusing on it at various points. At one point,I set focus to the textfield (which only accepts 1 character), then add an Event.CHANGE listener to it. This works fine, except when I type the letter 'a' (or 'A'). Nothing happens until I click on the text field and type 'a.' I don't have to do the second click with any other character, and before I do the second click, the cursor is blinking in the box. Not sure what to do...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Text Input To TextField?

Nov 30, 2010

What I'm trying to do is pretty simple, I'm just getting lost in the syntax of it..I have a piece of code that loads a textfield to the stage and sets it to "Testing Adding Text To Stage Dynamically"on the stage I have a text input box named t1input And a button next_btn

What I am wanting to happen is to have the text automatically load into the text field that is set in the code ("Testing Adding Text To Stage Dynamically") And then have it where the user can type into the text box, press the "next" button and then the text in the text field is changed to be whatever the user has typed in the text box.[code]...

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defaultTextFormat = flash.text.TextFormat (@97c7ab9)
align = "right"
blockIndent = 0


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first off I guess I should say that I'm pretty much a beginner to flash Anyways, what I'm trying to do is make it so when the user inputs something into the textfield, depending on what they said specifically, it takes them to a certain scene. So far I am able to communicate with just text between a few people, but they are not able to perform other actions such as the movement of their mouth when they are speaking which is what I would like also. I've included an attachment of what I have so far (it was given to me by a member at the official macromedia flash forums),

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