ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData Method Lock Not Work?

Mar 30, 2012

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;


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Flash :: BitmapData.draw Method Or Bug?

Oct 2, 2009

I have problem when drawing transparent png image on transparent bitmapData.

code of first frame:
stop();import flash.display.Bitmap;import flash.display.BitmapData;import flash.display.BlendMode;import flash.geom.ColorTransform;import flash.geom.Matrix;
var bmd: BitmapData = new BitmapData(500, 400, true, 0);var bitmap: Bitmap = new flash.display.Bitmap(bmd);addChildAt(bitmap, 1);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData.CopyPixels Method With Many Objects Be Faster?

Feb 7, 2010

I'm trying to know if you can copy the pixels of many objects in one BitmapData without a huge slowdown. The slow down is made by calling the method multiple times, thus making a lot of variable declaration and disposal for the garbage collector. If someone know how to either immitate the copyPixel method or have any other way of solving this problem,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use The BitmapData.setPixels Method To Set Certain Pixels In The Bitmap Transparent?

May 2, 2009

I am trying to use the bitmapData.setPixels method to set certain pixels in the bitmap transparent.But no matter what I do, it always seems to set the pixel(s) black (non-transparent).Here is my code:

bmpd = new ImageFromLibrary(0, 0);
bmpd.setPixel(0, 0, 0x00000000);

why its not setting the pixel(s) transparent?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Copy Of A Sprite Via The BitmapData Draw Method?

Dec 1, 2009

I'm making a copy of a Sprite via the BitmapData Draw method. It kind of works other than the top portion of the bitmap gets cut off (replaced with transparent pixels). It looks like it's about the same height as the Sprite's y value.

looks like this:
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData's Draw() Method Also Draws Objects With 0 Alpha

Mar 17, 2011

I am drawing a flash sprite on a BitmapData using its draw() method. This sprite has some nested objects with 0 alpha, yet the draw() method draws them on the bitmap data.

I think it has to do with the color transform I am using, but I have no idea how to change it to achieve the effect I want.

The color transform is the following:

new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 255, 255, 255, 255);

I am using these values in order for the Bitmap to have white pixels wherever the object was, and black where there is nothing. The draw() also draws my alpha = 0 objects in white as well.

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Flex :: ClipRect Parameter Of The BitmapData.draw Method Really Clips The Source?

Dec 10, 2009

The documentation says that clipRect parameter of the BitmapData.draw method sets clipping for the source.Reading this I wrote an AnimatedObject class for my potential flash game. This class draws a frame from a .png animation strip, and doesn't work with Flash scene hierarchy.


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Actionscript 3 :: Use The Method SetPixels(rectangle, ByteArray) Of BitmapData In Adobe Flex

Feb 3, 2011

Error #2030: End of file was encountered.

This method is not working

I am using it like this

var ba:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
ba = bmd.getPixels(bmd.rect);
bmd.setPixels(srcRect, ba);
bm.bitmapData = bmd;
img.source = bm;

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Flash :: Find The Size Of The Area In A Bitmap Which Has Been Filled Using The Bitmapdata.floodfill Method?

Sep 27, 2011

I am using the floodfill method to colour-in sections of a bitmap image. That part is easy enough but the issue comes in with the way I am adding an effect to the colour fill routine.

To add the effect, first a copy of the bitmap data is created and floodfill is used on that instead of the original bitmap. Then the method is used to set the alpha value of everything apart from the filled-in section to 0 and the result is saved in another bitmapdata. After that, a 1 px radius circle sprite is added to the stage and is being tweened to the image dimensions and its mask is set to the sprite which contains the result of the compare operation.

This works perfectly except for the fact that the fill sprite has to be tweened to the complete image dimensions irrespective of how small the area is being coloured-in since I am not able to find a way to get the dimensions of the fill area. I am doing an bitmap image update at the end of the tween and I have to disable user interaction till the tween is complete to avoid the errors which come in if another fill-in operation is started before the base image has been updated. If I could somehow get the dimensions of the fill area then the time during which I have to disable the user interaction will go down considerably.

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Flash :: Rotate BitmapData When Using Draw Method. Width Height Bounds Clipping / Cropping?

Jan 29, 2010

I wrote a collision detection class that works off using BitmapData.hitTest. Basically, every update, the .draw method is called and then two BitmapData's are hitTest'ed against each other to see if there is a collision.It works pretty well, however if I start rotating the source MovieClip I use for the BitmapData, the transformations don't get registered in the draw method. So what I did was pass through a Matrix in the draw method. That works. But here's the actual issue. If I output the BitmapData to a Bitmap on the stage, I see that Bitmap is, in fact, rotating, but now it's exceeding the bounds (width and height) of the BitmapData. Which is cropping / clipping the image of the source MovieClip.

UPDATE: Basically, when the Bitmap clone of the MovieClip rotates outside the positive co-ordinate space, it doesn't get drawn. It rotates outside the bounds of the BitmapData set width and height. I can multiply the bounds by 2, and then center the bitmap inside the set bounds, but then the origin point is never fixed and the object is always being moved around. Works pretty well, but makes aligning the object to any specific point impossible.Here's my isolated test code. It requires you to have a MovieClip on the stage named "iTest". I used a fairly vertical arrow shape (higher than it is wide) so I could keep track of rotations visually accentuate the clipping problem:

var rotateTimer:Timer = new Timer(10);
function rotateObject_init():void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How Does Bitmapdata Hittest Work

Sep 23, 2009

import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Point;
var BitmapA:BitmapData = new BitmapData(550, 400, true, 0x00);


This is using the bitmapdata.hittest way to check whether the one bitmap is overlapping the other. Throug pixel-to-pixel detection.But I'm having trouble understanding this line:


if (BitmapA.hitTest(destPoint, 255, BitmapB, currPoint, 255))

I know that destPoint is the topleft point from which it is determining all opaque pixels. No value is given to destPoint so basically it is checking from 0,0. Having determined all opaque pixels from that bitmap it should compare them with the opaque pixels of the other bitmap. But why does currPoint use the topleft coordinate of its movieclip? Couldn't it just as well use 0,0 too? I mean when determining the opaque pixels of bitmap two it might as well start checking for those from 0,0 as the topleft position as well?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Can't Make Scale BitmapData Work

Mar 19, 2010

I'm trying to resize each image without success. After pulling my hair a few time, I can't figure out to make the smoothing works on Stage. Basically I want to be able to resize any pics: 600x900 -> 400x600

Code: Select all // Call LoadBitmap class, bitmapWidth & bitmapHeight are the desired 400x600
loadBitmap = new LoadBitmap(bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: BitmapData Stuff Doesn't Work When Uploaded?

Jul 3, 2007

For some of the menus and stuff, I have it grayscale the screen with BitmapData.draw and ColorTransform. It works perfectly when played through Flash and Flash Player, and even when played locally through a browser.

However when I upload it to a server and try and play it online, the BitmapData stuff apparently clunks out. It displays a white screen, suggesting that BitmapData.draw isn't working for some reason.

As it only doesn't work when on a server, you'd think it was some form of security violation. But I cannot think of anything that would cause this to breach Flash's security. I'm only drawing the _root of the movie clip, nothing located on another domain.

Even weirder, the exact same code worked a while ago when uploaded. It only stopped working a short time ago after I was adding some menus and such - and as much as I've been trying to pinpoint it to an exact moment in time when it stopped working, I can't.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmapdata.draw() Doesn't Work With Blend Modes?

Feb 2, 2012

I am trying to save an image from flash, just load a image into flash place some decorative clip art and then save the image to the disk. I was able to do this via BitmapData + PNGEncoder + FileReference.

Now as an experiment I have introduced new clip sprites for decoration, where in each of these have multiple sprite children with different blend modes say "ERASE", "OVERLAY", etc. As far as the flash runtime is considered I am getting the expected effect for blend modes.

But as soon as I try to save the image, the output is weird, it doesn't resembels what I see in the flash player. I also tried to print the page as pdf using PrintJob class, but the pdf would not show the filter effects or the blend modes ones.
As far as I am using the plain clip arts with no effects, no blur, no blend modes the image is generated. But when i try to use the BitmapData.draw() method with the image that has clip arts with blend mode or blur it fails.

BitmapData.draw() with blend modes, as I feel if the we could possibly see the blending effects in the player then we could possibly print it as well.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData Draw() Method - Draw The Bitmap On The Stage At Design Time?

Mar 18, 2009

I am using the draw() method of the BitmapData to encode a jpeg of part of the image. Now this should be easy enough given the object I want to draw to the bitmap is on the stage at design time so I know its location and dimetions exactly! Heres the code I have in place.

var myBitmapSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( street.width, street.height, false, 0x333333);
myBitmapSource.draw(street, null, null, null, new Rectangle( 96, 5, 571, 450 ), true );

I know for a FACT that no part of the street clip I am drawing out is in negative space, and it's registration is (0,0). However, it cuts off A lot of the top of my image. y=5 in the above rectangle is where I need the top to be, but it cuts the top off of the image... even if I change it to 0, it has no effect.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access The Newly Created Bitmap Data To Access The Method CacheAsBitmap.bitmapdata.dispose() ?

Oct 22, 2010

So, you have a sprite, you draw some graphics, you set cacheasbitmap=true... I can't seem to access the newly created bitmap data, to access the dispose() method.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hittest Nor Other Method Doesn't Work

Aug 20, 2010

So I'm doing this project for school and all, and I'm trying to do a htitest on an object. For some reason, it doesn't work. So I tried writing out my own method... Which halff worked, but wasn't as exact as it should've been.

Heres my code (Though I'm pretty sure somethings wrong with my MC, so i'll upload the main .fla file)

right = true;
left = false;


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Actionscript 3 :: Trace() Method Doesnt Work In FlashDevelop?

Apr 2, 2010

When I put a trace("test"); at the entry point of my flashdevelop project and run it. The application runs fine but I do not see the trace in the output. Below is my code

import flash.display.Sprite;[CODE]...

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Flex :: Method Doesn't Work When Being Called On ParentDocument?

May 8, 2010

I wonder is anyone can look at this code and tell me why calling the removeSelectedChild works when called from the same document, but returns the following error when called from the child document/component.

"ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller."

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Method Doesn't Work In Firefox?

May 19, 2010

This movie is supposed to start on a random frame, but the code seems to get ignored in Firefox. I also have some weird behavior when i test it locally, but it works fine in IE8, Safari, and Chrome: [URL]

Here is the code:

i = Math.floor(Math.random()*3385);
//trace("Current Frame: "+this._currentframe);

The .fla can be downloaded here: [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Method From Outside An Object Doesn't Work?

Oct 14, 2011

I am using the below package to play back a wav file. In my main file I create several of these objects, put them in an array, and then try to call

Unfortunately it doesn't work. However, I can call playBack() from within the object, for example by having this object create a button.

import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The SetTint() Method Of The Fl.motion.Color Class To Work

Jul 31, 2007

I am trying to get the setTint() method of the fl.motion.Color class to work. I couldn't find any examples. Here is what I tried.

import fl.motion.Color;
var ct:Color = new Color();
mc.Color = ct;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 BitmapData - Getting Error : The Class Or Interface 'BitmapData.loadBitmap' Could Not Be Loaded?

Jan 31, 2007

I'm using Flash 8, with this code in the first frame:

import flash.display.BitmapData;

When I publish the file, I'm getting the following error message in the Output panel:

**Error** Scene=Scene 1, layer=Layer 2, frame=1:Line 7: The class or interface 'BitmapData.loadBitmap' could not be loaded.
var plaid:BitmapData.loadBitmap("plaid");

Total ActionScript Errors: 1 Reported Errors: 1

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData At Flash.display::BitmapData()

Oct 14, 2009

I am trying to use the reflect class from " .html" but I keep getting this error:
ArgumentError: Error #2015: Invalid BitmapData.
at flash.display::BitmapData()
at Reflect()
at Site_fla::GalleryPage_29/loadThumbs()
at Site_fla::GalleryPage_29/sortXML()


btw, first I used assigned thumbContainer as the mc argument (outside the loadThumbs() function) and it worked but not exactly what I wanted... because I thought it is supposed to update when the movieclip is animated but it actually didn't... when I use a scroller, only the thumbs that are first loaded to the stage get the reflection..

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Actionscript 3 :: Quickly Rotate The Pixels That Make Up BitmapData Without Using BitmapData.draw()?

Dec 29, 2011

I've been using BitmapData.copyPixels() to draw graphics onto a canvas (Bitmap).I need to rotate the resulting graphics without the use of draw() because it's vastly slower.How can I rotate the target graphic? I'm assuming that there might be a formula or library that I can use which will first reorganize the pixels that make up a graphic based on an origin (point) and radians.I'm pretty certain that I'm not capable of creating such logic, so if there are any known libraries that do this, that would be awesome.I'd like to achieve something similar to XNA's SpriteBatch.Draw() method, which accepts rotation as its 5th argument.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData.hitTest - What Angle Or Coordinate Of The BitmapData The Collision Happens?

Sep 1, 2011

how to use the bitmapData collision method. Now I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to see at what angle or coordinate of the bitmapData the collision happens? I need it in order to figure the accurate bounce angle after the collision occurs.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: TWEEN CLASS Method To Work When The Movie Clip Is A Shape

Feb 5, 2007

I downloaded an Mc Tween Class from [URl] so I can use the ColorTransformTo method. However, the method only works when my movieclip is an image; and I need the method to work when the movie clip is a shape...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Cannot Access A Property Or Method - Tweening Doesn't Work

Aug 12, 2010

I've got on main timeline (on frame 10) buttons, when I click one of them it goes to its currentLabel"". On curerntLabel at frame20 "racerButton" where I've got some tweening. At currentLabel "boardButton" at frame30 I load external swf. The problem I've got is when I press any button everything works fine. But when I first press button "boardButton" at frame30 the ext.swf shows up fine, but when next I click the button "racerButton" at frame20 the tweening doesn't work there and it gives me error


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Flex :: AddChild A BitmapData Or Draw A BitmapData To Screen?

Jul 15, 2009

I'm currently working on a flash game and I need to know how to addChild a BitmapData or draw a BitmapData to screen. If I can't than how can I give a DisplayObject my BitmapData?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Drop Game - Splice Method Doesn't Work On Array

Jul 21, 2011

I have a drag and drop game. You listen to a sound for exampl "bread" You proceed to drag that mc to a box. If it is the right object I want to remove that mc and splice the array so it doesn't choose that object anymore. However I have notices two things.

When I splice(0) a specific element - then nothing works. When I splice the cuurent indexed element ie: the last element to get right - it doesn't actually remove it from the array. I have highlighted the key code parts.


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