ActionScript 2.0 :: Random Method Doesn't Work In Firefox?

May 19, 2010

This movie is supposed to start on a random frame, but the code seems to get ignored in Firefox. I also have some weird behavior when i test it locally, but it works fine in IE8, Safari, and Chrome: [URL]

Here is the code:

i = Math.floor(Math.random()*3385);
//trace("Current Frame: "+this._currentframe);

The .fla can be downloaded here: [URL]

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Professional :: Why The Preloader Doesn't Work In IE 8 But Works In FireFox

Jan 22, 2010

Why the preloader doesn't work in IE 8 but works in FireFox?


index.swf (224.8 K) (3.2 K)

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Image Zoom Tool Doesn't Work Properly In Firefox?

Mar 28, 2009

This is the code I use to run a swf that makes zoom on images:

<OBJECT classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"


This code works properly in IE7 but in Firefox I have discovered that the images are loaded after than the swf. This swf file needs some parameters to work with the images, but if the images are not loaded previously then the swf does not work properly. In firefox, a page refresh is needed if the images are not yet loaded in the cache.

I have resolved the problem partially preloading the images in the previous page link using: <img src="imagebig.jpg" style="display:none;" alt="" width="781" height="1051"/> With this solution, the images are loaded prior to the swf loading.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Hittest Nor Other Method Doesn't Work

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So I'm doing this project for school and all, and I'm trying to do a htitest on an object. For some reason, it doesn't work. So I tried writing out my own method... Which halff worked, but wasn't as exact as it should've been.

Heres my code (Though I'm pretty sure somethings wrong with my MC, so i'll upload the main .fla file)

right = true;
left = false;


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Flex :: Method Doesn't Work When Being Called On ParentDocument?

May 8, 2010

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"ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller."

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calling A Method From Outside An Object Doesn't Work?

Oct 14, 2011

I am using the below package to play back a wav file. In my main file I create several of these objects, put them in an array, and then try to call

Unfortunately it doesn't work. However, I can call playBack() from within the object, for example by having this object create a button.

import flash.display.Sprite;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Cannot Access A Property Or Method - Tweening Doesn't Work

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I've got on main timeline (on frame 10) buttons, when I click one of them it goes to its currentLabel"". On curerntLabel at frame20 "racerButton" where I've got some tweening. At currentLabel "boardButton" at frame30 I load external swf. The problem I've got is when I press any button everything works fine. But when I first press button "boardButton" at frame30 the ext.swf shows up fine, but when next I click the button "racerButton" at frame20 the tweening doesn't work there and it gives me error


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When I splice(0) a specific element - then nothing works. When I splice the cuurent indexed element ie: the last element to get right - it doesn't actually remove it from the array. I have highlighted the key code parts.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse.Show Doesn't Work On Safari(Mac) And Mouse.hide On Firefox

Jul 27, 2011

These issues only appear on Safari and Firefox on Mac.I tested with Opera and Chrome and Windows (inc. IE), but they work fine.

Mac OS 10.6.8
Firefox 5.0.1
Safari 5.1
Flash CS5.5

1 Hiding the original black arrow cursor (Firefox only)When cursor rollovers to an Invisible button (oneBtn), I want to show custom cursor (newCursor) and hide mouse. But Firefox shows the custom cursor as well as the black arrow...

2. doesn't work only on Safari, Mac.When rollout to the invisible button (oneBtn), the custom cursor (newCursor) hides but the mouse doesn't appear. This happens only on Safari.

newCursor._visible = false;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Publish & SWFAddress - Include The Swf With The Flash Method Swfaddress Doesn't Work?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm having a problem with the flash publish method and swfaddres.I've included the javascript of the flash pubblication in a new javascript file with the swfaddress in the same page.If i use swfobject for including my flash file in the swf, swfaddress works ok...if i include the swf with the flash method swfaddress doesn't work.Here the link: http:[url]......

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Masks - Trail Doesn't Resize And The Mask Still Doesn't Work

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I decided to try to use setInterval for myanimation, which is just a mouse trail.However, I'm trying to get teh mouse trail to be a dynamic mask.In my previous swf this was achieved by using a holder mc with the animation inside and then using this as the mask. But this time I just canpt seem to hit on the right way to get it to work. The code I am using for the mouse trail is:

var i:Number = 0;
var myInt:Number;
var t:MovieClip;[code].....

in the function, but now the trail doesn't resize and the mask still doesn't work.

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Professional :: Satay Method: Firefox Crashes Swf File That Contains 3D Animation

Apr 14, 2010

I have a strange dilemn and the 3D feature in Flash CS4 seem to be the most obvious connection to the problem. I have a page with 2 different swf files ( both under 50KB), which use the satay method. One works perfectly, and the other struggles to work. The pixels are magnified, the 3D animation scales incorrectly, and moves very slowly. Eventually the browser crashes and the whole operation goes down.


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Flash Movie .swf File Doesn't Load In IE Or Firefox

Nov 16, 2009

I have a basic site for an old age home. Recently I decided to put a Flash Movie on the Homepage but even though all files are loaded and links correct it won't show in either IE or Firefox...

The movie should be loading here (

There is a white space where the movie should be loading... But it doesn't...

I've done lots of sites with the same kind of movies and they all work fine... But this ons just doesn't work. It views fine when I test it on my computer but as soon as I load it - nothing...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Firefox Preloader - Progress Bar Doesn't Display

Feb 17, 2006

Discovered yesterday that the preloader I've been working with (loads external SWFs into levels based on this tutorial) which works fine on a local preview and IE, is having some major issues in Firefox. I thought this was a little bizarre at first but have since discovered that it could be something to do with 4 bytes that IE ignores but Firefox has a problem with. I've been searching for a solution that I can use pretty much constantly since then, and I'm stumped. Here's a link if you want to see it in (in)action: link

In IE, everything is good. Page loads, preloader starts at the bottom of the progress bar and progress is acurate. In Firefox, page loads, external swfs DO preload but progress bar doesn't display. When swfs are 100% loaded, the full progress bar appears with my "click to enter" link. But people will definitely have left the page thinking nothing is happening by then.


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Does SWF Work Only On FIREFOX

Aug 21, 2009

I finished my website and uploaded to internet. And when I showed friends that use IE7, CHROME or any other browser besides FIREFOX it failed to work. The SWF gets stuck at the preloader at a certain percentage but the animation of the preloader still runs. Here is the link (try to watch from different browsers): [URL]..

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IDE :: SWF Does Not Work In Firefox

Mar 12, 2009

I have uploaded a swf but when viewed in Firefox, the swf does not work. However, the swf does work in IE.

I used Flash MX 2004 to export the swf.

Anyway, my firefox can view other websites with flash properly so the problem is definitely with my swf.

here's my html if it helps:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>My Website</title>
<style type="text/css">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Width Doesn't Work - How To Make It Work

Apr 21, 2010

I have a button object that I need to scale to align with the variable width of an array of images.However, when I set the width in code, the button does not actually become that width. Tracing out the width gives me the correct value, but on screen.. it's off.

I've proved it to myself by scaling the same button object manually in the properties pane and visually comparing. Both of the buttons below have a width of 410.

navigatorDown_btn.width = 410;
navigatorDown_btn.x = (stage.stageWidth/2)-(navigatorDown_btn.width/2);
trace(navigatorDown_btn.width); // output: 410

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loader Component - Loads The Image For IE But It Doesn't For FireFox

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Java ExternalInterface Doesn't Communicate With Swf In Firefox & Safari?

Aug 5, 2010

I have two swf files: swf_sender and swf_receiver. The swf_sender controls the swf_receiver via java script.Everything works fine in IE however, the swf_receiver doesn't receive communication from java script if openned by Safari or Firefox.The first part of communication: swf_sender - Java works ok (I tested it with alert() in Java) in all browsers.Here is my Java interface code:

<script type="text/javascript">
function getFlashMovie(movieName) {


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Data Integration :: Firefox 2.x Sending Variables To PHP Scripts With The LoadVars.send / POST Method

Dec 29, 2006

There seems to be a problem with Firefox 2.x sending variables to PHP scripts with the LoadVars.send/POST method.


The same problem doesn't occur in IE or Opera. <br>See this url for example to try in both FF and IE/Opera: here. <br>The source files are here

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Can't Work In IE8 But In Firefox

Jan 25, 2010

Why doesn't my preloader work in IE8?The preview looks fine in my Flash CS4.

How can I attach my files? It kept saying the upload is failed.

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JavaScript :: ExternalInterface.AddCallback Does Not Work On Firefox?

Apr 15, 2010

I'm trying to call a method inside a flash movie from js, every time the mouse leaves the "div". It works on Internet Explorer, but not in firefox. Here is the html script:

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(e){
}function init(){
document.getElementById('div').onmouseout = function(e) {
[Code] .....

Here is example of the problem, there is an alert for the js and the flash should be able to remove the swf (see a gray background? it works! see a image, flash didn't receive the call): [URL]. This should work with internet explorer / safari / chrome (pc/mac) only firefox seams to reject this.

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Windows :: Site Does Not Work In Firefox And Chrome On Pc's?

Aug 14, 2010

In firefox and chrome on my macbook the video plays full screen in the background.However, my client is complaining about it not working at all on windows computers. While I thought that most browser compatibility issues were mostly browser based and not OS based, apparently the same site does not work in firefox and chrome on pc's.I'm not 100% sure, but it might be some sort of a z-index problem? I heard that the video would show up, but none of the content would.

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Flash - SWFUpload Using Https Does Not Work In Firefox

Mar 10, 2011

SWFUpload I am using SWFUpload to upload files to a database (Windows XP) over https. Everything works as expected in IE (7 and 8), but using my Firefox 3.3.15 it fails without error message. Using the upload mechanism using http works fine!I found this thread using google. They describe that installing the CAs certificate as trusted issuer would help. Unfortunatly it did not (it was a certificate issued by a CaCert authority).

It works on the machine of my colleague who uses Firefox 3.3.15, but he cannot recall that he did anything special to make it work. I had a look at other machines using Firefox and none of them were able to upload a file to the database.I red that SWFUpload uses flash and that flash might use other certificates than Firefox itself. Does anyone know anything about it?

EDIT: This is the javascript code for the object creation:

// Create the SWFUpload Object
var swfupload_object = new SWFUpload({
upload_url: "[% cgi_path %]/",
file_post_name: 'upload_file',


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Buttons Work In Firefox But Not IE?

Feb 1, 2009

I just finished my first website using AS3. I am using buttons to access to the different section of the site.

There are working perfectly in Firefox but not in IE and Opera.

Here is the website address: [URL] (the site is in French, but you can understand where to click)

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Forwards And Backwards Buttons Wont Work In Firefox?

Jul 3, 2009

how do i get the backwards and forward buttons to work in firefox? I am using the anchors property but still doesnt work in firefox.IE is no problem though. I am a newbie,Been doing Flash for only 2 or 3 months. Trying to build a flash site for my business cause I can't stand HTML

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Flash - Get Flashvars In Firefox Using Object Embed Tag Only To Work?

May 11, 2010

I am trying to generate an <object> tag only embed code and cannot get Firefox to pass Flash along the FlashVars values. This seems to work everyplace else that I've tried it but fails in Firefox. Here is a sample of the embed that I'm using:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="550" height="400" id="Main" align="middle" data="Main.swf">
<param name="movie" value="Main.swf" />


note that the Flash experience does show up in Firefox but when I do traces and actually run the application this fails to read the values.

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