[URL]I have: main.swf (a menu) and I have module.swf (content)If you navigate to Subsea Wellhead Systems/SS-15 BigBore II and click on that I have it load an external swf which covers most of the parent. So far so good. My problem is unloading the loaded 'Child' swf with the button provided on the loaded 'Child' swf.below is the code I used to load the file but I cant, for the life of me, find a way to unload it.
var bigboreLoader:Loader = new Loader();btnbb2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, bigborecontent); function bigborecontent(event:MouseEvent):void{var bigboreRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("moduletemplate.swf"); bigboreLoader.load(bigboreRequest); stage.addChild(bigboreLoader);
I am certain it requires the Child to communicate with the parent somehow but I am at a loss. If I could get a bit of advice or a link to something deal with this, it would be a big help. I just need to have my links load my modules and the remove them when the close buttong is hit on the loaded swf. I promise I have done searches and I admit I have found asnwers but still they are not working. I found the code below:
Main FLA: function removeF() { removeChild(bigboreLoader); }
I used to do this fine with AS2 and now i'm struggling to get it to work in AS3.my code is as follows:
PW1.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK,loader1 ); //==================== PS function ============================================= var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
I am trying to get a nav button in one movie (main_nav.swf) to target a my main movie (index.swf) and load a sub nav movie (metals_subnav_infinite.swf) into it. The sub nav movie will do a similar task - loading a portfolio swf into main movie (index.swf). Here is the file breakdown of my working files:index.swf - main final movie which loads "main_nav_infinite3.swf" on startmain_nav_infinite3.swf - loads main nav "main_nav.swf" and scrolls it infinitely (infinite menu)main_nav.swf - main nav with buttons that trigger sub nav "metals_subnav_infinite.swf" to load into index.swfmetals_subnav_infinite.swf - loads sub nav "metals_subnav.swf" and scrolls it infinitelymetals_subnav.swf - sub nav with buttons that trigger "folio.swf" (have not created this file yet!) to load into "index.swf"The script I was focusing on is in main_nav.fla and it is:
Basically I have a swf portfolio site. I have to load anexternal swf that's the same size as the main swf site, which meansthat the close button (for the external swf) needs to be on theexternal swf. I have the load and unload code on the main swf, butI'm getting a 1120 error - it's not recognizing the instance of theexternal button....and I don't see how it would recognize it,unless there was some other way of linking the filesbtw - I'm fairly new to AS3 & AS2, but they're at leastmore fun than the Pascal & TSR-80 basic I remember fromelementary & middle school...:0)
I recently created a site using the "Transitions between External SWFs" tutorial for Flash MX 2004. I use this to load the sections of my site into the main movie file. Each section is an External SWF file. When a viewer clicks on a navigation button, the specific external swf move will load and play. Currently, a viewer would need to click on another navigation option to close the current external swf file. I would like to add a close button to each of the external swfs so that a view has the option to close the window without clicking on a naviagtion link.
I want to use a button I've downloaded from an external web. They gave me this button in .fla format, and I want to use it on my own fla file, because I'm building a website entirely in flash.
I don't know the best way to modify that button ( text, link, actions, etc) and embed it on my own fla:
Should I load it individually on another flash session, modify it, export in swf format and then import it as a library for the other project to be able to use it ?
Or perhaps I'm able to import directly to my fla ?
randomLoader.swf - It has two layers. One being movieclip layer for loading the external .swf files to. The other is the script layer with the following code:
Now if I just embed randomX.swf into HTML they work fine. But if I embed randomLoader.swf in the HTML to load a different randomX.swf file everytime the page loads/refreshes the button seems to show up but does not function. I get the hand but clicking it does not take you to the URL.
Should I be using Java or PHP instead to load the randomX.swf files? I like how well what I have already is working and I don't have to touch the page to update it to show new randomX.swf files. Just need to get Z buttons to work
I'm new here, so let's introduce myself at first: My name is Bram, I live in Holland. I am 16 years old and currently working on a little project for school. In the project you can click on stuff, and that loads an external SWF. Here is how I did that:
Okay. That all works, but now I want to make a button that removes the external SWF (and brings you back to the original SWF). how to do that? If you need my FLA, tell me; i'll upload it. PS: I did use search, but couldn't find anything.
I am autoplaying a FLV in a SWF in scene 1. I have created buttons on this same scene that will do different things, and present different information. I really want that button to pause that autoplaying video when it starts those actions. How can I accomplish this?
I'm working on a Flash project (which will eventually be published as an .exe - not sure if that makes any difference) which has buttons which need to open up external files.The external file will vary in type (there will be at least one button each for .pdf, .exe and .swf).I've managed to get this from various online help things:
Code: function f_testURLOpener() { var url:String = "BWorking.exe"; var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest(url); navigateToURL(request); }
I've tested it with about 5 different file types and it only seems to work if the url String begins with "http://". Even local htm/ html files don't open.
im using the [code]function to load files into my fla .im trying to put a button in each of the loaded swf files that will tell the main fla to unload the swf and gotoAndStop(1)i have 3 buttons on the first frame of main fla. the first button has [code] different game.so i need a button to unload the game and gotoAndPlay(1) i know how to do this in as3 but im not to familiar with as2.
Everything works perfect except for one problem I just can't figure out. On the homepage, called "home_page_swf", I have three buttons at the end of three paragraphs that say "Learn More" and need them to trigger the "home_page_swf" to unload itself and replace it with one of the other external swf pages. I basically want the three buttons within the "home_page_swf" to perform the same function as the "Services", "Portfolio", and "Team" buttons that are located in main swf. I've been trying to read up on it and I keep finding something about "Dispatch Even" but can't figure out how to apply it to the code I am using for the website I'm working on. I'll post the code below for the main navigation swf and what the labels are for the buttons that are inside the external swf called "home_page_swf".
Main SWF with main navigation buttons: var Xpos:Number = 0.0; var Ypos:Number = 0.0;
I am currently working on a project that uses URLLoader and addChild to load a external SWF. The SWF that is being loaded is going to be the same size as the first SWF that is loading it, and is being centered on stage, therefore I cannot removeChild with a button on the original SWF. Is it possible to load a external SWF and then give it the ability to remove itself when I click a button inside of it?
i am loading some external swf into my main file on click of a button in main file, now the external file gets loaded, but m stuck at this point, where in i require the code to close the loaded extternal swf. i tried all the tricks but none was helpful..m using AS3
I have 3 nav btn and each btn load an external swf successfully. My problems is it doesn't unload. I have tried adding pageLoader.unload(page) and mcContainer.removeChild(pageLoader) but it doesn't work. The code below contains load external swf only.What is the best way of unload a swf using as3?
var mcContainer:MovieClip; var pageLoader:Loader = new Loader(); galleryBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, galleryPage);
I've created transitions betweens two external swfs, which both get loaded when their button is clicked. The problem is the buttons only load the swf once, then they stop working when I click either of them again.Here's the code:
import fl.transitions.*; import fl.transitions.easing.*; // tween the main menu into place upon opening
I have a swf movie at the end has an button. I want to have the URL that the button goes to be inside of an external XML file so that it can be easily changes for different languages without going back into the flash to change it.
I'm trying to figure out how to get my replay button to appear at the end of my external flv video. From what I've researched so far the best way to do it would be with netstream or cue points (both of which I don't know). I am not the best actionscripter
I have a movieclip that gets loaded from the menu (addchild) from that movieclip I press a button which makes the loaded movieclip go to frame 15, on that frame the external swf loads. THEN when I press a button after that the button animation just flickers and no reaction when I click it.
I need some code to link a button to an external swf. It seems like an easy thing to do, but I cant find anything on google that directly relates to this issue.(using Actionscript 3.0).
I have a flash website that loads rather slowly, presumably because it is composed of a single .swf file, so I want to break that down into several. So how do I create a button that loads an external swf on top of the existing movie?
So far I have this which I pulled from {URL]
Code: //This creates a new instance of the loader object. var my_Loader:Loader = new Loader(); //This creates a new instance of the URLRequest object that contains the //path to the external SWF.
I'm trying to create buttons so a viewer can pause and then play an externally loaded swf. My project can be accessed at the linke below. This is how I want the project to function
-Click a room on the building (choose Accounting for this discussion)
-Click one of the demo options (choose Ending a Period for this discussion)
- Now that the demo plays, I want the user to be able to play and pause the demo swf.
The demo .swfs were created in Captivate so I don't have access to their timeline. They are loaded into an empty Loader component using the MovieClipLoader Class.
I'm building a website, in which the 'Gallery Page' has a link to an external swf file, which is a scrolling clip of thumbnails.
What I want to do, is create each thumbnail into a button, which will then play a Movie Clip from a frame located in the Main swf file. (So basically, each thumbnail button is a small photo, will play that photo in a large scale as a movie)
thumbnail1_btn needs to go to main swf and play movieclip1.mc, frame 1 thumbnail2_btn nends to go to main swf and play movieclip1.mc, frame 2