Button From External SWF To Play Movie In Main SWF
Oct 11, 2009
I'm building a website, in which the 'Gallery Page' has a link to an external swf file, which is a scrolling clip of thumbnails.
What I want to do, is create each thumbnail into a button, which will then play a Movie Clip from a frame located in the Main swf file. (So basically, each thumbnail button is a small photo, will play that photo in a large scale as a movie)
thumbnail1_btn needs to go to main swf and play movieclip1.mc, frame 1
thumbnail2_btn nends to go to main swf and play movieclip1.mc, frame 2
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Jan 17, 2012
I Have a flashmovie thats almost done and will soon hit the internet, but I want to add some animations into the website it�s two gears that I�m about to put at the bottom of the page and when a button releases in the main flashmovie the two bottom gears will turn a few frames and just stand still.These three movies are all separate (main movie, first gear and second gear).
It's a homepage designed in HTML and flash that has this "main flashmovie" in the middle of the screen, the size is about 1500(width)X800(height). And the gears is about 800wX200h placed at the left and right side bottom of the page. Dont worry the site is easy to apply to any screen resolution.I have been looking everywhere for any soul out there who suffering from the same problem but no success. Is it possible to script a button in the main movie to launch two separate movies in their own contents?
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Apr 26, 2009
I'm trying to make a flash website that has clickable buttons that will play different movie clips. But I dont know how to make it to just play the movie clip with the button you click without playing all the movie clips on the main timeline.
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Jan 15, 2007
im trying to play a frame in an external .swf with a button from my main flash file.
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Jan 28, 2011
I have been trying to create a play/pause button for the main timeline in my flash movie. Created a movie clip with 1st frame - a pause graphic, then on 2nd frame - play graphic, labelled the frames 'pause' and 'play' consecutively and put a stop action on the first frame of the movieclip. Then put the following code in the actions layer of the main timeline (and gave instance name of 'ppBtn' to the movieclip):
var pp:Boolean = true;
function ppState(event:MouseEvent) {
if(pp) {
[Code] ....
It works in stopping and starting the movie but the actual movieclip doesn't toggle between the pause and the play graphics (just stays on the 'pause' state - 1st frame).
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Jul 18, 2006
All works fine untill I do something to the loaded swf.For example if I click a button on the loaded swf the button works but then when I click the button on the main movie to load the next and play the transition the transistion doesnt work.If I dont do anything to the loaded swf the transitions work.Is it something to do with the paths being changed when the loaded swf is acivated?
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Jun 23, 2009
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Dec 24, 2011
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// main movie
function openswf(queFoto:String)
imgLoader = new Loader();
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Dec 23, 2004
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Apr 30, 2003
I am creating a full site in flash. The main movie has an empty movie clip in the middle of the movie to load external movies as the user clicks on the links. Everything has worked good so far as the linking has only gone 1 level deep. However, when I created a new external movie, and had buttons on it for another external page, but yet to open in the main movie, I can't get anything to work. Example.... In the main movie, the user clicks on the archive link, and the external archive movie is loaded into the main movie. Now, on this archive movie, there is a button on it that links to a another movie (say text effects.swf). However, when they click this button for text effects, I can't get it to load into the main movie clip and replace the archive movie that was currenlty there.
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Nov 17, 2011
I have a flash banner that includes a movie clip of the logo being animated. I want the logo animation to only run at the beginning of the main "movie". Currently I have to find the length of the entire movie (for ex. 500 frames) then put a key frame in at the 500th frame of the logo movie clip. I know there has to be a correct way to do this...Do I add a frame name at the end of the main timeline and somehow in AS in the logo movie clip say "when you reach X goToAndPlay(1);"?
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Jun 20, 2006
i'm trying to play several movie clips, one after the other from one main movie clip.i've got 8 movie clips, "m1.swf", "m2.swf", etc. "m8.swf", and one main movie clip, "play.swf".i've tried using loadMovie, but it only plays the last movie clip. this is what i've got. in the main movie clip, i've put a play button, and the actionscript i have in the button is:
is this wrong? how can i get this to work correctly.
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Dec 6, 2009
I have my flash document set up in the following way: On the main timeline I have my buttons that I want to play movie clips embedded inside a movie clip on the main timeline.However, when I click each different button, the current movie clip stops playing and then the movie clip corresponding to the button plays.
I want them all to be able to play at once. So for example you push button 1 and the alien plays, but half way through you could click button 2 and the alien clip would keep playing, but also the helicopter clip would begin to play as well.Here is the code I have so far:
building_btn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, alien);
building_btn2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, helicopter);
function helicopter(e:MouseEvent):void {[code]......
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Apr 22, 2007
I am trying to get a nav button in one movie (main_nav.swf) to target a my main movie (index.swf) and load a sub nav movie (metals_subnav_infinite.swf) into it. The sub nav movie will do a similar task - loading a portfolio swf into main movie (index.swf). Here is the file breakdown of my working files:index.swf - main final movie which loads "main_nav_infinite3.swf" on startmain_nav_infinite3.swf - loads main nav "main_nav.swf" and scrolls it infinitely (infinite menu)main_nav.swf - main nav with buttons that trigger sub nav "metals_subnav_infinite.swf" to load into index.swfmetals_subnav_infinite.swf - loads sub nav "metals_subnav.swf" and scrolls it infinitelymetals_subnav.swf - sub nav with buttons that trigger "folio.swf" (have not created this file yet!) to load into "index.swf"The script I was focusing on is in main_nav.fla and it is:
metals_mc_bn.onRelease = function() {
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Mar 7, 2009
I finally got to link an external swf movie playing in my main movie... this external mov. has a script that when u move the mouse, a series of panels slide from left to right... when i preview the external movie, it plays fine.. but when i insert it in the main movie, and preview it, the movie plays, but the panel stays there.... static... does not move...
also, when i load a movie, how can i unload it when another is pressed?
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Sep 8, 2009
The template of my flash presentation is created via scenes, each scene has a UI loader which opens the external swf for that scene. The UI loader loads the external swfs manually through the components inspector.
One of the external swfs has video, which when exported on its own loads the videos fine, however when I play the main movie, the videos inside this swf do not load! I did change the name of my main file but cant see why this would change anything as the external swf still loads the videos when exported on its own!
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Feb 1, 2006
- i have 3 separate movie clips (a,b,c)
- my main movie is (a) and when i click a button there, it will go to external movie (b)
- under external movie (b) there's a movie clip that includes my animation and content button
- if i click on the content button on movie (b), external movie (c) will pop up [ it will not replace movie (b) but will just overlap it, it's like a small pop up ]
i did the actionscript and when i'm testing external movie (b), it's working... it's showing/popping up movie (c) but when i tried it on the main movie (a), the movie (c) is not popping on the (b) err, sorry if it's a bit confusing / how i explained it. but hopefully somebody will get the idea. and it won't also return on the main movie (a) when i click on a link from the external movie.
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Oct 10, 2002
I'm still a rookie in flash and I'm having a little bit of trouble with some actionscript. I've gotten as far as placing the buttons and assign the correct actionscript for them to work. Everything is working fine with the buttons activating the external .swf into a blank movie clip in the main movie. Ony thing is, I would like the external movie assigned to the first button to open once the movie is loaded.
I thought by using the same actionscript i used on the button {and removing the on(release) tag} and placing on the first frame of the main movie would help, but it doesn't.
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Jan 9, 2010
my problem is that i need to make a reisze, cause the screen resolution for other users. My main and news movie works perfect, but the others movies re-scale everything bigger. The problem of the external loaded movie is: this movie needs the funktion:
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";
If i dont have this code inside the movie is not going to resize fullscreen into the main movie. Inside this movie im scalling photos and some mc's You can take a look what i mean under: [URL]
If you take a look to the bar where the Number of pictures (30) are you will see that the lower bar and the pictures is not going to scale to fill the full screen if i delete the this code;
Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";
View 3 Replies
Oct 7, 2009
I have created a main movie that includes 5 different movie scenes. Each scene is sequential in order 1-5 on the main timeline. I am trying to add two buttons, Pause and Play. I have added them to the main movie timeline but the have no effect on the 5 scenes.I moved the buttons into each scene and the buttons do work, however, it starts to play again if I wait long enough (seems like once the player reaches a new scene it starts the new scene).[code]
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Feb 14, 2008
how to sequentially play external SWFs loaded into the main timeline?
I have several SWF files with short videos embedded in them. I wish to load these external SWF files into my main timeline as follows:
User Presses Button -> Play Video Clip in External SWF#1 -> Once Video Clip in External SWF#1 has Finished -> Play Video Clip in External SWF#2.
I tried achieving this by adding: var endmovie:Boolean = true; to the end of each video clip inside the external SWFs (e.g. 1.swf) then cycling through an if statement in the main timeline to see when this condition was meet:
ActionScript In Main Timeline:
var mc_Loader = new MovieClipLoader();
How is the best way to go about achieving this? Am I on the right track? (By the way, using .FLV or one long external SWF file is not really an option due to long loading times...
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Aug 29, 2005
I've created a movie clip symbol with it's own animation on its timeline. I've placed this symbol onto the first frame of the main timeline but when I test it, it doesn't play. There's no stop actions or anything on either timelines so I'm not sure why this is happening. I thought that the animation in a movie clip symbol will automatically play (i.e. if you test in a browser) once it's on the main timeline - is this right? Or am I doing something wrong. Maybe I need to tell it to play?
View 6 Replies
Jun 14, 2009
Is it possible to have an instance of a movie clip symbol which has its own timeline "play" when you scrub the main timeline?You can do this with graphic symbols, but so far I've had no luck doing this with movie clips.See, I have a movie clip -- several actually -- with their own timelines which I want to place in the main timeline.When I scrub the main timeline I'd like to see them scrub as well, instead of simply seeing the first frame of the movie clip.I basically have to work blind like this.
What I'm trying to do is basically have several "slides" which are animated and then have a stop();. They'll sit there for a second and then the entire animation, or slide (movie clip) will move off the stage. I can't do this now. When I scrub the main timeline I can't tell what's happening in the movie clip. I can't tell when I can slide it off the stage.I tried to get around this by using graphic symbols with their own timeline, but adding a stop(); doesn't work in them.
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Nov 19, 2009
I've created two movie clips in Flash CS3, and I am now trying to understand how to get them to play in sequence on the main timeline.
I am noticing that when I change the Action Script in one movie clip, the Action Script in the other movie clip changes as well.
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May 15, 2003
I need to play different movie clip at a given frame, let's say 100, in the main timeline. For example,
if(_root.x==1) play movieClip1;
else if(_root.x == 2) play movieClip2;
else if(_root.x == 3) play movieClip3;
How can I do it?
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Oct 11, 2009
I have five different scenes all including three different buttons. When I test the buttons in "play scene" - all buttons sounds correctly in all scenes. But when I play movie, there is sound only with one button (the same button in every scene). I have looked for differences, but this button seem to have all the same parameters as the others.
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Aug 30, 2006
I am looking for a way to fade in a white movie clip over my main movie when a button is pressed.
(i.e. When you press a button, a white rectangle will fade in over all other layers and then fade out after a couple of seconds. This is to make it look like the different pages are fading in and out without having to build the transition over and over again.)
View 8 Replies
Jul 10, 2009
The movie clip is an actionscript movie which calls images from an external XML file and shows them as a slideshow. What i need to do is after the last image plays, stop the movie and move the main timeline to the next scene of the main movie. Everything logical in my brain is not working, and it may be that I have been staring at this project for too long but for the life of me i can't make this work.
View 11 Replies
Jan 29, 2003
I have a movie in the main timeline that has 3 movies inside with 3 buttons to play them.I Want to force the user to click in the 3 movies before they jump to a diferent frame in the main timeline.
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Apr 4, 2007
I am trying to tell flash from within a movieclip to start playing a specific frame within the main timeline only after it has finished playing the movieclip backwards. I can get the movieclip to play backwards fine but it's getting the main timeline to start from frame 1 which doesn't work. I have the following code on the first frame of the movieclip (which is called video) but it doesn't seem to do anything.[code]
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