Scrub Main Timeline And See Movie Clips Play?
Jun 14, 2009
Is it possible to have an instance of a movie clip symbol which has its own timeline "play" when you scrub the main timeline?You can do this with graphic symbols, but so far I've had no luck doing this with movie clips.See, I have a movie clip -- several actually -- with their own timelines which I want to place in the main timeline.When I scrub the main timeline I'd like to see them scrub as well, instead of simply seeing the first frame of the movie clip.I basically have to work blind like this.
What I'm trying to do is basically have several "slides" which are animated and then have a stop();. They'll sit there for a second and then the entire animation, or slide (movie clip) will move off the stage. I can't do this now. When I scrub the main timeline I can't tell what's happening in the movie clip. I can't tell when I can slide it off the stage.I tried to get around this by using graphic symbols with their own timeline, but adding a stop(); doesn't work in them.
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var i:int = Math.round(Math.random() * movieList.length);
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is this wrong? how can i get this to work correctly.
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_root["drag_" + clipNum].onPress = function () {
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May 15, 2003
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if(_root.x==1) play movieClip1;
else if(_root.x == 2) play movieClip2;
else if(_root.x == 3) play movieClip3;
How can I do it?
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Jul 10, 2009
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Jan 28, 2011
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var pp:Boolean = true;
function ppState(event:MouseEvent) {
if(pp) {
[Code] ....
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Apr 4, 2007
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Oct 10, 2006
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map.nestedClip.onRollOver = function() {
this._alpha = 50;
the rollover event fires, but the alpha reduction does not. I replaced the alpha = 50, with a trace statement, and was successful, plus I get the hand when I roll over the movie clip, so I know that the event is registering. However, when I place the same code directly on the instance, it works fine. I thought the only difference between placing code on the timeline and directly on an instance was a matter of convention, and that timeline code is generally a better practice.
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Aug 20, 2011
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Feb 2, 2010
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Mar 30, 2011
I'm working on a campaign website and I need to catch the deadline by tomorrow! I'm stuck. I hope somebody here could help me. Here's how I want to do it:Everything will happen in the main timeline / main Stage.
1. I have F4V clips that I want to load into the FLV Playback, placed in the main timeline (stage), every time the corresponding buttons are clicked. The buttons with questions and their actions are each placed in their corresponding MC. (is it possible? And is it possible to load different flv clips in one FLV Playback?)
2. The user is asked a question, they will have to answer yes or no before they can continue. So if they answer yes, "yes.f4v" will play, no then "no.f4v" will play. Then the corresponding clip will play and the next question will have to appear ONLY after the clip is done playing. How do you check if an f4v is finished playing? Does it matter whether you use FLV or F4V? (I have this one worked, see the code below)
I have made 2 setups:
- Setup 1 is I place an FLV Playback Component in the main timeline and I am planning to load all F4Vs in it when a corresponding button is clicked.
- Setup 2 is I create swf's of all the F4Vs and load the swf in the main timeline on certain frame into a blank MC.
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a file comprised of 1 scene and two movie clips. The clips are instanced into the Main Timeline and occupy Frames 1 and 2 respectively.MovieClip1 is an animation that has navigation buttons that appear at the end of the clip. I'm trying to get mouse click navigation to make Frame 2 on the Main Timeline active.
Here is what I'm trying but it is not working:
btExplore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ExploreClick);
function ExploreClick (evt:MouseEvent):void {
this takes the animation to Frame 2 of the Movie Clip Timeline not Frame 2 the Main Timeline.
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May 1, 2009
Just curious if anyone has ever discovered a way to scrub through frames one by one on the timeline? I'm not referring to action script nextFrame() kinda thing, I'm referring to the Flash editor only. Seems like a <control> + <right arrow> ought to do something like that but no luck.
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Jan 28, 2010
Is there a way to scrub audio on the timeline in Flash?
I'm trying to sync a soundtrack with animation and need certain sections to match up.
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Nov 3, 2010
I want to scrub the timeline using a shortcut. What I mean is... I want to use something like the arrow keys to go forward and back and frame, each keypress taking me back and forth, without having to manually scrub. Hitting Enter and Enter again is not useful enough for what I'm seeking.
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