ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Inside Of MC Not Working?

Oct 7, 2008

I want a Movie Clip to house 5 buttons that will link to frame labels on the main time line.(this will be my main menu navigation)I have created 5 separate buttons then created a Movie Clip.dragged each of the 5 buttons into the movie clip gave instance names for all of them.then I dragged the movie clip to my main timeline and gave that an instance name.I then went into the Movie clip and attempted to use AS3 to get the button instances to navigate to the frame go

when I test my movie it keeps looping through the whole main timeline no matter how many stop commands I put in the main timeline or in the Movie clip itself.if I have no AS in the Movie clip then the movie tests with the Movie clip working (no scrolling through the timeline and rollover works fine but I still can not command the CLICKs).as a post script I have tried so many AS variables I thought it best to not enter any here

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scrollPane.source = myContent;
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AS3 :: Buttons Controlling Timeline Not Working Inside MovieClip?

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ated menu panel (movieclip) with about 4 buttons inside it (as movieclips)I know the reason the buttons are not responding to my script because the movieclip they are in is animated. (I tested this with a static version and the button script works)How can I make the buttons inside the animated movieclip work is my big question!?Here is part of my code (the revelant bit) on 1st frame of Root:

// Menu animation script:


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scrollPane.source = myContent;
K1Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playVid);


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function b1Pressed(event:MouseEvent){��� trace("b1 pressed");�


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setColor.onRollOver = function(){


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on(release) {
gotoAndPlay("scene 3", 2) ;

didnt work.

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PHP Code:



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Flash Map
Flash Map_Test

Flash map is the script with the pans/zoom. Flashmap_test is where I made my map with nested buttons.Then Flash Map just calls and brings in Flashmap_test.

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class Link {
public var identifier:Number;
var xpos:Number;


The problem is that I can't access my class properties inside the onLoadInit event function. What is the good OOP way to access these properties?

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function RevealLinks():Void {
menu_mc._visible = true;


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container.alpha = 0;
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function tweenUp(evt:Event) {


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I posted this on yesterday but i dont think i was clear, here is a link to my site URL..and here is the code for the buttons in the drop down menu.[code]if you click on the netto button first, the other wont work, but if you click the shep homes one first then its fine, i dont understand.

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Load The Swf And Have The Buttons Inside It To Work?

Jun 28, 2009

I have my main SWF into which I want to load an external swf...When I've tried using the following code...

var light:Loader = new Loader();
light.load(new URLRequest("light.swf"));
addChildAt(light, 1);

The SWF loads but the buttons inside it do not show. How do I load the swf and have the buttons inside it work? Anything inside of the external swf that is a movie clip works, but I'd like to be able to keep the up/down/over and hit features of the button.

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Buttons Inside An Object (MOUSE_OVER)?

Jan 20, 2010

I have several buttons inside of a movie clip, as well as functions for the MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT events. There is no gap between the buttons, however, if I move from one button to the next, first the MOUSE_OUT and immediately the MOUSE_OVER function is called again (even though all of this is inside of the movie clip). If I have the buttons inside another button, moving from one (sub-)button to the next is not problem, but then I can't have any animations/movie clips inside (or can I?). Is there any way to "fix" this, meaning that I can move from one button to the next without triggering the functions?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using MovieClips, Etc. Inside Of Buttons?

Jan 20, 2010

I created a movie clip (let's call it "mysymbol") that contains several buttons, as well as functions for MOUSE_OVER and MOUSE_OUT events ("mover" and "mout"). Everything works when the mouse enters "mysymbol" for the first time (mover is being called), but if I move the mouse inside mysymbol to another button, the MOUSE_OUT function (mout) is being called first and then immediately mover. Obviously, I don't want there to be any function calling at all! � I have found a way to circumvent this, but since I'm new at this I struggle to get it to work properly:

If mysymbol is a button instead of a movie clip, then I can move my mouse freely within mysymbol without triggering any MOUSE_OVER or MOUSE_OUT events. However, there is another problem: I somehow can't get movie clips to work inside a button(I assume this is by design), so how do I get my animations etc. to work inside this button? is there an alternative to using a button as a container?

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Buttons Inside Scrollpane?

Feb 11, 2010

I have the following code for my buttons (not in a scrollpane), but when I try to add additional (addEventListener) strings to correspond with buttons in a scrollpane I get these error messages (1120: Access of undefined property smith. 1120: Access of undefined property thomas.). I've tried using the script in an actions layer within the MC inside the scrollpane to no avail

home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);staff.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Buttons Inside A Scrollpane?

Feb 11, 2010

I have the following code for my buttons (not in a scrollpane), but when I try to add additional (addEventListener) strings to correspond with buttons in a scrollpane I get these error messages (1120: Access of undefined property smith. 1120: Access of undefined property thomas.). I've tried using the script in an actions layer within the MC inside the scrollpane to no avail.

ActionScript Code:
home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Don't Work Inside MC

May 5, 2010

I'm doing a map using AS3, and the mouse controls pan movements. It all works fine, but I can't get the buttons (that will be hotspots) to work inside a movie clip (I also need to make the buttons work inside a movieclip). When I test scene, it all works fine, but the buttons don't work in "test movie" option. The problem isn't any code in AS3, because my movie doesn't even recognize the buttons inside the movie clip.

The problem is, the buttons are not responding at all to the mouse, in "test movie". No rollover color, no hand cursor, nothing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Buttons Inside Movieclips?

Nov 3, 2010

I am trying to teach myself Flash with AS3, I am using Flash Pro CS5. I am making a website and I want to be able to press a button thats inside a movieclip to navigate to a given frame. Example, Two frames, frame 1 has a movieclip with a button inside a scrollpane. I want to click the button and go to frame 2. need a complete and detailed script for this if thats ok. Also, I dont know if this helps any but the code that I use for buttons on the main timeline is this:

ActionScript Code:
function button_clicked(e:MouseEvent):void{
button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, button_clicked);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Inside A MovieClip?

Aug 17, 2006

I have a MovieClip and inside I have 5 buttons and each button should open its URL.

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IDE :: Buttons Inside Mc Affecting The Code?

Oct 27, 2009

I have this code that makes a menu with two buttons appear following the mouse when the mouse rolls over a movieClip:

var imgOptions:menuMC = new menuMC();
//Makes the image options follow the mouse
function showImgOptions (e:Event):void


The problem is that the buttons are children of imgOptions, and when the mouse is over these two buttons, the movie reacts like the mouse is not over the imgOptions movieclip.

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