ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Not Working Within Movieclip Inside Scrollpane?

Jun 29, 2010

I have a couple buttons within a movie clip of a ScrollPane that are not working. This is my exact code, how do i get them to work?

scrollPane.source = myContent;
K1Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playVid);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Not Working Within MovieClip Inside Scrollpane

Jun 29, 2010

I have a couple buttons that work outside of the ScrollPane but don't work within it. This is my exact code, how do I get them to work?
scrollPane.source = myContent;
K1Button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playVid);
function playVid(e:MouseEvent):void{
myVideoPlayer2.myFLV2.source = "video/K.mp4";
[Code] .....

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AS3 :: Buttons Controlling Timeline Not Working Inside MovieClip?

Feb 25, 2011

This is my first time coding a website using ActionScript. So far everything has went very well, I designed the website in Photoshop, and imported to Flash CS5. Then I cleaned everything up, and started adding navigation to the various pages using buttons.The website is constructed in a very simple manner, there are five main pages and they are connected by buttons on a static navigation bar (the first page, home, doesn't have a corresponding button). Then there are nine sub pages, that each contain information on a character of the game, and are connected to corresponding buttons in the 'Character' layer/MovieClip. My four menu buttons (Story, The World, Characters, Extras) all navigate correctly without problems.

The problem arises because inside my Characters page (a movie clip) are nine buttons, each linking to a different page. These buttons should bring the timeline to the frame specified, but when the buttons are clicked nothing happens. I've spent hours searching for a solution to this, but with no avail, and I have a feeling the answer is prettysimple.gotoAndStop("gowang", "Scene 1");line in the Gowang character button function with:MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("gowang");

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Buttons Inside Scrollpane?

Feb 11, 2010

I have the following code for my buttons (not in a scrollpane), but when I try to add additional (addEventListener) strings to correspond with buttons in a scrollpane I get these error messages (1120: Access of undefined property smith. 1120: Access of undefined property thomas.). I've tried using the script in an actions layer within the MC inside the scrollpane to no avail

home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);staff.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using Buttons Inside A Scrollpane?

Feb 11, 2010

I have the following code for my buttons (not in a scrollpane), but when I try to add additional (addEventListener) strings to correspond with buttons in a scrollpane I get these error messages (1120: Access of undefined property smith. 1120: Access of undefined property thomas.). I've tried using the script in an actions layer within the MC inside the scrollpane to no avail.

ActionScript Code:
home.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);
about.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSection);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Buttons To Work Inside A ScrollPane?

Jul 7, 2010

I just want a scrollpane with thumbnails. When you click on the thumbnails a larger version loads right above. Anyone know how to do this? I have been scouring the internet trying to find an answer with no luck.

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Professional :: Timeline Buttons Inside Of ScrollPane

May 19, 2011

I created a scrollpane which contains several different buttons. Each button does a simple timeline navigation, but won't function inside of the scrollpane. I just need each button to 'gotoframeandstop'. How can I make these buttons work in a scrollpane?

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Mp3 Player Modifications - Insert The Playlist 'track Buttons' Inside The Scrollpane On The Stage

Jul 3, 2009

I will inlcude here to code i used and a zipped folder containing all the files of my mp3 player. What i would like to do, (i am not an actionscript expert and did this following a tutorial) is to include a download button for the track which is being listened, be able to insert the playlist 'track buttons' inside the scrollpane on the stage, and sort an annoying bug which makes the music form the player continue even when i leave the section of the site where its in, keeping the music in the background running and starting a new track ontop every time i renter the section where the player is placed.


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Flash :: Access The Movieclip Inside Scrollpane?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a ScrollPane component to stage and I give it as source a new MovieClip instance. How can I access the movieclip inside scrollpane? This is what I have so far but it returns null:

var regForm = new RegistrationForm(); = "rForm";
regFormSP.source = regForm;
var form = Object(regFormSP.content).getChildByName("rForm");
trace(form) // returns null


There is an object "instance20" as a parent to rForm...Why is that?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Accessing MovieClip Function Of A MC Inside A ScrollPane?

Jul 17, 2009

I have a MC that is too tall for my stage and want to place it inside a ScrollPane. The probelm is accessing functions inside the MC. I have tried but that doesn't work. How do you access a mc inside tghe scrollpane?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Accessing Button Inside Movieclip/ScrollPane

Apr 19, 2010

how to build a button inside a movieclip.  I have a template that has movieclips within movieclips, and when I create a button (all using AS2) the button will work if I test the scene, but in the whole flash movie it does not work.  I also have some buttons located inside a ScrollPane that also do not call correctly.
For my button I am using this code:
facebookbtn.on (release) {


^ This also does not work, with or without the button name before on(release).

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Professional :: Accessing Button Inside Movieclip/ScrollPane

Apr 19, 2010

I'm trying to understand how to build a button inside a movieclip.  I have a template that has movieclips within movieclips, and when I create a button (all using AS2) the button will work if I test the scene, but in the whole flash movie it does not work.  I also have some buttons located inside a ScrollPane that also do not call correctly.
For my button I am using this code:
facebookbtn.on (release) {

^ This also does not work, with or without the button name before on(release).

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Flash - Access Methods Of MovieClip Inside ScrollPane?

May 9, 2011

I'm using a movieClip inside a ScrollPane to show a list of CheckBoxes. The amount of CheckBoxes shown is dynamic, it depends on a SQL query. After the query is done, I add as many CheckBoxes as rows in the result set. What I am trying to do is to access some methods I wrote in the MovieClip inside the ScrollPane to get the length of the CheckBoxes, check which ones are selected and the label they have (their label is also defined by the SQL query).

I've tried this
valueINeedToGet = Object(root).scrollPaneInstance.source.functionINeedToRun();
But it returns error #1006
How can I access the code inside the MovieClip inside the ScrollPane?

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Flash :: Button Inside Movieclip Used As Part Of A Scrollpane?

Feb 13, 2012

I'm a beginner actionscripter, so I hope you will take that into account when replying. The problem I am having is that a client has asked me to place a call to action button inside a textbox that scrolls. My idea was to create a movieclip containing the text and the button, then place that movieclip inside a scroll pane. I've been monkeying around with it all day and have made minimal headway. I'm not even sure of the best way to accomplish this.

If one of you learned actionscripters out there could point me in the right direction, perhaps I can find my own solution. The client wants me to use custom icons for the scrollbars, and as altering a scrollbar component seems like such a PIA, I'm trying to avoid using components.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Show MovieClip Inside Created Scrollpane

Jan 10, 2004

I create a super simple .fla using flash MX 2004 professional. I put this code under the button I created.

on (release) {
var mc = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("trianglemajor", 1);
mc.createEmptyMovieClip( "triangle", 5000);
with (mc.triangle) {
lineStyle (5, 0xff00ff, 100);
[Code] .....

I just see a blank screen when I click on the button. My objective is to show the movieclip mc inside my created scroll pane?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click A Button Inside A Scrollpane And Make It Load A Swf Outside The Scrollpane?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a MovieClip inside a ScrollPane. Inside this MovieClip i have buttons. What i want to know is: how to click a button inside a Movie Clip, that is inside a scrollpane, and make it load a swf outside the scrollpane?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField Inside ScrollPane - Scrollpane Wouldn't Scroll To The End?

Mar 30, 2010

import fl.containers.ScrollPane;
recentMsg_bt.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK,resentMsgClick);
var sp:ScrollPane = new ScrollPane();[code].......

Everything works just fine, except for the last msg gets only half displayed as if the scrollpane wouldn't scroll to the end.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Within A Movie Clip Within A Scrollpane Within A Movieclip

Nov 12, 2009

I'm in desperate need of some help here. I've been working on a website for months and I'm so near the end, but I just need to rectify one problem (and judging by my google searches for the past two days, it seems to be quite a common problem). I'm pretty much a novice/beginner when it comes to actionscript and need some help to figure this out.I have a movie clip (called 'CLvertlist_mc') which is simply some text and buttons. This movie clip has been placed inside a scrollpane, which sits inside another movie clip ('Client list 2'). Also sitting inside 'Client list 2' is a third movie clip called 'clientlist_mc', which has a few different labelled frames in it.Now, I want to get the buttons in 'CLvertlist_mc' to link to the labelled frames in 'clientlist_mc'. At the moment I've put an actions layer in 'Client list 2' with the following actionscript:[code]'clb_cch' is the instance name of one of the buttons in 'CLvertlist_mc', and 'SM' is one of the frame labels in 'clientlist_mc'. I keep getting a 1120 'access of undefined property' error.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons In A MC As A ScrollPane Source In A MovieClip Not Functioning Properly

Oct 27, 2011

im currently working on building a search app which allows filtering of a list of products.

NOTE: shift+leftClick to drag and reorder the lists, just left click to use scrollbars and buttons.


here is a preview of the stage as it is at the moment.

when the scroll pane is created (dynamically) i also create a new instance of my own class which is as follows . . . (the content for the scrollpane)

ActionScript Code:
package  {
import flash.display.*;


holding shift and clicking allows you to drag the scroll panes into a different order. clicking one button in each of the scroll panes works fine. if you try clicking a second button in either of the scroll panes you will notice you have to click twice.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Inside Of MC Not Working?

Oct 7, 2008

I want a Movie Clip to house 5 buttons that will link to frame labels on the main time line.(this will be my main menu navigation)I have created 5 separate buttons then created a Movie Clip.dragged each of the 5 buttons into the movie clip gave instance names for all of them.then I dragged the movie clip to my main timeline and gave that an instance name.I then went into the Movie clip and attempted to use AS3 to get the button instances to navigate to the frame go

when I test my movie it keeps looping through the whole main timeline no matter how many stop commands I put in the main timeline or in the Movie clip itself.if I have no AS in the Movie clip then the movie tests with the Movie clip working (no scrolling through the timeline and rollover works fine but I still can not command the CLICKs).as a post script I have tried so many AS variables I thought it best to not enter any here

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Stop Working..... Info Inside?

Oct 2, 2009

I have a "website" in flash thats for a project @ school and everything works fine apart from one problem.When I click on "what", "positives" or "negatives" and then click on "Home", "Security", " Conclusion" or "Sources", the screen freezes and just wont do anything. I am at a loss as to why this does this as the coding seems finethe the .flaYeah, I'm sure the way I have done it isn't the best way of creating a site but I'm still developing and havent got the time to restart it

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Inside Animated Movieclips Not Working?

Feb 17, 2008

ated menu panel (movieclip) with about 4 buttons inside it (as movieclips)I know the reason the buttons are not responding to my script because the movieclip they are in is animated. (I tested this with a static version and the button script works)How can I make the buttons inside the animated movieclip work is my big question!?Here is part of my code (the revelant bit) on 1st frame of Root:

// Menu animation script:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Menu Bar That Is A Movieclip And Inside The Movieclip Consists Of The Buttons?

Oct 21, 2005

I'm creating a menu bar that is a movieclip and inside the movieclip consists of the buttons.Now the menu bar is twice as WIDE as what is visible on the stage.The only part you can see is the text 'menu' on a bar.Then when the mouse hits the bar, it flies across the screen to the otherside of the bar where the menu buttons are.Now the menu bar does its animation over 20 frames - the last frame being the frame where the menu buttons are now visible.

On the last frame i have the 'stop;' code

On the first frame I have this code:

this.onEnterFrame = function(){
if(rewind == true){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Inside Movieclip Not Working?

Apr 7, 2010

I have four movieclip buttons inside a swf file. (External swf) Different layers.I need to access those buttons separately.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Inside A MovieClip?

Aug 17, 2006

I have a MovieClip and inside I have 5 buttons and each button should open its URL.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swf Inside Movieclip Button Not Working?

Apr 7, 2010

I have four movieclip buttons inside my swf file.I have to add function on each movieclip. I tried it is not working.example code swf_name.butn1_mvc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.Cli ck, functionname);

View 4 Replies

AS3 - Having Buttons In A Movieclip Not Working

Oct 22, 2010

I've created a movieclip of a trashcan, which falls over and 6 items fall out of it. I want each of these items to become a button, which will jump to a different point on the timeline.

The movieclip is all working fine, and the buttons appear to be fine. The problem is when I publish the flash, the movieclip resets each time I hover over one of the buttons, so i get an endless loop of this trashcan falling over and the items falling out.

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Professional :: Cotrollingparent Buttons From Inside A Movieclip?

May 3, 2010

On my stage I have two buttons that open a movieclip that has more buttons in it.
If button 1 was used to open the movieclip, then the internal buttons each load up text.  If button 2 was used, the buttons load up images.
Problem is, if I click on button 1, (to go back to loading text) the last image remains, as I'm not sure how to code removeChild to act if the parent button has been pressed.
Currently, I successfully use removeChild to remove each image as image buttons are clicked within the movieclip.  But I'm not sure how to remove the last one?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Do Not Work Inside MovieClip

Dec 29, 2009

I'm making a flash CS4 presentation and I just made a navbar movieclip (grey rectangle) and put 6 buttons on each layer inside of it. I put this movieclip (navbar) on the main movie timeline in a layer. I keep getting this error (1120 access of undefined property) and the buttons simply don't respond to the main timeline. It used to work fine when the buttons were on the main timeline. Should I make a parent child reference ?

For example, this code for the pause button won't work:
pause_btn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, stopButtonClick);
function stopButtonClick (e:MouseEvent):void {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Acessing Buttons Inside Movieclip?

Nov 9, 2004

I need to disable some buttons in a movie in level0. I manage to do that...but the thing is i have some other buttons inside a movieclip and i can't disable them... what should i do?how can i acess the buttons inside the movieclip to disable them?the code i'm using for the buttons in level0 is:

on (release) {
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
_level0["button"+i].enabled = false;


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