ActionScript 3.0 :: Cannot Seem To Add Event Listener To Custom Class?
Aug 25, 2009
I'm trying to add an eventListener to a custom class. I created a motion tween in CS4 and exported the motion as as3, which then gave me a chunk of code.I then took that code and turned it into a class. What I'd like to be able to do is set up an event listener in my FLA to listen for when this animation is done playing, however, I have been unable to get that to work. Do I need to add something else to my class? Is there something wrong with how I'm trying to implement the class in my FLA?Here's the code for the class:
I have a document class called In the class constructor I have the following listener:
enter code here var listeningFORModeChangeToStudent:Sprite = new Sprite; listeningFORModeChangeToStudent.addEventListener(TellAllModeChangeToStudent.STUDENT,exp); addChild(listeningFORModeChangeToStudent);
In a third class I make a call to the despatcher in the previous class:
enter code here var ThisTellAllModeChangeToStudent:TellAllModeChangeToStudent = new TellAllModeChangeToStudent; ThisTellAllModeChangeToStudent.tellAllModeChangeToStudent();
I have trace statements in eveything and from this I know the despatcher in TellAllModeChangeToStudent is being called.The problem is that the listener in the is not calling the function exp.I cant see why and I dont know how to check if the listener is actually seeing the dispatch event?
For graphical representation I use fla file as a resource. I work in Flash Builder 4.6 to code. I try to create own class Panel which contains the click event. But event doesn't work when I test the move! When I move the event handler (buttonClick) and event listener to main class (test) and apply the event to the card object (for example), all works fine.
Im getting an error whilst trying to add an event listener to a class of a Button on my stage.
1061: Call to a possibly undefined method addEventListener through a reference with static type Class.
On my stage i have a Button with the instance name stopBtn, this is also exported to an actionscript class called classes.stopBtn ( in a folder called 'classes'). The button is on the first keyframe in the main timeline, in a layer with other buttons on that layer
printableInvoice.addEventListener(batchGenerated, printableInvoice_batchGeneratedHandler);Results in this error: 1120: Access of undefined property batchGenerated. I have tried it as FlexEvent.batchGenerated and FlashEvent.batchGenerated.
The MetaData and function that dispatches the even in the component printableInvoice is all right. It I instantiate printableInvoice as an mxml component instead of via action-script it well let put a tag into the mxml line: batchGenerated="someFunction()
I have a button (toggleBtn) when clicked dispatches the following custom event - dispatchEvent(new Event("togglePause"));
I have second object with a listener listening for this dispatch. Not sure what to attach this listener to to receive the dispatch. Attaching the listener to the stage does not work for me. It might be worth mentioning both the these objects are external objects instantiated in the document class.
Is it possible to create a custom event listener other than the ones prebuilt in flash? I sort of know my way around the eventDispatcher class, but can I use it to create my own event to listen for?
I have an issue catching a custom event that I am firing. I have a view, let's call it "A" which calls a webservice "B", and when that webservice returns with data it fires a custom event "C". "A" is listening for that custom event but never hears it being broadcast. I have trace() lines in each method of the classes and they all fire in turn except the listener.
I made a custom event and I can't listen for it for some odd reason..[code]"1119: Access of possibly undefined property EnemyEvent through a reference with static type Class."[code]
The event is not Firing!!!!!!!!!! Why? The "hitplayer" is supposes to fire and thats the one I'm having the problem with. It wont even trace. I know its a problem with the event because it works fine with Event.ENTER_FRAME.the listener:
Code: public function FightingGame() { adEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, FightingGameBuild, false, 0, true);
my event listeners does not catch a custom event while all of the others do. I have this in my FLA:
...which obviously means p5.finished() executed AND NGDemoEvent successfully fired the custom event. But I don't get the trace from closeP5Handler() (and obviously not from closeP5).
My FLA file has six other such function calls to six other classes (P2, P3, etc.) and these all work. They're identical. I'm tearing my hair out over this. Why won't the listener get the event?
I've done a class to be able to listen to the event for a CLASS not on an instance.
Code: class {[code]....
why did I do this.It cames with my rugby game.I have player in two teams. When a player throw the ball I want the other teammate to act like "wait for ball" and the opponent like "seek for ball". Plus I'm lazy (and I don't want to register the listener for each instance of the player I'm creating). So this class is made to be able to handle as many instance of a class I want without adding a listener on each of them. I'm just creating a global listener on the class and then I will be able to receive dispatched event for any instance of this class .so in my team I can do
I have the following situation:I have an event handler, that displays small messages in my application's statusbar.These messages get passes through by dispatching events from custom components.A simple message could be like "HTTP Error" or so.Now, the main event listener, in the main application file, listens to the event dispatched by any custom component,but seems to refuse listening to events dispatched by custom AS classes.Here is my code for the custom event:
i have a custom class which loads a couple of XMLs. i am creating an instance of this class within another class and i need to know when it is done loading in that parent class so that i can then call a function.
I have multiple items in my app that I would like the user to click on.Some items are completely different classes.The classes dispatch events and then when the events are captured, some modifications are done to the transform properties of a loosely coupled display object.I want two separate classes to dispatch the same type of event, since I already have an image class that draws images based on a given url... I want the classes to dispatch the events, but then I think I want the difference to be detected when the event comes along... i.e., I would like to recognize the 'origin' or 'sub-type' of the event. Some sort of if/then logic would suffice.
I'm trying to create an Event Listener used with all buttons placed on the stage rather than a listener for each button object.Are coding examples of a class listener?
let's say that i have this button which is called "Click_Here" and i added an event listener to it in some class file in order for it to run the event handler in a different one .. so it will be like this
and I have the ClassPath pointing to the folder that contains this .as file. I do get the trace "In setUp" but I'm not getting seeing any Keyboard events. There also aren't any errors showing up in output so I am kind of stumped.
What I'd like to do is add an event listener to a class instantiated by my document class that listens for different key presses. So far I can't use stage.addeventListener or I get the null object error so my question is:
a: how do i add an event listener to the stage from another class and b: is it even necessary to add it to the stage , can I listen from that class?
My problem is: I'm trying to create an external class which function is load an external sound file and play or stop depends on stage.activate and stage.deactivate events. The actionscript 3 in the timeline is functioning properly, but when I try to create as external class, it has so many errors. So many that I can't troubleshoot them. Btw, it's my first class creation. Is there anybody who kindly enough to give me some guidance to create a proper class with stage event listener?
I am using a component in my application, but it turns out, it's slowing my app down big time b/c it doesnt remove an eventListener on stage for mouse move. Is there a way I can remove this listener? I can't get into the class b/c it's a component and it doesnt have any sort of kill function to call.
i have got all my public vars for sound class but im having trouble on how i would execute them because i normal would use event listener but its OOP lol so how do you get that functionality ?code in file:
package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class star extends MovieClip {[code]......
I want to dispatch a custom event from the Country() sto the MenuButton();[code]When a country is hovered a custom event is dispatched which I want the MenuButton to listen and if the parameter passed is the same as its name to get highlighted. The Country Class is the Base Class for my countries movieclips I have on stage and the MenuButton the Base Class for the menu button.
In a nutshell I have a custom event that I am dispatching from one class that is not getting picked up by the other class even though i have added the appropriate addEventListener calls on its constructor.Here's how the classes are laid out:
The NetworkManager class extends the MovieClip class as does the LoginScreen and Application classes as well.Now within the oLoginScreen class I dispatch the ValidateCredentialsEvent by calling it this way:
ActionScript Code: dispatchEvent (new ValidateCredentialsEvent(ValidateCredentialsEvent.VALIDATE_CREDENTIALS, oLoginData, true, false));
Then when I debug the code, I can step through and see that the ValidateCredentialsEvent is being generated but it is never picked up by the oNetworkManager class whatsoever.Is this occuring because the NetworkManager and LoginScreen classes are children of the Application class and because of this can't capture events raised by one another without using the Application class as the intermediary to redispatch these events? My whole idea here was to create a generic network managing object that could be called from anywhere within the application, by any object, using custom events.