ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Nested MovieClip With Unknown Name

Jul 16, 2009

I have 3 navigation buttons and an empty movie clip on the stage. Clicking each button loads a 'page' into the empty clip, and each 'page' is a movie clip in the library. When the movie initially loads, the 'home' page movie clip automatically loads into the empty clip on the stage and plays to a frame half-way through. When a navigation button is clicked I want to finish playing the loaded movie clip, remove it, load the new 'page' into the empty clip, and play it (also to the half-way point). I have been able to accomplish everything except getting the name of the loaded 'page' clip and making it play to the end. This is what I have in frame 1 of the main timeline with the code for 1 button:

var homeMovieClip:MovieClip = new homeScene();
bioButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, bioClickHandler);
function bioClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Nested MovieClip In 2nd Frame

Feb 29, 2012

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TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at jukebox_fla::MainTimeline/playMP3()
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Nested Movieclips?

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container_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, stopSpin);
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Nested Movie Clips

Feb 27, 2009

I have a movie clip nested in frame 2 (* = movie clip in frame 2), it looks like this:


When I test the movie it skips over frame 2. What type of action script (AS2) do I need either in the movie clip and/or in frame 2 to get the movie to play before proceeding and stopping at frame 3?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Nested MC And Locking A Frame In It?

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stopBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onStopClick, false, 0, true);
playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlayClick, false, 0, true);
stopBtn.buttonMode = true;


However, if I make a mouse over pop up movie clip button and place those button inside it, they do not work. I can not find the piece of code that will link these nested buttons back to the main time line.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Nested MC And Locking A Frame In It

May 17, 2004

I've got different skins on my flash site. the site becomes skinned when a user clicks a skin button and the related MC's in my movie go to the appropriate labelled frames with the .png graphics for that skin. I pretty much just use go to and stop for that and it works great on static (non-animated MC's). I've got one situation though where my MC is animated (it slides up and out of the way to reveal content underneath). I need to be able to tell that MC to go to and stop on the correct frame and then STAY THERE! I'm having trouble figuring out how to make it stay there. At present it defaults back to its first frame whenever it is tweened (animated).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Main Timeline With Nested Button

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Position MovieClip With Unknown Registration Point?

Jun 15, 2010

Normally, this is a simple task if the registration point is either top left or dead center of the movieclip. Unfortunately, this may not (and likely will not) be the case for the movieclips I am trying to position, so I was wondering if there was a way to center a movieclip in a given area without knowing it's registration point.registration point via the Matrix class or any other method, as it's very important for positioning of the movieclips inside of it.

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Actionscript Code:
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();for(var i:int = 0 ; i < numberOfButtons;i++){  var btn:MovieClip = new button(); 


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private var mcHolder:MovieClip = new MovieClip()[code].................

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Nov 11, 2004

I am loading an external swf into an empty movie clip by use of a button.The movieclip is a sort of menu that begins with an animation of the menu opening, there are multiple different movieclips I am using with this format.What I am trying to accomplish is this.When another button is pressed, I want the movieclip (regardless of which one is loaded) to either:Go to a specific frame and play a closing animation within the movieclip, BEFORE a new movieclip is loaded. OR reverse the animation BEFORE loading new movieclip.Since there are 4 or 5 buttons all loading different clips, I need all the buttons to work this way regardless of which movieclip is loaded.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Extending A Movieclip And Calling A Nested Movieclip'

Mar 21, 2007

I'm trying to do somthing like this:

class Timer extends MovieClip
// constructor


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling A Movieclip From Another Movieclip

Feb 13, 2009

I have a Movieclip on the Timeline with my all buttons in it called 'Controls'.I want these buttons to control a Movieclip which is in Movieclip in a Movieclip in a Movieclip in a Movieclip.[code]I want to control the Movieclip Hole (The Movieclip's instance name is Hole_View)Movie within that instance is called Hole_Mov.Everything has an instance as per properties panel and labeled correctly, but I'm getting a "1120:Access of undefined property" or "You're a Douche" error on my buttons and the movie itself.Also, is it best practice to load external swfs into a movieclip? - does this help Flash automatically unload the retired movie when another external swf has been called.[code]

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IDE :: How To Control A Nested Movieclip

May 19, 2008

I have a nested movieclip that I need to control.I have searched the net and to this point I have been able to make it gotoAndStop at frame 1 and play().I can't make it stop.I understand that actionscript can be attached to the movieclip instance or placed on the root timeline.what I would like is direction to websites and or tutorials that might teach me how to control a nested movieclip.

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IDE :: TextField Nested In MovieClip?

Aug 3, 2009

var tf:TextField = new TextField();
tf.text = "abc";
var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

Why does the trace statement throw me an error?

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IDE :: Scale 9 On Nested Movieclip?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to build a styled, rounded button movieclip that I can reuse/resize. So inside a movieclip, I have two layers:

Layer 1: A border, which is a shape - a rounded rectangle (or actually the stroke of a rounded-rect).

Layer 2: A nested movieclip which contains a shape for the face of the button. I have added filters to this nested movieclip to give it a beveled-type look - typical rounded button stuff.

So, I've tried applying scale-9 to the parent movieclip: in this case the border scales fine, but the face (with the filters) does not. So, then I tried applying scale-9 to both the parent and the nested face movieclip,I want to be able have the button self contained as a clip which I can pull from the library, drop on the stage, and scale without distortion - and so far, as mentioned,I can't figure out how the get the nested face, the one with the filters applied, to scale appropriately.

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Flash8 :: Controlling Timeline From A Movieclip?

Sep 1, 2010

So im creating a site for a friend and I have placed the menu inside a movieclip so the buttons are inside the movieclip. This the script i have tried :

natural1.onRelease = function () {


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Professional :: Controlling MovieClip Loaded From SWC

Aug 25, 2011

I'm loading assets from a swc and I need to loop through every frame of the movieclip and find a certain instance so I can colorize it. Is this possible? It seems that with a swc I loose the ability to control the movieclips playback. It just plays and repeats no matter what I do.

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Actionscript 3 :: Controlling Movieclip Of Children?

Apr 11, 2012

I've few movieclip from library that will add to stage, inside of the movieclip have some mc that I want to control it, here is my script.

if (selectDiffText.text == "Collection 1 Easy")
var c1_easy:cartoonEasy = new cartoonEasy();


let say if c1_medium is added to stage, c1_medium will also randomly added 1 of the movieclip from library on it.

inside of the playGame mc, I've mouseTarget.alpha = 0; can I control it from root level? c1_easy also have the mouseTarget.alpha=0 too.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling Movieclip Visibility?

Oct 5, 2009

I've got some quick code here. Basically, i'm trying to control the visibility of a single movie clip at the click of one button. One Click makes it disappear, the other brings it back again. Nothing i've tried seems to work.

ActionScript Code:
/* logic
make 1 variable


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling A Movieclip Timeline

Sep 3, 2011

I have buttons that load movie clips when you mouse over them and unload the movie clips when you mouse out.[code]the problem is that the movie clips aren't necessarily playing from the beginning when you mouse over, since their timeline is independent.How can i specify that I want to add the instance of the movie clip to play from frame 1.I've tried using the gotoAndPlay method with the frame number/ label in parenthesis afterwards and got an error message..I've looked through multiple tutorials on controlling symbols using AS, and i still can't get this to 'click' for me.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Controlling MovieClip Of Map - New Rectangle As Var

Aug 5, 2011

I am using start drag to control an mc of a map which all works fine, this MC can be zoomed using a slider which also works fine. I have defined a bounding box in the usual way.
map_mc.startDrag (false, new Rectangle(0,0,500,500));
But when map_mc is zoomed in its size go beyond the bounding box's limit and obviously reacts unpredictably. I would like to put the rectangle size in a var which I can then scale with the map so that the mc is never bigger than the bounding box.
Select allvar rectangle;
number = (0,0,1000,1000)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Sound From Within A Movieclip

Sep 4, 2005

I am having trouble controlling sound instance on the main timeline from with a movieclip.

On the main timeline contains the following code:
root.createEmptyMovieClip("beat_mc", 100);
beat = new Sound("beat_mc");


The main timeline will render the sound at the volume 10 value. However, I anticipated the volume to be set at a 100 from the Jukebox's controller.

It would seem logical that the jukebox code should respond to the instance "beat", but it doesn't.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling Brightness Of Movieclip?

May 1, 2007

I have Flash 8 set to Actionscript 1.0.

On the main timeline I have a graphic of a hill and tree that darkens when clicking a button. I also have a movieclip called "creature" that has a little creature walking from one end of the stage across to the other. I need a script that will control the brightness of the "creature" movieclip at the point where the main timeline animation goes dark because the "creature" movieclip sticks out like a sore thumb at that point and needs to be darkened.

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