ActionScript 3.0 :: Converting AS 2.0 To AS 3.0
Dec 21, 2009
So, I'm working on my portfolio, and I'm basically learning how to code as I go. Unfortunately, an essential element of my site is coded in AS 2.0 (a 3D carousel effect), and I'm really having trouble converting it to AS 3.0 (I'd keep it as 2.0, but 3.0 shows so much more promise for future expansion).[code]
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Jun 3, 2009
I'm trying to convert some flv files to swf so I can place them on my online course. I'm working with Flash CS4. This is what I have done so far.
1) I embedded the flv files into a new project.
2) And then I just exported the file as a movie.
This worked well but only to an extent. There is about 10 seconds worth of dead time at the start of some of my videos, and they automatically loop themselves, when the loop feature is not on.
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Jul 13, 2009
I have created a slideshow in flash 8 for my website, though the file needs to be a .flv. I've read lots of similar posts, tried some trial versions of converters and .swf decompilers, and it seems that you either need to buy a converter, or buy quicktime pro to achieve this. I'm just wondering if there are any alternatives, or if perhaps some kind fellow out there would be willing to convert it for me? The .swf file is attached, if any passing samaritan is feeling charitable.
slideshow.swf (348.7 K)
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Aug 13, 2006
Just wanted to know if anybody knows how to convert swf to vob?I have a flash movie that I want to put on a dvd and I do not know how.
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May 2, 2010
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Jan 7, 2010
I've spent countless hours looking for a simple, easy to use solution to convert WMV files over to FLV, and I'm having a hell of a time. The "wmv to flv" market seems to be cornered by sleazy companies promising "easy" solutions with software that either costs money and isn't guaranteed to work, or is offered free with loads of spyware. That aside, I've heard about ffmpeg and attempted to look at the documentation, only to feel a bit overwhelmed simply because it seems like they've written it for people who already work with that sort of thing (from command line).
I'm just wondering if there's a solution that anyone is aware of that a) doesn't cost money, or if it does, at least provides a non-spyware/malware/virus loaded test version to verify that the program actually does what it's supposed to do, and b) doesn't require some sort of contextual knowledge of linux or command line scripting in order to run a simple conversion.
What I'm asking is, as a user starting with a single .wmv file, how would I, from start to finish, get it into an .flv format?
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Nov 15, 2007
I'm a senior in High School and I need to send in animations on a DVD for some of the colleges I'm applying to. The thing is, I have no clue how to get my flash animations onto a DVD.I have Flash MX, and I have been told to go to publish settings > convert in Flash 5 mode and to choose quicktime on the publishing list. But so far, this doesn't make a real video- it seems to still be a flash movie.
So please, how do I convert flash movies to video? And then to DVD. What free programs can make a full quality convertion? It goes without saying I need to get this done before a deadline,
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Jun 19, 2009
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<paragraph>I was born and raised in a small town... </paragraph>
<paragraph>In the late 80s I was elected to the state Senate.... </paragraph>
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Mar 22, 2010
I have to convert a flash file to a big screen it will just be animation in Flash CS4 and there may be jpeg graphics imported into the animation. I have been given screen dimensions to use but they are in millimeters. This is the information I have been given :-
Bumper banners: w- 1,200mm x h- 6,048mm
Full screen: w - 8,062mm x h- 5,184mm
Small screen: w- 8,062mm x h- 5,184mm
The video needs to be DVD quality full PAL MPEG2
1. What should I do to make this scale properly from Flash on my PC to a big screen tv. Do I need to obtain the size of the big screen in pixels and make the animation this size in flash?
2. Also I wondered if you knew what bumper banner means I have emailed the person I am dealing with back and still awaiting a response?
3. I have been told that it needs to be in full PAL MPEG2 can flash convert to MPEG2 and will this have any affect on the scaling or quality of the animation?
4. Also does it matter what frames per second I use I am using the default of 12 fps is this ok?
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Oct 20, 2010
I'm having issues converting a semi-old flash file into a quicktime video. I've been moving a lot of work to .mov files lately and off of a flash based file, the conversion actually worked perfectly on a previous video but I can't seem to get it to work on this file. During the conversion it just gets hung up on recording the flash file and I'm forced to cancel. Creating a AVI yields the same result (no that I want a AVI, just saying). I thought of a few things that may have been making it act like this, so I deleted things like the play/replay button and what not, but no good. Can Flash not export to a Quicktime if there are Actionscripts present? I've uploaded the full file, untouched from my tampering here. [URL].
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Aug 6, 2011
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I don't know Flash and the only reason I am using Fireworks (a trial version at this point in time) is because another person said this was the best way to do this.
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May 12, 2009
I'm trying to upload a video to my flash website [URL] and i'm having some issues. I can't seem to upload an FLV/F4V file to my server. However, I am able to uploaded an swf file, but i can't convert my video file that ins F4V format to swf. Do i just need to convert the file or are there more detailed steps involved in uploading the video. Also, if i have to covert the file to swf
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Jul 28, 2009
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Aug 11, 2009
I am having an issue with turning my SWF into an FLV. I have actionscript that plays some audio clips and of course it all plays fine as a SWF, but how do I get it to retain all of the functionality when I export it to an FLV? The method I was trying is exporting to an AVI, opening up Flash Video Encoder, and converting the AVI to an FLV, but it comes out all messed up. I'm new to this converting stuff.
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Aug 28, 2009
I was trying to create a website where i want my banner to be displayed not just as a picture but like an animation. I have seen few videos on how to convert an image to an animation. Then i tried downloading trial version of flash but it is taking me a lot of time for downloading. I am attaching the picture in this discussion. Can someone convert this image for me to any kind of animation (anything you like). Here is one website with a nice Flash banner. [URL]
(7.6 K)
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Oct 5, 2009
Ok so basically I imported a video clip (flv) to my stage and I'm trying to convert all the frames to keyframes for further manipulation. If I try to convert any frame after the first one, into a keyframe.. it just pushes the rest of the video forward and gives me the wrong frame. In other words it just does a bunch of random stuff to mess up my clip.
convert all the video frames into keyframes, then I would like to know how I can at least replicate 1 still frame and paste it somewhere else. When I tried to even just do this, it once again acted screwy and gave me the first starting frame of the video, NOT the frame I chose from the middle of the clip.
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Jan 15, 2010
I just spent way too long making an animated banner ad...fade-ins, tweens etc. I sent as a swf.Now they say they can take only anim gifs, gifs, or jpgs.a gif or jpg would mean a stagnant ad, correct?When I change publish settings to animated gif, it gets all screwed up. kind of posterized Is my only choice to recreate the ad in Photoshop as an animated gif?[URL]
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Jan 21, 2010
Does anyone know of an effective way to do this, besides using converters? I created a menu like controller that will control the PPT once it's been converted to a swf. I've tried everything, and am hoping I won't have to just copy the data into an .fla by hand.
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Mar 22, 2010
I have to convert a flash file to a big screen it will just be an animation in Flash CS4 and there may be jpeg graphics imported into the animation. I have been given screen dimensions to use but they are in millimeters. This is the information [code]...
The video needs to be DVD quality full PAL MPEG2
1. What should I do to make this scale properly from Flash on my PC to a big screen tv. Do I need to obtain the size of the big screen in pixels and make the animation this size in flash?
2. Also I wondered if you knew what bumper banner means I have emailed the person I am dealing with back and still awaiting a response?
3. I have been told that it needs to be in full PAL MPEG2 can flash convert to MPEG2 and will this have any affect on the scaling or quality of the animation?
4. Also does it matter what frames per second I use I am using the default of 12 fps is this ok?
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Apr 20, 2010
Does anyone know what the best way is to convert a flash file to a .mov or .avi file?I thought maybe if I did "export" to a quicktime movie, it would do it, but when I was looking at all the settings, there are so many of them, I don't know what to choose!I have received specs that the flash file I have need to be converted to a .mov file, and here are the specs:Video must be a minimum resolution of 720 x 540. It will be resampled to 1280x540. Video chould be progressive video, square pixel (1:1) and supplied in .mpgeg2 or uncompressed .mov format.
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Jun 1, 2010
I created an animation in Flash and added audio to go with it. I need to export to a movie file so I can eventually turn it into a FLV file for the web. The problem is the audio is about 5 minutes long and it doesn't seem like Flash can support this long of a timeline. Does anyone know of an easier way to combine my animation and audio?
View 5 Replies
Jul 15, 2010
I have CS3, but was trying out the CS5 trial. Unfortunatedly i forgot to save my .fla back to something CS3 could use! Smooth I know, but does anyone know of a way to convert back, or would anyone with CS5 be able to save my file as something CS3 could use? If that is even possible.
View 7 Replies
Nov 17, 2010
I have an xml file titled config.xml that looks like this.
<textChanges> <change id = "22833" whatToAdd = "
" whereToAdd = "Front"></change> <change id = "22843" whatToAdd = "
" whereToAdd = "End"></change> </textChanges>
I'm processing this code inorder to automatically add to the front or end of a line found in an xml file titled textXML.
Here is the processing code:
This traces the correct line of code from textXML, but the shows up in the text and doesn't add the carriage returns. The crazy thing is, it works if I replace textAddition with "
". I figure this is happening because of some weird formatting issue. So I've tried many ways of formatting the textAddition var to a string. Each time has had no effect.
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Feb 6, 2010
converting flash 8 files to mx 2004? i have flash 8 files, but only have Flash mx2004 on my computer at home
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Feb 11, 2009
I've got a website where the users can upload avi's, mpgs etc and I want to convert them to flash on the fly on my hosts server. Do I need special software to do this or can I do it using PHP?
Lastly, I look at facebook and the quality of their video conversion is really good. Does anyone know if they are using flash video? I know that youtube does and not really that impressed with their quality.
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Oct 15, 2009
I have a game that I made in flash, and now I want to take all the movieclips I have and export the images into something that I can use outside of flash. What would be the easiest way to do this? I would rather not use screenshots, plus, I need to keep the transparency.
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