Converting .WMV Files To .FLV?
Jan 7, 2010
I've spent countless hours looking for a simple, easy to use solution to convert WMV files over to FLV, and I'm having a hell of a time. The "wmv to flv" market seems to be cornered by sleazy companies promising "easy" solutions with software that either costs money and isn't guaranteed to work, or is offered free with loads of spyware. That aside, I've heard about ffmpeg and attempted to look at the documentation, only to feel a bit overwhelmed simply because it seems like they've written it for people who already work with that sort of thing (from command line).
I'm just wondering if there's a solution that anyone is aware of that a) doesn't cost money, or if it does, at least provides a non-spyware/malware/virus loaded test version to verify that the program actually does what it's supposed to do, and b) doesn't require some sort of contextual knowledge of linux or command line scripting in order to run a simple conversion.
What I'm asking is, as a user starting with a single .wmv file, how would I, from start to finish, get it into an .flv format?
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soundUrl = "test.mp3";
// create sound object, assign properties and events
function createSoundObject(){[code].....
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1) I embedded the flv files into a new project.
2) And then I just exported the file as a movie.
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slideshow.swf (348.7 K)
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date /T >N:output.txt
net use z: /delete
net use z: \svr-002
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Jun 19, 2009
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<paragraph>I was born and raised in a small town... </paragraph>
<paragraph>In the late 80s I was elected to the state Senate.... </paragraph>
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