ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Graphic Overlay For Video?

Dec 13, 2011

I need assistance creating an graphic overlay that is a movieclip which is played simultaneously with the video, however the overlay is supposed to be hidden when the video is being played and should be visible when the video is paused.[code]...

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i have an swf placed into a html doc - the swf creates thumbnails and links that create a sort of videowall effect - the links come via xml. i am using lightwindow to create an overlay that displays the links/images/video etc... so here is the problem - if i open it with firefox on a mac - and choose say the youtube link - it opens lightwindow brings in the flv briefly - then the flv vanishes leaving a white void where the player should.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add An Overlay Graphic To A MovieClip?

Dec 8, 2009

is there any way to add an overlay image dynamically over a MovieClip? Sort of like a watermark... except that I'm not trying to make a watermark.Let me explain: I'm trying to program a gallery of videos that will be loaded dynamically through XML. Each video will come with a JPG of the same size, which will be the poster frame for said video (and will also be loaded via XML). The user will see a scrollable horizontal strip of "videos" (actually the pictures), and when he clicks on one of them, the poster frame will disappear (_visible=false) and the FLV player underneath will start playing the chosen video.

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Dynamic Overlay On A Flash Video

Nov 22, 2010

I want to make some online courses in video format. I am wondering whether it is possible and what the best work flow and tools are for achieving the following. Once I have a video in Flash format (.flv) I grant users access to it via a login-in. At that point I want the user name to be overlaid to the video. This is to deter fraudulent exchange of the video (only the ones who paid for it should watch it). I am baffled by what I found in the internet. I looked at JavaFX, swfmill, SWFTools, MTASC, Ming library, haXe, FlashDevelop, Flex SDK... It is not clear to me:

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- What the right work flow is.
- What the right tool is (the simplest and possibly free).

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Jul 8, 2010

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I know it might involve creating a custom onResize() function, but I haven't figured this out yet with Flowplayer. There are vague instructions & snippets of code here under "Layout management" section on flowplayer . org/documentation/developer/writing-flash-plugins.html

override public function onResize():void {
set _childButton width according to my new width,


Interesting, but doesn't tell me much of what to do. I have a feeling it might involve making a new .as class in Flash and associating it to the custom buttons overlay .swf. On the right track?

get the overlay to resize using onResize and what code should be used would be very helpful. Others may be also trying to make custom overlay plugins too, and the fullscreen issue would be the next step to know after that and make it look more complete.

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ActionScript Code:
import flash.system.Security;
import flash.display.Loader;


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ActionScript Code:
var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var flux_video:NetStream = new NetStream(connection);


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May 25, 2011

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Overlay Flash Onto HTML

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Buttons In An Overlay

Apr 28, 2010

Recently I created a simple flash text card animation with arrows allowing the user to scoll through the different cards. I wanted to go a step further and make an overlay so when the user rolls over it, it would expand showing a variety of buttons for them to click and link off to in different places this is where my problem began. I created to overlay as a movie clip and when a small arrow is rolled over the movie clip overlay_mc plays and expands to reveal the buttons and the rollout function causes it to contract. The buttons however are un-clickable and after some research i discovered this is because the overlay_mc clip acts as a layer over the buttons.Is there anyway I can create an overlay with the buttons remaining active?

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Actionscript 3 :: Add Layer Overlay On Top Of Everything?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to add some extra texturing for my current game, let's say an overlayed grunge texture on top of everything.My entire project (except background image) is set on a Main Class.

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Demo Sites With A Flash Overlay?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Aligning And Overlay Of Movieclip

Apr 28, 2009

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Jul 22, 2009

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Is there any way to put this overlay on top of the video so it remains even if I press the "fullscreen" button on the flvplayback component?

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