ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Mouse Pointer Code Not Working
Jun 14, 2011
I have been struggling trying to get this Custom Mouse Pointer code working.I have tried both the following and neither work.[code]There error I receive is:"Symbol 'Symbol 1', Layer 'Layer 1', Frame 1, Line 21120: Access of undefined property cursor_mc."I have also zipped up the code in a simple fla file.
I've read some previous post by others, and have got the concept of how to make it happen just need to ask a few specific questions, one is the action script for changing the movie to the cursor and telling it how to move as the mouse cursor, next question is how do i get to act as the mouse pointer for the whole page, for instance I'm using frames I've got my buttons in the left frame, with a banner it the nested top and then the pages of course load in the main frame, how when creating the mouse cursor do i get it to work all over the page? I wasn't sure if using the normal method if it acts through out the whole site or just over a flash movie.
I'm not really replacing the mouse cursor exactly. Just placing a custom image of a pointer below it so it will follow the mouse cursor as it moves around the screen. I want this pointer image to move with the mouse and to rotate and point in the direction the mouse is traveling. Simple stuff. The problem is that the rotation of the pointer graphic is not smooth at all. It is jumpy and somewhat erratic particularly at slower mouse speeds. When the mouse is moving quickly the problem seems to go away.
PHP Code: package { import flash.display.Sprite; import*; public class MouseFollower extends Sprite { private var pointer:Pointer = new Pointer(); // ...a simple triangle mc [Code] .....
I'm working on my personal portfolio site and desperately need help with some AS3. my knowledge about AS3 is very rudimentary. Hope anyone who's I want to change the pointer cursor to custom movieclip when mouseover different invisible buttons. These buttons are mainly forward & backward button for my gallery. I got some help from other site but still unsolved. Please take a look at my fla attachment to point out what's wrong with the coding. To elaborate a little bit more as what I wish to achieve you can take a look at the sample URL...I just need the pointer cursor to turn to custom mc when it mouseover the hit area of the respective buttons.
I'm writting an interactive map of the city of Swansea. I'm using start drag to allow navigation aroud the map, but my custom pointer dies when ever you start to drag the map.
On the site above, the designer has managed to replace the mouse pointer with a plus (+) or minus (-) depending on where the mouse pointer is (either the left hand side of the screen or the right).I'd like to know how I could achieve this via AS3, if this is a possibility.
I have three large movieclip buttons on stage which change color on mouseover. When the user clicks on one of these, the buttons are hidden for the user a few seconds (timer). When the buttons reappear, and if the mouse pointer is already over one of these buttons, I would like the button to have the mouseover color. As it is now, the user has to move the pointer away and back on the button to change it's color.
So I would like to get the instance name of a movieclip under the mouse pointer after a timer completes. I tried this[code]....
I've managed to find the tutorial for custom mouse pointers but I haven't managed to find quite what I need.What I want is a mouse pointer thats actually a car (an overhead view) that rotates as tho it was driving. So its orientation is dependent on the direction the mouse pointer is moving. Basically I want the car to face the direction its driving in.
I have a large background mc that is bigger than the the stage. On the first frame I have this [code]...
it scrolls left, right, up, down, and even diagonally. But lets say I want to have a certain area on the right side where if the mouse pointer is within that area the mc does not scroll at all, but if not in that area, mc will scroll right.
I have the gun all coded and setup, it's an automatic weapon that fires at the mouse as long as you hold down the trigger, seems simple enough. It updates the target point whenever the user clicks or moves the mouse.My problem though, is that it can't so easily update the target when the user moves their avatar via keyboard keys. As they do this, the target remains at a constant point in worldspace, getting farther and farther from the mouse pointer until they click again or move the mouse. While not a huge issue, this is annoying.A dirty solution I can think of would be updating the target point according to camera movement so that it should follow the mouse even when the mouse isn't moving. This solution seems like a lot of unnecessary work though and I'd like to explore the apparently simpler route first.
I'm working on a new site: [URL]. However, I've got some problems with my reflection of the mouse-pointer. The problem is that I don't know how to create the fake 3D effect, because now when you move your mouse over "Identity" the reflection is above the real mouse. I was thinking to put a mask, so the reflection cannot go above the real mouse, but then there is no reflection.
draw a line from the bottom left corner of a movieclip to the mouse pointer. I need the line to be "elastic" because both the movie clip and the mouse pointer will be moving. I've tried various things with lineto but have failed to get the line to redraw and follow the pointer.
Sometime, somewhere in the web, I found an animation of a dog or something that catches the mouse pointer when it�s close of him. He would also look at the pointer wherever it is on the screen.
I'm trying to make a simple drag drop game. When items are picked up a message displays stateing the object is selected and disappears when it put down.Code so far. The main problem is I'm unsure of how to tell the program which object is selected and how to apply the drag drop functionality to it.Also, if someone knows how I can get the mouse pointer in an exteral AS file that would be awesome.
var eyeB:eye1 = new eye1; addChild(eyeB); eyeB.y = 60;[code].....
Is it possible to change the mouse-pointer position in fullscreen. I want my mousepointer never hits the left or right side screen walls.. in case it does so, it resets itself in between somewhere.
A fake mouse pointer using a movieclip, won't solve this problem, because after-all i have to save the mouse pointer from hitting screen-walls.
I need to detect vertical and horizontal move of the mouse pointer to drag vertical or horizontal group of objects but I don't know how to define the if statement
PHP Code:
b1_mc.buttonMode = true; var draggingFlag:Boolean = false; b1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDragging);
i know how to make an animated mask to have an image on top of another to have them transition as the mask passes thru..but this time instead of animating the mask i was wondering how to make the mask be sort of a brush on the tip of the mouse pointer.
I've got a large item on screen that can be dragged around by the mouse. I've simply put an invisible button on the item with:
on(press) { this.startDrag(); }
but if I move the mouse pointer outside the stage area while dragging the item and release the mouse button the release is not detected and the drag stays activated and I have to bring the pointer back to the stage and click and release on the button again to stop the drag.
Is there a way to deactivate a drag when the mouse is released outside the bounds of the stage, perhaps by using a different method that doesn't rely on a button?
Everything works great, but I'd really love to be able to ease the box to it's Y position, rather than moving it to it's final position immediately. I'm having a difficult time with it because the box is moved based on the mouse position, which obviously doesn't ease.
I have a cursor class and i wanna make it so the cursor change to state 'over' whenever the hand cursor is there. I dont want to add an event listener for every roll over in my page.
I have a customised movie clip that replaces the original mouse pointer arrow. It plays well within the stage (when published onto IE), however, when the mouse moves OUTSIDE of stage, the movie clip disappears to be replaced by the arrow instead.
How can I have my movie clip (for the mouse pointer) to play inside and outside of stage?