Professional :: Customise Movie Clip Mouse Pointer Inside & OUTSIDE Stage

Jul 1, 2010

I have a customised movie clip that replaces the original mouse pointer arrow. It plays well within the stage (when published onto IE), however, when the mouse moves OUTSIDE of stage, the movie clip disappears to be replaced by the arrow instead.
How can I have my movie clip (for the mouse pointer) to play inside and outside of stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A Movie Clip To Block Mouse From Activating Stage MOUSE OVER Event?

Oct 26, 2010

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Stop A Drag If The Mouse Pointer Leaves The Stage?

Jul 6, 2010

I've got a large item on screen that can be dragged around by the mouse. I've simply put an invisible button on the item with:
on(press) {

but if I move the mouse pointer outside the stage area while dragging the item and release the mouse button the release is not detected and the drag stays activated and I have to bring the pointer back to the stage and click and release on the button again to stop the drag.
Is there a way to deactivate a drag when the mouse is released outside the bounds of the stage, perhaps by using a different method that doesn't rely on a button?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reaching A Movie On The Stage From Inside Another Movie Clip?

Dec 28, 2009

I'm trying to reach a body of text which i turned into a movie clip which is on the main stage, and have it scroll up/down whenever it rolls over the designated hot spots. Here's what i have.

function down1(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (mouseX>=0 && mouseX<=42 && mouseY>111.1 && mouseY<146.1) {


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Custom Mouse Pointer - Get To Act As The Mouse Pointer For The Whole Page

May 4, 2009

I've read some previous post by others, and have got the concept of how to make it happen just need to ask a few specific questions, one is the action script for changing the movie to the cursor and telling it how to move as the mouse cursor, next question is how do i get to act as the mouse pointer for the whole page, for instance I'm using frames I've got my buttons in the left frame, with a banner it the nested top and then the pages of course load in the main frame, how when creating the mouse cursor do i get it to work all over the page? I wasn't sure if using the normal method if it acts through out the whole site or just over a flash movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stage Position While Inside A Movie Clip?

Jul 3, 2009

Is there a way to position something INSIDE of a movie clip, based on X and Y values of the root stage?

Basically the X and Y of the container movie clip is at Stage.width/2; but I want one specific movie clip inside to stay permanently at 200X and 200Y on the MAIN STAGE. I can't actually move it to the root timeline though because it is using actionscript inside of the container.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Targeting A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Inside Another Movie Clip With A Twist?

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Child - Movie Clip Which Should Turn Up When The Mouse Leaves The Stage Area

Oct 19, 2010

I'm getting no errors on this, Go (comeback) is my movie clip which should turn up when the mouse leaves the stage area and leave when the mouse enters the stage. I know it's probably my removeChild command but I don't know how to fix it.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tooltips Not Working Inside Embedded Movie Clip But Works On Main Stage

May 17, 2011

I  have a movie clip that is a navigation window and I am trying to have some tooltip hover over the buttons inside the navigation window.
If I create a button on the main stage it hovers and works fine but if I create the same clip inside the embedded navigation window the tooltip does not show up.  I do not have any error messages but it is not there that I can see.

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Professional :: Movie Clip Inside Timeline?

Jun 9, 2010

I've created a frame by frame in the first layer of the timeline and in the second layer (above the first) another one with a keyframe in wich I've inserted another movieclip with some alpha tween (a kind of slideshow).

The problem is that when i test/publish the project, the frame by frame layer playes but the slideshow does not play at all, unless i extend in the main timeline with the F6 shortcut. If anyone has an ideea what is wrong please help me. Ty.

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Professional :: SetMask() INSIDE A Movie Clip?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm working on an AS2 website that uses some alpha gradient masks in its  header's looping animation. If I put this animation on the main  timeline my masks work perfectly [setMask()], but, because the header  needs to be a movieclip, my masks don't work at all.
It doesn't matter whether I tick the cacheAsBitmap property in the properties panel  or I set it to true with AS for both the mask and masked mc's. I even  tried with both, ticking and AS at the same time, but as long as my  masks are inside the header mc, they're not working.

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Professional :: Put A Button Inside A Movie Clip?

Aug 3, 2010

Can anyone explain what are advantages/disadvantages to put the button inside the movie clip vs. to put a button instance directly on the main timeline? My final goal is to have plenty of animation going on inside the button stages.

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Professional :: Button Inside Movie Clip?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm having trouble with buttons i placed inside the movie clip....whenever i place functions the rollover state of the button doesn't work anymore....i'm having trouble thinking where to place functions or methods.....i know programming in java and to be frank i'm having trouble with learning actionscript because the books i read don't say where to place the functions they write.Here's a link to my flash file [URL]

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Professional :: Arranging Object Inside Of A Movie Clip

Apr 7, 2010

I have four animated buttons with a design element cross_mc inside of another movie clip content_mc. I need all four buttons to be in front of the cross_mc so I get inside of content_mc to arrange the buttons accordingly (Modify > Arrange > Bring toFront). Everything looks hunky dory until I test the movie in which one of the buttons appears to be always behind of the design thingy no matter what I do...

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Professional :: Button Does Not Work Inside Movie Clip?

Oct 6, 2010

On the about page of my Flash website, I wanted 7 buttons to navigate to various labels. I just finished the first button. I made it while I was inside the about_mc. It worked well but would NOT navigate. I took the button OUT of the Movie clip and made a separate layer on the about page for buttons and pasted it there and it worked perfect. When I made it inside the mc, is there some different code I should have used other than the standard code for making a button navigate to a frame. I built an addeventlistener and a function. BUT they only worked when the button was "ON TOP" of the mc NOT when it was INSIDE the mc. I have a transition tween on the about_mc and therefore the button does not tween when it is on TOP of the mc only when it is inside the mc.

var aboutTween:Tween = new Tween(about_mc, "y", Elastic.easeOut, -200, 146, 3, true);
laborLaw1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, laborLaw1);
function laborLaw1(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop("laborLaw1_fl"); }


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Professional :: Drag Movie Clip With Dynamic Text Box Inside It?

Feb 27, 2012

I can drag a movieclip with static text inside it, but when I change the text to dynamic, I get a Property Startdrag not found on Flash.text.textfield and there is no default value.

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Professional :: Button Inside A Movie Clip Controlling Main Timeline?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a movie clip on the main stage- inside that movie clip is a button- I want that button to contol a function on the main timeline-

example: Button Script

closeAll_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, goCloseAll);
function goCloseAll(e:MouseEvent):void {
****don't know what to put here to activate "closeAllOpenMovieClips" function on main stage****
example: Main Stage Timeline Script
function closeAllOpenMovieClips():void {  trek_mc.gotoAndStop(1); lost_arts_mc.gotoAndStop(1);  rain_mc.gotoAndStop(1);  vintage_mc.gotoAndStop(1);}

***don't know if I need more script on Main Stage Timeline that just "function" ***

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Professional :: Make A Loaded.swf Stop Looping Inside A Movie Clip?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a .swf that loads into a movie clip in a Flash website. The .swf has all necessary stops to play once and stop once loaded. When tested outside of the movie clip, it does what it should, but once loaded, it loops forever and the speed is faster. How do I make this stop looping?  (This only happenes to .swf that were made in CS4, doesn't happen with older .swfs that were made in Macromedia)

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Professional :: Removing A Movie Clip From The Stage?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a simple Flash website with the sections laid out the timeline with labels  In one section called Media, I have a movie instance of a Flash movie gallery player. It loads just fine but when I leave that section to go to another, the sound of the video is still playing Visually it's not seen but the sound still plays.I suspect I need to put some sort of remove commamnd in the script but I'm having trouble getting the right result

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Professional :: Going Back To The Main Frame, From Inside A Movie Clip Time Line?

Mar 29, 2011

In flash CS5 I want to go back to the main time line, from inside a movie clip button, so when i click the the movie clip it goes to another frame on the main time line.. 

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Professional :: Make A Movie Clip Go Back To The Main Stage Once It Is Clicked

Mar 31, 2011

How do i make a movie clip go back to the main stage once it is clicked.. it has a roll in and out which is inside the movie clip.. i have a door and i want it so when you click the door it goes to another key frame on the main stage

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Actions On Movie Clip Inside Another Movie Clip (menu) Won't Work

May 15, 2009

I have a very simple problem but I can't find the very simple solution to it. I've create an animated menu with animated movie clips inside to work as buttons. All the main buttons work perfectely but I've got just on button with a sub-menu. On this sub-menu I've placed an invisible hitarea button in order to place some gotoAndStop action. The thing is, it seems to me like this submenu hitarea are underneath something else (even though is the seccond layers right about the actions layers). I've placed a simple trace action whenever the mouse rolls over this area but I get nothing... Am I doing something really wrong? I'm losing all my hair already.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Movie Clip To Play Unless The Person's Mouse Curser Is On The Movie Clip For More Than A Second

Jun 24, 2010

I am pretty new to ActionScript 3 and Flash. I don't want my movie clip to play unless the person's mouse curser is on the movie clip for more than a second. If the person just runs their curser over the movie clips really quickly, then it should do nothing. It must be more than a second. How do I code that?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: HitTest Movie Clip Hitting Another Inside In A Movie Clip?

Mar 25, 2011

I have in my root:

1 Movie Clip instancied as a "cursor" 1 Movie Clip instancied as a "Mc_Obstacles" with others 5 Movie Clipsand the 5 Movie Clips inside the "Mc_Obstacles" are instancied as "Obstacle" , all with the same instance...I want this: when the mc "cursor" hit one of mcs "obstacles" gotoandstop to frame X then i did in frame with actions in another layer:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Apply A Function To A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip?

Aug 22, 2009

The question is, How do you apply a function to a movie clip inside a movie clip inside a movie clip. So there are three mc and I need to apply the function to the inner most one.

Here is what I have. The 'a' is in 'spin_4' wich needs to be in 'portal'.

ActionScript Code:
for(var i = 1; i<=12; i++){
this.spin_4['a_'+i].onEnterFrame = function(){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Access A Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Through Array?

Feb 11, 2012

i made a movie clip name floor, and inside it are movieclips called plan0, plan1, plan2, plan2, and so on.

so to make it easy, it put the movieclips inside the floor movieclip into an array, like this:

daFloor = new Array();
for(a=0; a<10; a++){
daFloor[a] = "plan"+a


both didn;t work. how to access the inside movieclips through array;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing Movie Clip Inside A Movie Clip Symbol?

Feb 27, 2008

I'm loading an external image into an empty actionscript movie clip (holder1) using MovieClipLoader(); on frame one of my movie and is invisible. Then when the movie plays, there is an empty movie clip symbol (image1_mc) that is placed manually on the stage within another movie clip symbol (flash_mc), and is also on a bottom layer of a mask layer which is animated. Is it possible to place "holder1" inside of "image1_mc" so that I can treat it as if it were an embedded image? In other words, have the image in "holder1" inside of the manually placed movie clip symbol "image1_mc" so that I can use it like a regular symbol on the stage?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Clip Button Inside Movie Clip Won't Work

May 27, 2008

ive got a slider menu which opens when clicked. however the buttons (also mc instanced) inside the slider mc wont work... here is the code:


the slider mc works however i cant seem to get the 'web_MC' to respond..

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Professional :: Animation Inside Movie Clip Symbols In "header" Part Of Website

Aug 15, 2011

Question: i have to make an animated header for the web site. several seconds it's going on and is stoped with action script command stop(); but i need one elenment inside flash-header continue animating like here: [URL] a rolling logo in upper left corner of header. If somewhere the answer has already been written - it would be nice someone write a link to this source.

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