Child - Movie Clip Which Should Turn Up When The Mouse Leaves The Stage Area
Oct 19, 2010
I'm getting no errors on this, Go (comeback) is my movie clip which should turn up when the mouse leaves the stage area and leave when the mouse enters the stage. I know it's probably my removeChild command but I don't know how to fix it.
my problem is I have a scrolling list. I applied a simple fade in on mouse Over and fade out on Mouse Out using tweenMax.The buttons etc within the list cause the mouse Out to fire when the mouse is still over the list. I can not set mouseChildren = false on the playlist as the buttons inside obviously need to work.
So I thought maybe I could detect if the mouse is inside a specific area and fire the tween functions that way.I could use a stage enterFrame event listener, but that would keep firing the Fade in tween while the mouse was inside the area, and same problem with Fade out tween.How can I set it up so the fade in fires only once when mouse enters the area, and fade out only once when it leaves.
I've got a flash movie that is a menu with a photo that is approximatly 700x300. I want an action that will trigger when the mouse leaves the flash movie all together. Is this possibe? Is there a way to have have my movie know when the mouse is not in it and trigger something?
I am going to be working on a site that has various mechanical products for sale. The customer wants me to make a model and movie of each product to show how the product works. Here is an example product:
Flash Clip The problem I am having is, he wants the movie to only play when a user puts their mouse over the video. I attempted doing this with a mp4 file and it worked using jQuery, but only when in Chrome. Here is that link:
MP4 Clip I want these demos to be viewable by the largest possible audience, so I was trying to stay away from Flash (also because I don't know Flash very well if at all). Does anyone know of a way to get this video to work in other browsers like in the second example? If not, how can I achieve that same idea using Flash?
It uses drag-n-drop interactivity. When I drag a MC and drop it in a "drop-box", feedback pops up. When the mouse leaves the drop-box area, the feedback remains. Is there a way I can have the feedback go back to blank when my mouse leaves the drop-box area?
I need to make the cursor turn into to a hand when the user is with the mouse over the movie clip. when I use the following code the entire movie turns into to a hand but I just want it on my movie clip.
I am using the following code to generate a bullet (I have a bullet it the library linked Bullet):
ActionScript Code: function createBullet (bulletSpeed:Number, startx:Number, starty:Number) { var bullet:MovieClip = new Bullet(); bullet.x = startx;
upon the bullet.x getting to less that 50 it deletes the movieclip ok (other instances of the bullet are still onstage, which is what I want) but it gives the error:
ActionScript Code: ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild() at Function/<anonymous>()
I have a clip that rotates to orient itself towards the mouse when the mouse is over a given area. When the mouse leaves the area, the clip snaps back to its original position.
1) the clip snaps directly towards the mouse at the moment the mouse enters the clip; I would like it to actually rotate;
2) the clip snaps directly back to its original position when the mouse leaves the clip; I would like it to ease back into position.
I am developing a website with nav items that cover the whole stage from top to bottom (see altered image below) and it is pretty easy for the user to exit the stage with their mouse, not triggering the MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT events required to "turn off" said nav items.
Should I be using Event.MOUSE_LEAVE to detect when the mouse has left the stage, and turn off any enabled nav items? That is what I been trying to do, but have had trouble getting any output from my listener. Any ideas?
correct method to do this is in here http:[url]....however, Event.MOUSE_LEAVE no longer behaves this way in FP 10.1. i read somewhere that we should now be using Event.DEACTIVATE. this has not been triggering when the mouse leaves the stage area, for me.
I'm working on my personal portfolio site and desperately need help with some AS3. my knowledge about AS3 is very rudimentary. Hope anyone who's I want to change the pointer cursor to custom movieclip when mouseover different invisible buttons. These buttons are mainly forward & backward button for my gallery. I got some help from other site but still unsolved. Please take a look at my fla attachment to point out what's wrong with the coding. To elaborate a little bit more as what I wish to achieve you can take a look at the sample URL...I just need the pointer cursor to turn to custom mc when it mouseover the hit area of the respective buttons.
I've got a large item on screen that can be dragged around by the mouse. I've simply put an invisible button on the item with:
on(press) { this.startDrag(); }
but if I move the mouse pointer outside the stage area while dragging the item and release the mouse button the release is not detected and the drag stays activated and I have to bring the pointer back to the stage and click and release on the button again to stop the drag.
Is there a way to deactivate a drag when the mouse is released outside the bounds of the stage, perhaps by using a different method that doesn't rely on a button?
startDrag(); seems to stop dragging once the mouse leaves the stage. Is there a way to set it to still drag when off the stage. The exhaustive search I've tried only says things about capture the event for the mouse leaving the stage, not continue any dragging or animation, etc. In more detail, I have a "flashlight" type sprite that covers everything with black, and allows the user to see a small circle of stage. The center of the circle is where the mouse is. When the mouse goes over the edge, half of the circle (or more depending on how fast the mouse moved) is still visible. I need it to at least move off stage completely.
[URL]I'm using this code and I made some changes like freezing the rotation when the mouse is over the rotation entities. But I'd like to stop rotation when the mouse leaves the stage. How can I do?This is my code
I am attempting to add a movie clip to the stage when a button is triggered. When the user clicks the button the movie clip is added to the stage; it works fine, but the following problems occur:
1) The appearance of the movie clip is delayed.
2) The sound in the movie clip starts to play but the movie clip appears when the sound is finished.
Additional information: 1) The movie clip has the sound in the timeline.Here is the code:
Actionscript Code: //Buttons: Adds movie clip to stage.readtomeShortA1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playShortAReadMe1);var playShortA1:ShortAReadMe1function..[code].....
2) However, I also want to know is keeping the sound in the timeline of the movieclip the most efficient way to use sound in the movieclip? Or is there better, more efficient way to do it?
Is it possible to add a child state to a movie clip that is already placed on stage,i need to do this so i can move the movieclip to the top of the display list.
I have a AS3 Android Application that is playing background music but when the user leaves the application, the music still is playing in the background. Is there a method to call that senses the user leaving the application so that I can turn off my music?
I have a customised movie clip that replaces the original mouse pointer arrow. It plays well within the stage (when published onto IE), however, when the mouse moves OUTSIDE of stage, the movie clip disappears to be replaced by the arrow instead.
How can I have my movie clip (for the mouse pointer) to play inside and outside of stage?
I know we can track when the mouse has left the stage area in AS3.
But, can it reset a button that would have stayed in its "on" state?
My swf will be embedded in a web page, there are 24 buttons all around its border, and as soon as the mouse leaves the stage, they stay "on", so I want to reset them to the initial state.
I have an mc, that i need to have follow the mouse on the x axis.I have that just fine.But my problem is that i need a certain frame within the mc to play if the mouse is at a certain area of the stage.For example,if the mouse is at the x coordinate of 235 to the left, frame 2 of the movieclip will play. I uploaded just a test fla that i was practicing on.
i am trying to use the Tween class to change the size of movie clip to certain height.the code works for me but when resizing the parent, it effects the child.i tried the height and scaleY property for the thum, but does not work.
I made this Code to scale the movie when mouse is over and turn it to the normal size when mouse out, I got this error and i don't understand it (TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "mc1" to flash.display.MovieClip. at Scaling_fla::MainTimeline/DoMe()TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "mc1" to flash.display.MovieClip. at Scaling_fla::MainTimeline/reDoMe()
Is there a way to set a clip area for a movie clip or sprite so that it will not draw out of that particular area? I am using a drop shadow, and it doesn't look right if the shadow passes a certain boundary, so I wanted to find a way to force it not to draw out of a particular area.
I have an Movie Clip in Flash that have subobject of button type which has subobject of input text and movie clips. Right after creation core Moveclip all subobject are set to null, when I expect them to be valid objects.
MC_Core_design was created in Flash and exported to Actionscript. I've done this for button_1 class aswell. The code was written using Flex. When I comment out both lines that result in error I get correct view of the core Movie clip with all subobject. How can I set subobject properties right after object creation?